COOKED ON SITE-- All meats will be cooked on-site without
pre-cooking or marinating. Meats must be inspected by the
Head Judge to assure that the meat is not prepared prior to
the official start. You may however trim your meat prior to
the event. Once your meat has passed inspection you may
begin cooking anytime after 9:00 pm on 07-24-07.
are to prepare and cook in as sanitary manner as possible.
Cooking conditions are subject to inspection by the judging
committee. Infractions identified by the judging committee
shall be immediately corrected or the cook will be subject
to disqualification.
This event only recognizes one entry (one chief cook) per
pit. No two teams can share the same pit. Both teams will be
subject to disqualification if found in violation of this
rule. Notwithstanding, multiple entries in the same category
by the same cook and multiple entries from the same piece of
meat shall not be allowed.
cooking device that is inherently portable and by design
used to bbq and/or grill. This includes commercial or
homemade, trailered or untrailered units. A bbq pit may use
gas, wood, electricity as a heat source. No emu or in ground
pits are allowed at this contest.
ribs of any type and chicken. A mystery meat will be
provided by the promoter at 9:00 am on Saturday. The mystery
meat must be cooked using garlic, also provided.
SYSTEM-- Each tray will be marked with a double ticket
bearing the same number, one firmly attached to the top of
the judging tray in a manner which hides the number of the
other ticket easily removed by the cook for retention.
Winning numbers will not be revealed until time to announce
each place in each category.
Styrofoam clamshell containers, approximately 8 inches
square, will be provided to the cooks during the cooks
meeting or be made available through the Head Judge. It is
encouraged that you attend the cooks meeting scheduled for
9:00 am Saturday morning. This is an opportunity to answer
any questions you may have regarding the rules of this
event. All judging containers shall be clean and free of any
markings. Marked containers may be disqualified at the Head
Judges discretion. Cooks are responsible for insuring that
the containers they receive remain clean and undamaged.
CONTENTS-- Each judging tray shall contain no less then the
following: RIBS -- seven (7) individual cut ribs, CHICKEN --
seven (7) individual pieces such as 7 thighs, 7 slices of
breast, etc. Any entry that does not contain at least 7 of
the same individual cuts will be disqualified. Mystery meat
must contain seven (7) individual servings also. No garnish.
Straight meat. Presentation will be based on how well you
present your meat and how it appeals to the eye. You may
howver add sauce over the meat or on the side or in a cup as
long as it is in the container
Chicken- 1:00 pm
Mystery Meat- 1:30 pm
Ribs- 2:00 pm
A turn-in window of
five (5) minutes before and after the set times will be
recognized. Judging trays received after that time will not
be accepted. The official clock will be visible to all cooks
and be displayed at the judging booth.
JUDGES-- A minimum of
six (6) judges will be utilized during the judging.
SCORING-- Judges will
score each meat on presentation, taste, and tenderness. A
score of 1 - 9 will be assigned to each category. 1 being
the lowest and 9 being the highest. Your score will reflect
the total points earned in each category. Example:
presentation - 7, taste - 8, tenderness - 7 total score =
22. In the event of a tie, the cook with the highest
combined score of taste and tenderness shall prevail. In the
event this does not break the tie, a coin flip will decide.
PRIZES-- Trophies for
1-2 place and a plaque for 3rd. In addition, each category
will pay a cash prize of $250 for first place, $150 for
second place, and $100 for third place.
ENTRY FEE-- $100 per