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Grissom gives Jack Daniel's Update |
From: Don Grissom
To: CBBQA List
Cc: Carolyn Wells ; Tana Shupe; Jack Daniels Invitational
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 3:42 PM
Subject: [CBBQA] 2002 Jack Daniels Invitational Draw: California Draw Participants
I believe the following analysis to be correct. Then again it was of my ancestors that lost the family BBQ pit in a bet with some sailor back in the 1400's betting the Earth was flat.
On September 5, 2002 Tana Shupe, Coordinator of the Jack Daniels Invitational, will be conducting the various State Draws (including the California Draw) and the Final ("wild card") Draw of those teams not selected in the various State Draws.
Below as reference is Tana's e-mail explaining the details of the State and Final Draws.
In California during the "draw year", September 1, 2001 through August 31, 2002, I believe there were five contests that were designated as "California State Championships". The Grand Champions of each will be entered into the California Draw:
9-8-01 "BBQ 4 Kids", El Cajon, CA: Grand Champ = Out Of This World BBQ
3-23-02 "Beachfront", Imperial Beach, CA: Grand Champ = Mojave Hot Stuff
5-11-02 "Shake, Rattle & Smoke", Azusa, CA: Grand Champ = Change Smokers
7-5-02 "Surf & Turf", Imperial Beach, CA, CA: Grand Champ = USA Smoke
8-3-02 "Go For The Gold", Azusa, CA: Grand Champ = Change Smokers
It is unknown if USA Smoke won any other State Championship that was the only championship for that state, if so then they will receive an automatic invite to the J.D. and not be included in the pending California Draw.
Change Smokers will be entered into the California Draw twice since Ed Bell and his crew won two California State Championships (way to go Ed and Martin!!).
So, if USA Smoke is included in the California Draw, there will be five entries (with two of them being Change Smokers), assuming all the qualified teams verify to Tana Shupe their availability to compete (believe Tana will be contacting each team to verify their availability prior to the draw on September 5):
Out Of This World BBQ = 20% Chance of winning the California Draw
Mojave Hot Stuff = 20% Chance of winning the California Draw
*Change Smokers = 20% Chance of winning the California Draw
USA Smoke = 20% Chance of winning the California Draw
*Change Smokers = 20% Chance of winning the California Draw
*Change Smokers, due to two California State Championship wins will have a 40% total Chance of winning the California Draw. Not bad for a team using clay pots to cook in (Kamado's).
Also of interest this year is the win of Vic Sessions' team, Asleep At The Grill, of the April 6, 2002 "Inaugural Six Shooter BBQ Blow-Out", Tucson, Arizona. It was the only Arizona State Championship this year thus Asleep At The Grill will get an automatic invite to the J.D.. Congrats Vic, Sissy & Crew!!
Not sure about Mad Mamma & 'da Kids J.D. drawing status. They've won a bunch of contests this year including the very prestigious August 4, 2002 Canada National Championships. Hopefully Melanie will let us know their situation regarding the J.D. draws.
Dueling Bubbas due to being the 2001 CBBQA Team of the Year will be in the Final ("wild card") Draw but not in the California Draw. Believe I previously erroneously posted to the CBBQA List the CBBQA ToY goes into the California Draw and then if not drawn into the Final ("wild card") Draw. My error, sorry. Teams of The Year of the various BBQ associations recognized by J.D. only go into the Final ("wild card") Draw.
It is unknown at this time how many teams will be in the Final ("wild card") Draw nor is it known how many teams will be selected in the Final ("wild card") Draw.
Flowers, candy, and other suitable gifts for Tana can be sent to Derek and he'll be sure to deliver to Tana prior to the drawings in Lynchburg (yeah, right).
Wish all the teams Luck on September 5,
Don & Derek
Dueling Bubbas
----- Original Message -----
Sent: July 31, 2002 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: American Royal
In addition to the usual "automatic" entries (last year's JD Grand Champ, MIM, American Royal Open Champ from last year, Houston, and the winner of the World Barbeque Association contest in San Diego), teams that won a "state championship" in a state in which there is ONLY one state championship will be invited; any team that is the ONLY team in a state to win a Grand Championship (wherever the win occurred) will be invited.
After that, the draw will begin with the "state championships" or events in which 50 or more teams competed in that state will be drawn (i.e. if Tennessee has five state championships and one contest with 50 or more teams, those six names would go into the Tennessee draw unless one of the qualifying teams has automatically qualified otherwise). The team drawn will be invited.
Another clarification: if a team has won numerous qualifying events, their name will go into the state draw once for each contest won (i.e. if Team ABC won one contest in Tennessee and three in Missouri, their name would be in the Tennessee draw one time and in the Missouri draw three times.) After all "state" draws are completed, each remaining team's name will go into the final draw one time only, and one team will be selected ... sort of a "wild card."
Is that all clear as mud. Whew!! It's a tough process, but fair to all I think.
The draw will be held on Thursday, September 5th at the Visitor's Center in Lynchburg at around 11:00-12:00 noon.
:) Tana
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