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ClovisFest, Red, Hot, & Real
A California State BBQ Championship
September 22 - 24, 2006
Downtown Clovis
KCBS Sanctioned
< BBqbyDan Index of Past BBQ Events & Write-ups >
Chicken |
1st - All Hogs Go to
2nd - Southern Style
3rd - Carolina Kitchen
4th - Jerry King
5th - Porchinators
Ribs |
1st - Otis & the Bird
2nd - BBQbyDan
3rd - Carolina Kitchen
4th - Smokey J's Bar B Que
5th - Jerry King
Pork |
1st - All Hogs Go to
2nd - Otis & the Bird
3rd - QN4U
4th - Ridgeback BBQ
5th - All Hogs go to Heaven
Brisket |
1st - Asleep at the
2nd - Jerry King
3rd - We B Qn
4th - Burbank Bad boys
5th - The Tops BBQ Team
Butt |
1st - The Pit Stop
2nd - Addicted to Rub
3rd - Gourmet Grills
Grill |
1st - Burnt by the Best
2nd - BBQbyDan-
Grand Champion -
Reserve Champion -
Jerry King of Midland Texas
Otis and the Bird |
Pork Ribs
Anything Butt - Saturday
Anything Butt - Sunday
Sponsored by
Grand Champion
(Sunday) - The Pit Stop
1st The
Pit Stop
2nd QN4U
3rd BBQbyDan
4th Porchinators
5th 155 South
6th Southern Style
7th Tropical Heat
8th Wahoo & KJ
9th Out of This World BBQ
10th All Hogs Go to Heaven
11th We BQN |
1st The
Pit Stop
2nd QN4U
3rd Southern Style
4th BBQbyDan
5th Wahoo & KJ
6th Porchinators
7th All Hogs Go to
8th Tropical Heat (tie)
8th Out of This World (tie)
10th 155 South
11th We BQN |
ClovisFest, Red, Hot, & Real, 2006
One of the BEST, if NOT THE BEST,
BBQ Cook-Offs we currently have in California. We are treated so nice
by the SaveMart Staff, , especially Sharon Blakely and Don Bean.
However, the rest of the staff that it takes to make everything happen
are always so nice, polite, helpful, and proactive to the teams cooking
requirements. I do speak from personal experience but know the
"team-friendly" can-do attitude does prevail everywhere.
Since I always use the same template for writing and everyone probably
knows exactly what I will be saying, in what paragraph, what order, and
so on... I will try another format, a bit more cryptic, however
informational, and more to the point. But more importantly, less
predictable and different! Highlights of the weekend were:
 Lee & Bobbie McWright provide a "BBQ Presentation" seminar and
facilitate the Fiesta Grill Challenge
An hour long seminar on how to make up your presentation trays was given by Lee
and Bobbie McWright, of BBQ Team Music City Pig Pals. They were here in
the capacity of organizing and facilitating the Fiesta Grill Challenge, . But, generously showed great camaraderie, friendship, and
assistance in their areas of expertise to all the BBQ teams that were
willing to attend and participate. Over
the years I have followed their great BBQ accomplishments and successes.
It was a thrill to meet and talk to them for the first time. That is not
to mention what a great speaker and organizer Lee is while handling the
stage, keeping events moving, on track, and all while displaying a
genuine kindness and endearment truly felt by all
participants and those in attendance.
Dr. BBQ (Ray Lampe) giving good advice, judging, and opinion Dr. BBQ was in attendance and was a great addition as a judge to the
Fiesta Challenge. His ideas, comments, and comparisons to other
Challenges were thoughtful and provided a new insight to how other
participants are doing these events in other cities. He thought that folks in California were a bit more creative than some other locations.
On Saturday night Ray was great company sitting around the tables after
all the business of the day and award presentations were over. It was
nice to hear the ideas, thoughts, and opinions, of somebody that has
attended and participated in a LOT of BBQ events, on a daily and weekly basis, all over the
country. Sunday morning Dr. BBQ and Kelley also volunteered and stepped right up to the "judging plate"
and pretty much managed and handled the "SaveMart Anything But" contest.
Brent also helped organize the event in a very limited way as well
but he was also a participant and was somewhat limited in his functions.
We had roughly 10-14 teams participating in the Tritip and Chicken
contest. The contest went perfectly. Turn-in's were at 11:30 and noon,
awards at 02:00pm. Presented by Dr. BBQ and Don Bean.
Sponsorship by:
SaveMart Food Markets,
McCormick Seasonings,
Fiesta Grills,
Especially SaveMart. As usual, the best
contest ever!!! What else can I say. No detail was left to
chance. You should have seen the Grand and Reserve trophies! To me they seemed a
Clovis Western themed bronze cast trophy, truly beautiful. They were
miniatures of what is located at the city limits of Clovis. I am sure
they "broke the sponsors bank". Jerry King
and Otis and the Bird were the lucky recipients of these Clovis
signature trophies and probably have never received anything quite like
them. Also, lets not forget the great dinner provided both Friday and Saturday
night by SaveMart and their dinner sponsor. We had Rigatoni pasta, garlic
bread, and salad on Friday. And Saturday night a fantastic quantity of
pizza delivered to our tables, in the middle of street , in the
middle of the Clovis, which was closed for our to use throughout the evening and the afternoon of the next
day, Sunday. Some Well Deserved Winners: I want to congratulate some great and deserving winners. I just
picked a few of the great winners to mention below. There were of
course so many that did a GREAT job I could not mention them all!
The Pit Stop, Pete Weaver, Pam Gram, and Pam's Mother. What a great event it was for them. Their team took 1st in the Saturday
Anything-But category as well as 1st in the Sunday Anything-But
challenge. What more can I say except that Pam has the Anything-But
category locked up and likes to "play outside the sandbox" apparently.
- Burnt by the Best, the Meredith family
Who also did fantastic and took the Fiesta Challenge. Lee
mentioned that they not only won, but had higher scores and accolades
than previous participants of these challenges across the country. Not
to mention that there is a senior citizen (Bentley and Kristin's mother & it is not polite to
mention age) on the team who worked very hard and her experience
definitely showed the rest of us young whipper-snapper's a thing or two.
Great job folks! - Poor Todd, Out of this World BBQ They disqualified his Brisket entry as a hair was found in his box. Oh
noooo, Todd, say it isn't soooo!!! You have no hair on your head, where did that come from?
A big thanks to Brent and Kim, QN4U I am sure they did a bunch of organizing for this event behind the
scenes. Their expert knowledge and experience about BBQ Cook-Offs
definitely translates into being great advisors and assistants to our
sponsors and organizers. Ensuring things will pretty much go
perfectly, every time! Not to mention they founded this event last year.
Thanks for all you do for our
beloved BBQ passion.
I will wrap this up and in closing want to thank our great organizational
participants. All the folks from SaveMart, Fiesta Grills, McCormick
seasonings, KCBS representative, Judges, Kelley & Kathlean (helping
everywhere as well as their journalistic duties) and everybody else
that had a part in making this one of the best events I have ever
Also, what great participation by all the teams.
It was nice to see everybody attending. This is the most attended
event I have ever attended in California since I have been involved in BBQ (1997).
It is nice to see new and old faces and visit with new and old friends.
To all the teams I did not get a chance to visit I do regret that.
Sorry, will try and be more sociable next time! I was REALLY busy
at this event and did not even get a chance to break away once during
the contest and visit. Walt & Gene N., I really planned on
and wanted to especially get by, visit a bit, and say hi and did not make it, next
I got the okay from the CBBQA board to plan and make the announcement
for the upcoming Q-Fest at East Shore. That will be February
10-11-12, 2007. GOSH, can you believe it, it is LESS than 133 days
away!!!!!!! We already have all the same spots reserved that we
have had for the last few years. Everybody can plan on having
their original or new spots. The worksheet and announcement will
go out net week! Please mark your calendars and plan on
attending. Dan Cannon |
QN4U, Brent & Kim's Pit
Pet & Pam, the Pit Stop
Arizona Kid, Roger Wagner
Team Tropical Heat
BBQbyDan setup, day |
BBQbyDan setup, night
Todd & Dan
Fiesta Grills, waiting for the
challenge |
Me, cooking Tritip for the Sunday
Anything-Butt (we got 4th in Tritip)
the Pit Stop took 1st in Tritip & Chicken!!!
Lee interviewing Rick & Jessica
(daughter) during Fiesta Challenge |
Rick & Jessica Streiff |
Team Simple Green (Todd) on left.
Rick & Jessica, Team BBQbyDan at the Fiesta Challenge
Jessica turning in
BBQbyDan Fiesta Grill desert submission
Rick & Jessica |
Team BBQbyDan
Anything Butt turn-in
Celebrity Fiesta Grill Judges,
Starting with Dr. BBQ (Ray Lampe), local news reporter, followed by the
Grand Champion, Jerry King from Midland Texas
Team BBQbyDan
taking a 2nd place
in Pork Ribs |
Team BBQbyDan
taking a 9th place
for Brisket |
Team BBQbyDan
taking a 3rd place
for Chicken in Sunday's Anything-Butt and 4th for Tritip. Cooked on
Fiesta Grill shown in picture,
Folks relaxing, playing Texas Hold'em,
and relaxing later in the evening |
Folks relaxing after awards having
Pizza provided by SaveMart
Team QN4U,
Kim and Brent, relaxing after a hard weekend enjoying some pizza
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06 Jan 2015 12:33