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Dr. BBQ's REAL DEAL Competition Class
March 10-11, 2007, Saturday / Sunday
Napredak Hall
770 Montague Expressway,
San Jose California 95131 |
BBqbyDan Index of Past BBQ Events & Write-ups > |
Dr. BBQ ( Ray Lampe ) |
Darry Smith, Dan, Kim, Ray, Brent |
Kim, Brent, Cheryl, Denny Bart
Ben Lobenstein, Kim Walton,
Nate Stein
Ray Lampe (Dr. BBQ) &
Glen Stanley |
Brent & Tom (Tom is from Colorado)
Posted to,
the forum message area by Dave & Denny Bart
Well, I'd like to post a
BIG THANKS to Smitty for the GREAT JOB he did in setting up this was great fun! Not only did we learn a great deal from Ray,
it was a real joy meeting everyone. Deny and I truely enjoyed the
experience. A big hats off to you Smitty, and by the way, what's your
favorite drink, because I owe you one. Oh yes, and I owe Pat Burke a BIG
THANKS for lending me his was out-of-this-world. One more
thought, someone made corn bread on Sunday afternoon. I didn't get a
chance to find out who the cook was, but let me tell you, it was
fantastic. Sorry I didn't get a chance to tell you in person.
Posted to, the
forum message area by Laurence Hill
Dr BBQ did one great job,
he is a great guy, thanks so much ... Smity Thanks for all your work,
you done good.
Oh yes and QN4U thanks to both of you, great job on everything .
Posted to,
the forum message area by Randy Freitas
I'd like to thank Smitty
for organizing the class. It was a perfect weekend. Ray is one of the
best teachers and was great about sharing what he's learned with us.
Neil, that was my Caldera Tallboy. It worked great. I usually don't set
it up at night and let it run through the night. During the night,
(while I was sleeping and had too many beers to get up) it burned more
fuel than I thought it would. As a result, the temp dropped. Everything
was ok, but it took longer to bring the brisket up to 190. They make a
magnum fire box now that holds 3 times as much charcoal.
Thanks again to everyone that helped out over the weekend.
Posted to,
the forum message area by Darry Smith
Thanks to all that helped
with this past weekend's event.
Thanks also to the CBBQA and it's members for their support.
A couple of pictures can be found here as well-
Posted to,
the forum message area by Tim Mar
The Dr. BBQ Class was great! Gina and I learned so much Ray Lampe, Brent
and Kim Walton, Dan Cannon and all the other experienced cookers. If we
had entered a KCBS competition without taking this class, I know I would
have made several cooking timeline and presentation mistakes leading up
to turn-in. The class also gave Dan Diaz, Howard Chi and I the chance to
really see what that Tucker Cooker can do in a competition style
environment. It was also great just meeting the people involved with
Posted to,
the forum message area by Glen Stanley
Lessons I learned at this class:
Boy do I have some "Rookie Mistakes" to add to the list.........
#1 I have heard people say that the instructors in these classes hold
back the really good information, and don’t give up their true secrets
and techniques. I don’t believe this is true, and I don’t believe it was
true for this class either. Dr. BBQ gave us tons of excellent
information, he answered all of our questions without hesitation, and he
took us through a BBQ competition the way he would go through one. I was
on information overload about ½ way through the class.
Besides, the class is called “Dr. BBQ’s Real Deal Competition Class” not
“ I’ll Just Give Away All My Hard Earned Techniques And Secrets That
Took Me 25 Long Years To Develop Class.”
I have also heard people (who have actually attended one of these
classes) say it will take years off your competition BBQ learning curve.
I now know for a fact that this is the true statement.
#2 When Brent hands you one of his knives and says “Be careful, it’s
REALLY sharp,” he REALLY means it. Also, those little metal serrated
edges on the aluminum foil box are sharp too.
Neil, that’s not a look of intense concentration on my face in the
picture, its pain and frustration. That is Brent’s knife I’m using.
#3 Even though Dr. BBQ’s rub doesn’t taste salty, it still burns pretty
good when you get it in your eye, and in your cuts.
#4 Rubber medical gloves don’t provide the same level of heat protection
that leather welders gloves do. I switched tasks in a hurry, and didn’t
switch gloves. Damn, those metal grates get hot…..
#5 If you don’t wrap your brisket with foil the right way, and don’t
take care moving it from the warmer chest to the table, all those hot
juices that have accumulated inside will run out onto you leg. Damn,
those juices stay hot…..
#6 This was probably the most important lesson I learned: People who are
6’-5” tall don’t work well under EZ-Ups that are raised to 6’-2” high. I
think I must have hit my head about 15 times. Once, I hit it so hard I
actually bit my tongue.
#7 San Jose is a long drive from Mission Viejo. It’s a REALLY long drive
when your going on about an hours worth of sleep, and all you want to do
is take a long hot shower, crawl into your own bed, and get about 10
hours sleep.
I drove home from this class dead tired and sore. I had cuts on my
fingers and on my tongue, burns on my hands and leg, and several bumps
on my head. I was sweaty, dirty, smelled like I spent the night inside
someone’s chimney, and had BBQ sauce in places that I have absolutely no
explanation for how it got there. And yet I drove home thinking this was
one of the best times I have ever had. I learned so much, and I met so
many great BBQ people. I have a new found confidence in my ability to
break into this sport. And I can’t wait until this weekend so I can
practice what I learned.
I also drove home thinking I should change my team name from "Smell My
Butts BBQ" to "BBQ By Clutz"
I want to thank Smitty for doing such a great job making this a good
experience. Every time I saw him, he was working his butt off.
Thanks to Ray Lampe for putting on such a great class. He is a very good
instructor, and lots of fun to talk to, and be around.
I also want to thank Brent Walton and Dan Cannon for helping me become
one with my smoker. For a while there, I had visions of running my WSM’s
over with my truck…..
I would highly recommend one of these classes, especially to someone who
is new to this sport. It’s much better to learn from someone else’s
mistakes, than to learn from your own.
Posted to,
the forum message area by Dan Cannon
Ditto to everything everybody said. All is true. I had a GREAT time and
I learned a lot.
Thanks Darry (and your team) for doing such a great job and being so
detail orientated. Everything and every detail was handled perfectly.
Ray was the perfect instructor. Together your team provided a perfect
environment and class. Brent & Kim were also a big help and resource to
make it even extra special!
That cornbread on Sunday was absolutely fantastic!!! It really hit the
spot after all the meats. The jalapeno and moisture content was really
perfect. I also congratulate whoever made it and am also sorry I could
not say so personally. If the recipe is not confidential I would love to
learn how to do it.
Thanks again to Ray Lampe, Darry, and all the Green Egg folks for the
great class and weekend.
Posted to,
the forum message area by
Matt Fryer
Wow! Its Wednesday and I had my first day at work without dragging. What
a great experience! I learned so much overnight, I wonder why I sleep at
all. :)
Thanks to Ray for talking me through my first shoulder and brisket.
Thanks to Kim and Brent for all their conversation and help. Dan Cannon:
I will never look at my WSM the same again. I think your heating unit
should only be used in Mexico re: lawsuit, but I appreciated it
Greetings out to Ed Anhorn who let me ride on his gynormous Fast Eddy,
and which will mean I buy (a smaller) one. And to Harry McQueen and
Sheryl Crow. And to everyone else. What a great, non-competitive
introduction to competition!
Finally, Smitty, who, with his crew, made sure we all had meat, food,
coffee, and a place to learn. Many thanks.
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06 Jan 2015 12:33
