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Simple Green Cleaning Products are used exclusively by
Team BBQbyDan



    Collapsible Windproof  Chafing Dishes,  Wind Guards, Chafing Dish Skirts, Chafer Safety Barrier, Induction and Butane Cooker Guards.  






























$9000.00 Plus

 Trophies and Ribbons Grand Champion $3000
Reserve Champion $1500

3rd Overall $500

Each Category
1st Place $500
2nd Place $250
3rd Place $150
4th Place $100

   Brisket – Pork Butt (shoulder) Chicken – Pork Ribs

Laughlin Pro Bull Riders Invitational
Outdoor Recreation
Exciting Live Bands Performing Daily

Mail this form & make checks payable to:

Great American Cookouts  
27209 121st Ave SE
Kent, WA 98031

For further information call Jack Rogers 253-350-7242 or Email


The Edgewater Hotel Casino
Great American Cookouts
Present the 1st Annual
“Smoke on the Colorado”
Laughlin, Nevada

Sept. 13-14, 2002

KCBS sanctioning is in progress and we are awaiting a Governors Proclamation to make this cook-off the Nevada State Championship, a qualifier for the American Royal Invitational and the Jack Daniels Drawing

Official Entry Form


Address _______________________________________________________________

City __________________________________ State ________ Zip_________________

  Phone ___________________FAX  or  Email__________________________________

Entry Fee $150.00 covers all categories, 20X20 site.  $200.00 for a 20X40 site.  Electricity is available to most sites.  We have a limited number of spaces. (First come basis)
Waiver of Liability
In consideration of your accepting this entry, I the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release and all rights and claims for damages against the Edgewater Hotel and Casino and Great American Cookouts, their agents, successors, and assigns, for any and all injuries suffered by me in this event.  Further, I hereby grant full permission to the Edgewater Hotel and Casino and Great American Cookouts and/or any and all agents authorized by them to use any photographs, videotapes, and any other record of this event for legitimate purpose.  I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Edgewater Hotel and Casino, Great American Cookouts and KCBS and/or all agents authorized by them.


__________________________________________ Date _________ 

Signature of Chief Cook           Release must be signed or entry will not be accepted