The California "BBQ Hall of Fame" was established in 2007
to recognize CBBQA members who personify the very best of what the CBBQA
stands for:
- Service, Competition, and Education
Long term (5 years minimum)
and current membership and service to all
members in, and involved with, the California BBQ Association (CBBQA).
A history of community service through CBBQA
& BBQ projects.
A history of BBQ competition (as a cook, judge,
training or an event representative).
A willingness and history of educational service (training new teams, judges,
and community education, etc.) to all. Each year
current CBBQA members are identified, nominated, and then voted upon
by the Hall of Fame membership for appointment and award
presentation by the
CBBQA Board of Directors and attending HOF members.
* Dan Cannon
* Gene Goycochea
* Brent Walton
* Kim Walton
* Frank Boyer
* Ric Gilbert
* Randy Gille
* Kelly McIntosh
* Kathleen McIntosh
* Ben Lobenstein
* Laurence Hill
* Bill Keyes
* Steve Madaule
* Donna Fong
* Thom Emory
* Darry Smith
* Harry Soo
* Andy Soto
* Stephan Franklin
* Jerry Aguilar
* Hayward Harris
* Sterling ball |
- Inaugural Inductee February 10,
- Inaugural Inductee February 10, 2007
- Inducted February 9, 2008
- Inducted February 9, 2008
- Inducted February 14th, 2009
- Inducted February 14th, 2009
- Inducted February 6th, 2010
- Inducted February 12th, 2011
- Inducted February 12th, 2011
- Inducted February 12th, 2011
- Inducted February 12th, 2012
- Inducted February 9th, 2013
- Inducted February 10th, 2014
- Inducted February 8th, 2015
- Inducted January 30th, 2016
- Inducted January 21st, 2017
- Inducted January 21st, 2017
- Inducted February 13th, 2018
- Inducted February 13th, 2018
- Inducted February 28th, 2019
- Inducted February 28th, 2019
- Inducted February 28th, 2019 |
California BBQ
Association Hall of Fame

Above, picture taken at BBQ-Bivouac / Q-Fest, San Dimas.
All California BBQ Association "Hall of Fame" Inductees presented in
From the left top - Brent Walton, Kim Walton, Frank Boyer, Ric
Gilbert, Dan Cannon (BBQbyDan), Randy Gille, Ben Lobenstein, Darry Smith, Harry Soo,
& Thom Emery
From the left bottom - Jerry Aguilar, Hayward Harris, Sterling
Ball, Andrew Soto, Stephan Franklin, Donna Fong,
Steve Madule, Bill Keyes, Lawrence Hill, Kelly McIntosh, Kathleen
McIntosh, & Gene Goycochea
2007 Inaugural Inductee

Dan Cannon
(BBQbyDan) - Inducted
February 10, 2007
Gene Goycochea - Inducted
February 10, 2007
As printed in Smokin'
Times, March 2007 edition of National Barbecue News:
Two individuals consistently stand out for their community service,
willingness to share and educate, and their longstanding dedication
Dan Cannon and Gene Goycochea, the first inductees to the CBBQA Hall
of Fame, have made their mark successfully competing in BBQ and
serve as an example to others of spirit and comradeship.
Dan is a founding member of the Southern California BBQ Association
(SCBBQA), the predecessor to CBBQA, where he served twice as
president. This organizer of Q-Fest has been both a grand champion
and a reserve grand champion of past KCBS competitions. Dan has
volunteered countless times to help serve and assist at charity
Gene Goycochea is another founding member of SCBBQA and has taken on
the presidency 2-1/2 times. He is both a rep and an instructor. A
skilled cooker, he has placed 1st in brisket at the American Royal.
He is best known, however, for his dedication to children’s
charities having organized many events including the Imperial Beach
Surf & Turf the proceeds of which are donated to young children in
Both men started competing in BBQ at the same time so it is
appropriate that they were both inducted together to the CBBQA Hall
of Fame.

Dan Cannon (BBQbyDan - left) & presenter Thom Emery
10-Feb-2007, Gene Goycochea (Left) and Dan Cannon (Middle) are
inducted into California BBQ Hall of Fame
by Thom Emery, CBBQA 2007
2008 Inductee Class

Brent Walton, Gene Goycochea,
Kim Walton, Dan Cannon
Brent Walton - Inducted
February 9, 2008
Kim Walton - Inducted
February 9, 2008
Brent Walton and Kim Walton are inducted into California BBQ
Association Hall of Fame by current members Gene Goycochea and Dan
Cannon. Both Brent and Kim were equally acknowledged for their
skills and individual accomplishments in the BBQ community over the
last six years. Brent and Kim, as BBQ team QN4U, have set an
unprecedented award winning pace in the west coast world of BBQ.
They have served on the CBBQA board, created state championship BBQ
contests in Modesto and Clovis California, put together and attended
Military charitable events, won more State championships than any
other team in California, and provided BBQ Competition classes to
teach all involved in BBQ how to accomplish what they have learned
to do so well. AND, that does not begin to touch on the positive
attitude and results they have brought to the California BBQ
community overall (not to mention the country) through all of their
extensive BBQ educational, competition, charitable, and community
service activities. In general they have made a name and reputation
for BBQ excellence throughout the United States. Together they have
created a new level of BBQ achievement and excellence that we all
can aspire to and work towards. Congratulations to both Brent and Kim for their tremendous
dedication and commitment to BBQ and this well deserved salutation.
2009 Inductee Class

14-Feb-2009, Frank Boyer (right) being inducted into the
California BBQ Hall of Fame
by Gene Goycochea and Dan Cannon.
Above Frank is fully acknowledged for his skills and individual
accomplishments in the BBQ community well over the last two decades.
Per Frank's acceptance his history goes back to the early 1990's.
Frank is a true pioneer in the creation, development, and
implementation, of BBQ growth and activities in California. Working
and partnering with folks to create BBQ events, BBQ classes, and BBQ
activities in California when nobody else even knew what real BBQ
was. Frank served early on as one of the founding Presidents of the
CBBQA, created & organized some of the first state championship BBQ
contests in California, put together BBQ Cooking classes with
legends like Paul Kirk and other great BBQ pioneers to provide BBQ
Competition classes. Frank also organizes a yearly Northern
California CBBQA Picnic to teach all involved (beginners & experts)
in BBQ how to cook great backyard BBQ or win a BBQ contest. Here is
a long overdue congratulations and well deserved Hall of Fame
induction presented to Frank for his, dedication, tenacity, and
commitment, to BBQ and the BBQ family and community.

14-Feb-2009, Ric Gilbert (blue jacket) being inducted into the
Califoria BBQ Hall of Fame
by Gene Goycochea, Dan Cannon, & Brent Walton
Above Ric is being acknowledged for his selfless dedication towards
charitable events, BBQ organizational skills, educational efforts,
and individual accomplishments in the BBQ community over the last
decade that benefits everybody he makes contact with. Ric stated in
his acceptance that he started in the BBQ community at the Pasa
Tiempo California State BBQ Championship organized by Frank Boyer in
late 1990's. Ric is truly dedicated to the continuance of charitable
activities, organized educational contests and events, and in
keeping a tradition and history of planned events and activities
occurring yearly in Northern California. This of course only
facilitates the growth of BBQ and related charitable activities in
California. Congratulations to Ric Gilbert for his commitment,
selflessness, dedication, and commitment to BBQ for this well
deserved Hall of Fame induction.
Congratulations to all new inductees and continued success in your
BBQ accomplishments !!!
2010 Inductee Class

6-Feb-2010, Randy Gille, right, being inducted into the
California BBQ Hall of Fame
by CBBQA President, Laurence Hill
Above Randy Gille is being acknowledged for his continued dedication
(especially Church and Military) towards many charitable events, and
his organizational accomplishments in the BBQ community over the
years that benefit everybody he makes contact with. Congratulations
Randy for your continued and ongoing commitment and selfless
dedication to BBQ, our organization, and the many folks you touch
every year with your assistance and generosity. Welcome from your
BBQ family on your well deserved 2010 entry into the California BBQ
Hall of Fame.
2011 Inductee Class, 1st & 2nd
of 3 inductees

12-Feb-2011, Kelly & Kathleen McIntosh, above, being inducted
into the California BBQ Hall of Fame.
Above Kelly & Kathleen McIntosh are being acknowledged for their
long hours, weekly travel through all the years, and dedicated
consistency in helping to make their BBQ contests the best managed,
judged, team friendly, and reliably scored !!! Besides for making
BBQ events in general happen by their availability. Especially in
California as the best and most dedicated KCBS and IBCAA certified
representatives. Over the last 5 years their contributions have
benefited the CBBQA, all BBQ competition teams, BBQ contest
organizers, and everybody that enjoys and is involved with BBQ.
Congratulations Kelly and Kathleen for everything you have done for
all BBQ enthusiasts. Welcome both from your BBQ family on your well
deserved 2011 entry into the California BBQ Hall of Fame.
2011 Inductee Class, 3rd
of 3inductees

12-Feb-2011, Ben Lobenstein, above, being inducted into the
Califoria BBQ Hall of Fame.
Above Ben Lobenstein is being acknowledged for his dedication to
making BBQ contests happen as a dedicated and fantastic BBQ
Contests/Events Organizer and Facilitator. Consistently ensuring
through long hours, over past years, and dedicated consistency, in
helping to make his BBQ contests the best organized, managed, and
team friendly. Not to mention making BBQ events happen and come into
existence where otherwise there would not be any. AND, lest we not
forget to mention his dedication to making the California BBQ
Association website, exist, current, and function in a
dynamic and processional fashion. This is no easy task and takes
button-pushing on a daily basis, not to mention being on the
receiving end if something goes wrong and being able to take the
heat and make the site better than ever, EVERYTIME!!!
Congratulations Ben for everything you have done for all BBQ
enthusiasts (especially in California). Welcome from your BBQ family
on your well deserved 2011 entry into the California BBQ Hall of
2012 Inductee Class

11-Feb-2012, Laurence Hill, above, inducted into the California
BBQ Hall of Fame.
Above Laurence (Larry) Hill is being acknowledged for his long-term
dedication to serving the California BBQ Association.
Laurence “Larry” Hill, a longtime member of the California BBQ
Association has volunteered his services as a member of the Board of
Directors for 5 consecutive years (2007-2011) . Larry also served as
President for 3 years, overseeing the Association during record
setting years (2009-2011) of fund raising and charitable donations.
Larry has volunteered tirelessly in CBBQA educational events that
have helped raise large amounts of revenue for California Children’s
charities. The CBBQA realized substantial earning power under his
leadership by overseeing the revamping of CBBQA programs such as
Team of the Year and Business Membership making both solid revenue
streams. As well as a being a top level Competitive BBQ cook, Larry
is also a successful BBQ entrepreneur .
Welcome Larry from all who love and enjoy BBQ and thank you for all
of your tireless work in building our BBQ community !!!
2013 Inductee Class

9-Feb-2013, Bill Keyes, above, inducted into the California BBQ
Hall of Fame.
Above Bill Keyes is being inducted into the CBBQA BBQ Hall of Fame
and being acknowledged for his many years of dedication to serving
as a board member and treasurer of the CBBQA and making BBQ
Charitable events in California successful. As a longtime member of
the California BBQ Association Bill has volunteered his services in
a dedicated and tireless fashion while always being very detail
Bill has volunteered consistently over the years to organize and
participate in CBBQA charitable events that have helped the Veterans
Administration, U.S. Military, and Solders & their dependents, at
various VA, Marine, and Naval locations. All while at the same time
Bill continues to support and compete (and win) at many BBQ contests
throughout the years in California.
Welcome to the CBBQA Hall of Fame Bill Keyes from your BBQ family
and community who loves and enjoys what you do to further BBQ in
Thank you for all of your efforts and commitment in making BBQ
charitable events, BBQ in California, and the CBBQA successful and
better organized.
2014 Inductee Class

10-Feb-2014, Steve Madaule, above, inducted into the California
BBQ Hall of Fame.
Steve has dedicated time to serving at many charity events and is
always willing to share his knowledge of BBQ with his fellow
participants. He has also consistently competed and won in BBQ
Competitions in California and across the country.
His team has always been the most hospitable team on the circuit and
is always welcoming all into their living space. You can pretty much
be guaranteed you will get a good laugh whenever he is around.
Welcome from your BBQ family on your well deserved 2014 entry into
the CBBQA Hall of fame.
Thank you for all of your efforts and commitment in making BBQ
charitable events, BBQ in California, and the CBBQA successful and
better organized.
2015 Inductee Class

8-Feb-2015, Donna Fong, above, inducted into the California
BBQ Hall of Fame.
Donna has served our organization as Vice President 2013. She was voice
of reason during some turbulent times. Moreover, Donna has taken it upon
herself to serve as a historian for the CBBQA, constantly reminding us
of our past through her research of the organization. Additionally,
Donna has written many articles for the CBBQA as it relates to our
passion BBQ.
Donna is always there to volunteer and believes in "many hands make
light work" and exemplifies this slogan.
2016 Inductee Class

30-Jan-2016, Thom Emery, above, inducted into the
California BBQ Hall of Fame.
Thom Emery has been a active cook, judge, and contest
organizer since 2005.
He served CBBQA as a board member for three terms and was president in 2005.
During the 2005 term the modern Team of the Year race, CBBQA Hall of Fame
and Presidential Service awards were created.
Thom's biggest impact on California BBQ was as founding moderator of the
CBBQA Forum.He still cooks a few contests a year as team What Wood Jesus Que?
And organizes the Stagecoach Music Festival BBQ Championships.
Currently his primary focus is cooking for people in need and serving on
staff at his church
2017 Inductee Class

21-Jan-2017, Darry Smith and Harry Soo, above, inducted into the
California BBQ Hall of Fame.
Darry Smith
-Joined CBBQA in 2005 -Served on the BoD for 4 years. -2 time CBBQA
Presidential Service award winner. -Managed the Business Membership for the
CBBQA from 2009 thru 2012 -Created expanded multi level business memberships
in 2009. -Website graphics/maintenance from 2008 til 2011. -Helped expand
our Team of the Year program in years 2007/2008/2009/2010/2011. -Created
first sponsorship deal for the CBBQA Team of the Year program. -Organized
CBBQA educational programs in years 2009/2010/2011. -Volunteered to help
several new contest organizers get Northern California events off the
ground, still assisting the Rotary Club as well as sponsoring Silicon Valley
BBQ Championships in our hometown of Santa Clara, CA -Contributed to record
setting fund raising efforts by the CBBQA in 2010. -Competed in the CBBQA
Team of the Year race since 2006. -Represented the State of California in 2
World BBQ Championships with Smitty's Smoke Patrol. -CBBQA Team of the Year
Brisket 2008 -CBBQA Team of the Year Ribs 2008 -Educating BBQ enthusiast
still to this day, with over 100 educational classes conducted through Eggs
by the Bay. -Active sponsor for the CBBQA's Team of the Year program since
Harry Soo
Is a KCBS Certified BBQ Judge
and head cook of Slap Yo’ Daddy BBQ. Harry has trained over 2,000 pitmasters
and barbecue judges and has been featured on several TV shows. He has won 27
Grand Championships, over eighty first places, and numerous KCBS national
and international awards including appearing on TLC’s Barbecue Pitmasters
Season One, Food Network’s Chopped Grillmasters and Cutthroat Kitchen. In
2012, Harry was selected to be one of the five national barbecue judges in
the Kingsford Invitational contest which crowns a single grand champion from
eight winners of the nation’s top barbecue competitions. He has served on
National BBQ and Grilling Association as the Western Region Vice President
and a CBBQA Institute 101 instructor.
2018 Inductee Class

13-Feb-2018, Andrew Soto and Stephan Franklin, above, inducted into the
California BBQ Hall of Fame.
Andrew Soto, 1st picture, middle
Andy is a long time CBBQA member,
Competition Cook and most importantly Volunteer. Andy is renowned for
opening his camp to beginners wanting to learn how to compete. He has
provided service to the CBBQA as Board member and has served as a CBBQI
instructor. Andy is an eager volunteer for BBQ events benefiting the law
enforcement, first responders, our armed forces and our military veterans.
Stephan Franklin, 2nd picture
Stephan Franklin has been an active
CBBQA member since 2006 and served as president in 2014 and 2018. Under his
leadership he increased general membership participation addressed
membership concerns by delivering on their requests and addressing their
concerns through the “Open Board” forum and establishing more formal CBBQA
committees. He has been a Team of the Year (ToY) sponsor for 2014, 2015,
2016 and 2018. He was responsible for recruitment of ToY sponsors to support
awards ceremonies. Steph has served on numerous CBBQA committees such as the
By-Laws Committee, Website Committee and currently the Charitable
Contributions Committee and Team of the Year Committee. He has been a class
instructor for the CBBQA and he has also held independent classes with a
percentage of the proceeds donated back to the CBBQA. He has continuously
been a supporter of CBBQA community outreach and services.
2019 Inductee Class
28-January-2019, Jerry Aguilar, Hayward Harris, & Sterling Ball, above, inducted into the
California BBQ Hall of Fame.
Jerry Aguilar
Jerry Aguilar is the head cook of Burnin and Lootin BBQ. He was the
2012 CBBQA Rookie of the Year, GCing once in California's largest contest
that year, Dana Point and again at Acorn. Known as Mr. Consistency, Jerry
has earned 16 Grand Championships. With the exception of one year, Jerry has
served as our secretary since 2013 and as a board director and global
administrator for the last four years.
Hayward Harris
Hayward Harris Jr is the head cook for The Rib Doctorâ, LLC. He is one of
the original 12 Californians in 1992 that believed California needed a BBQ
association; hence, CBBQA. He was a member of the CBBQA’s first interim
Board. Judging BBQ competitions since 1991 Hayward is a certified KCBS
Master, MBN, and IBCA BBQ judge. He also received certifications to judge
SCA steak cookoffs and EAT World Food Championships.
Hayward has competed in BBQ competitions since 1994 and has numerous cooking
awards. His first-place win in the chicken category at Tropicana’s National
Finals BBQ Cook-off & Party in 1996 put the BBQ world on notice California
was going to be a state to be reckoned with. As a member of the NBBQA he
became a national ambassador for the CBBQA and made the organization aware
of the existence of the CBBQA and its contributions to BBQ. Hayward
has judged over 150 BBQ contests, cooked over 100 BBQ competitions and
remains active competing and judging BBQ all over the country as well as
markets his line of national award winning Barbeque Sauces
Sterling Ball
Sterling Ball is the head cook of Big Poppa Smokers and founder of
Big Poppa Smokers Store. Sterling won the 2012 KCBS American Royal
Invitational, was the 2016 KCBS TOY Pork. He has earned 36 Grand
Championships, 32 Reserve Grand Championships roughly 33% of the contests
entered. Sterling has cooked 207 competitions and finished in the top 5 116
times, a 56% success rate.
Sterling has supported children programs by raising 250K for
pediatric charities through the Cooking for Kids program. Sterling
established The Smithfield King of the Smoker which raised over
$2,000,000.00 for pediatric kidney research and Guinea Pig contests.
Sterling created both the Smithfield grant allowing for over 300,000.00
added to competitions prize pool. He also the Smithfield National
Championship. Big Poppa Smokers is the CBBQA Team of the Year for 2016,
2017, and 2018.