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| |
Modesto Street Scene &
Category &
Overall Rankings
May 7-8th, 2004
(write-up & pictures below)
Grand Champion - Out of
This World BBQ, Gene Goycochea |
Reserve Champion - Palm Springs BBQ, Walt Norwood
1) Out of This World BBQ, 160.0000
2) QN4U, 159.4284
3) Sweet Time BBQ, 153.7144
4) Double "J" BBQ, 152.5716
5) Big Moose BBQ, 152.5716
6) Uncle Leo.s Mac Shack, 152.5716
7) Tasty Tips BBQ, 150.8572
8) East Side Bar B Crew, 146.8572
9) Five Alarm BBQ & Catering , 146.2852
10) OTW BBQ, 145.1430
11) Holy Smoke Barbecue, 144.5714
12) 219 Ric's Righteous Ribs, 141.7144
13) T-Woody.s Ghetto Boys, 141.1430
14) Outlaws BBQ, 137.7144
15) Fusion BBQ & Catering, 136.5710
16) Big O.s BBQ 2Hot4U, 133.7142
17) BBQbyDan, 133.1428
18) Big Daddy Williams, 132.0002
19) Palm Springs BBQ Team, 129.1430
20) The Smokin' Q, 122.2858
21) Bronco.s Big Smokey, 121.7140
22) Got Q?, 115.9998
23) The Barnwood Restaurant , 106.2856
Pork Ribs
1) Fusion BBQ & Catering , 166.2860
2) Palm Springs BBQ Team, 164.5718
3) Outlaws BBQ, 159.4284
4) Sisters Kitchen, 158.2860
5) BBQbyDan, 155.9998
6) Bronco's Big Smokey, 155.4284
7) Uncle Leo's Mac Shack, 151.9998
8) Out of This World BBQ, 150.8572
9) Holy Smoke Barbecue, 150.8568
10) OTW BBQ, 149.7146
11) Ric's Righteous Ribs, 149.7144
12) T-Woody's Ghetto Boys, 148.0002
13) Big Moose BBQ, 147.9998
14) Big O's BBQ 2Hot4U, 146.2858
15) Sweet Time BBQ, 138.2854
16) The Smokin' Qm 136.0000
17) Double "J" BBQ, 133.7144
18) The Barnwood Restaurant, 131.9998
19) Big Daddy Williams, 129.1428
20) Five Alarm BBQ & Catering, 128.5714
21) East Side Bar B Crew, 128.5712
22) QN4U, 127.4282
23) Got Q? , 117.1432
24) Tasty Tips BBQ, 112.0004
Pork Butt
1) Ric's Righteous
Ribs, 170.2858
2) BBQbyDan, 166.2860
3) Big Moose BBQ, 158.8568
4) Sisters Kitchen, 157.1432
5) Holy Smoke Barbecue, 156.5712
6) Uncle Leo's Mac Shack, 154.8570
7) Five Alarm BBQ & Catering, 154.8570
8) Palm Springs BBQ Team, 153.1430
9) OTW BBQ, 152.5712
10) Tasty Tips BBQ , 151.4286
11) Out of This World BBQ ,149.1428
12) Bronco's Big Smokey, 148.0000
13) QN4U, 146.2856
14) Fusion BBQ & Catering, 144.5714
15) T-Woody's Ghetto Boys, 142.2860
16) The Barnwood Restaurant, 141.7142
17) East Side Bar B Crew , 141.1428
18) The Smokin' Q , 140.5716
19) Double IIJ" BBQ, 138.2856
20) Sweet Time BBQ, 132.0000
21) Big O's BBQ 2Hot4U, 129.7140
22) Big Daddy Williams, 127.9998
23) Outlaws BBQ, 127.4284
24) Got Q?, 103.9996 |
1) Palm Springs BBQ Team, 165.7144
2) OTW BBQ,164.0002
3) Sweet Time BBQ, 162.8570
4) Out of This World BBQ, 157.7144
5) The Smokin. Q, 147.4286
6) East Side Bar B Crew, 146.8572
7) Holy Smoke Barbecue, 146.8570
8) Outlaws BBQ, 146.2860
9) Big O.s BBQ 2Hot4U, 146.2854
10) Ric.s Righteous Ribs, 144.5712
11) BBQbyDan, 143.4284
12) 210 Uncle Leo.s Mac Shack, 139.4286
13) Bronco.s Big Smokey, 137.7142
14) Double "J" BBQ, 134.2858
15) Got Q?, 133.7140
16) T-Woody.s Ghetto Boys,133.1428
17) QN4U, 127.4280
18) The Barnwood Restaurant, 126.8570
19) Big Daddy Williams,122.8572
20) Fusion BBQ & Catering,122.2854
21) Five Alarm BBQ & Catering,121.7144
22) Big Moose BBQ, 121.1424
23) Sisters Kitchen, 118.2856
24) Tasty Tips BBQ, 117.7138
Overall Rankings
1. |
Out of this
World BBQ |
160 |
151 |
149 |
158 |
617.7144 |
2. |
Palm Springs
BBQ Team |
129 |
165 |
153 |
166 |
612.5722 |
3. |
BBQ Products |
145 |
150 |
153 |
164 |
611.4290 |
4. |
Ric's Righteous
Ribs |
142 |
150 |
170 |
145 |
606.2858 |
5. |
BBQbyDan |
133 |
156 |
166 |
143 |
598.8570 |
6. |
Uncle Leo's Mac
Shack |
153 |
152 |
155 |
139 |
598.8570 |
7. |
Holy Smoke
Barbecue |
145 |
151 |
157 |
147 |
598.8564 |
8. |
Sweet Time BBQ |
154 |
138 |
132 |
163 |
586.8568 |
9. |
Big Moose BBQ |
153 |
148 |
159 |
121 |
580.5706 |
10. |
Outlaws BBQ |
138 |
159 |
127 |
146 |
570.8572 |
11. |
Fusion BBQ &
Catering |
137 |
166 |
145 |
122 |
569.7138 |
12. |
Ghetto Boys |
141 |
148 |
142 |
133 |
564.5720 |
13. |
East Side Bar B
Crew |
147 |
129 |
141 |
147 |
563.4284 |
14. |
Bronco's Big
Smokey |
122 |
155 |
148 |
138 |
562.8566 |
15. |
QN4U |
159 |
127 |
146 |
127 |
560.5702 |
16. |
Double "J" BBQ |
153 |
134 |
138 |
134 |
558.8574 |
17. |
O's BBQ 2Hot4U |
134 |
146 |
130 |
146 |
555.9994 |
18. |
Alarm BBQ & Catering |
146 |
129 |
155 |
122 |
551.4280 |
19. |
Smokin' Q |
122 |
136 |
141 |
147 |
546.2860 |
20. |
Tasty Tips BBQ |
151 |
112 |
151 |
118 |
532.0000 |
21. |
Big Daddy
Willimas |
132 |
129 |
128 |
123 |
512.0000 |
22. |
The Barnwood
Restaurant |
106 |
132 |
142 |
127 |
506.8566 |
23. |
Got Q? |
116 |
117 |
104 |
134 |
470.8566 |
24. |
Sisters Kitchen |
0 |
158 |
157 |
118 |
433.7148 |
The Modesto
Street Scene and BBQ Event, 7-8-May-2004
Great Administration:
First off I would like to say the folks responsible for this event
did a GREAT job! Without them it would not have happened or been
possible!!! The following are the names and people that I am aware
of and am sorry to those I missed:
- Sharon Blakely, Modesto BBQ Event Coordinator
- Jim Mehl, KCBS Representative / CBBQA President
- Hayward & Eva Harris, KCBS Representatives
- George & Donna Baroody, KCBS Representatives in Training
Great Trip:
I met Todd Eves (Team OTW BBQ) at the Camping World parking lot in Valencia at 05:00
Friday morning. Todd choosing not to battle the traffic between Chino
Hills and Valencia came up after Friday midnight and stopped in Valencia
for a 3 hour nap. I live about 15 miles from the Camping World on the 5
and Lyons avenue so it made sense for me to meet him there for our trip
up to compete in the Modesto BBQ Contest. It was an easy and relaxing
trip for us both. We could not pull into our assigned spots till noon
Friday so we leisurely cruised up the 99 stopping to eat, relax, and
fill up with gas. We finally arrived at 11:30 and found other teams
already holed up in parking lots. We hooked up with Gene Goycochea at
the team parking spots near the assigned spots till the streets were
blocked and we could occupy our assigned locations.
Terrific Venue and Event:
Everything was planned perfectly. There were handouts with assigned
spots, documentation to assist with all our needs, Sharon Blakely met us
at the BBQ headquarters and answered all our questions about setup and
location. At noon the police blocked the streets and we simply and
easily pulled into our assigned spots. There were grey-water dump tanks,
fresh water tanks and spigots, trash cans, fencing for the cook-off
spots, a power generator, all the free 40lb bags of ice each team could
use, ash cans, and people everywhere trying to help makes things
perfect. What a GREAT event!
The Cooking Starts:
To me the most fun of any cook-off is the arrival, setup, visiting with
friends, and cruising around checking out everything. When I have to
start prepping the meat, preparing for the cooking process all night,
and getting everything coordinated the work has begun. So, some of the
fun is now over unfortunately. But, the show must go on! So, as in all
contest the above described events occurred. Dean and Gina Hayes
(Lakeside BBQ) came down from Northern California to visit everybody and
assist OTW BBQ and BBQbyDan in the event so we did have the pleasure and
fun of their company. The contest went well, we were all happy with our
entries, and the results (as in all contests) could have been better or
worse. I had a GREAT time overall.
Great Saturday evening Party:
Well, tooooooooo bad nobody else decided to stay Saturday evening and
celebrate their victories and successes of the weekend !!??!! The team
parking lot was empty after 6:00 p.m. and we (OTW BBQ and BBQbyDan)
pulled our rigs over in the empty lot and set up right in the middle.
Dean and Gina also stayed the evening choosing not to go home till
Sunday. We ordered in Pizza, turned the music on, and began to dissect
the entire event from beginning to end in a very positive light with our
preferred beverages in hand. WHAT A GREAT EVENING & WEEKEND! Next time
teams and attendees might plan on staying and socializing after an
event. To us it is more fun than the event. If I could not stay at an
event Saturday night I would not attend. Something would just be
Anyway, we all got up about 07:00, had cold pizza, cold water, and said
our good-by's! Dean and Gina on there 6 hour drive north to Northern
California, Todd and I caravanning 6 hours south to Southern California.
I got home, pulled in, kissed the dogs (they got to me first), kissed
the wife, and went straight to bed.
Dan Cannon
Team "BBQbyDan"
Out of this World, Grand Champion,
Gene Goycochea |
Palm Springs BBQ, Reserve Champion,
Walt Norwood |
Smokin' Q, Jansen Elliott receiving
5th for Brisket |
Dan Cannon receiving 2nd for Pork |
Todd Eves & Dean Hayes receiving 2nd
Place for Brisket |
Dean & Gina Hayes, Eva Harris, Dan
Jim Mehl, President of the CBBQA
Dean & Gina Hayes turning entries at
the judging / BBQ headquarters
Gina Hayes,
"Team BBQbyDan" |
Dean Hayes,
"Team OTW BBQ Products" |
View of street scene |
Todd Eves, OTW BBQ & Products.
Sponsored by Simple Green
Brent & Kim Walton
Team QN4U |
Todd Eves, OTW BBQ |
Fusion BBQ took 1st
in Ribs on this open grill! |
final try-outs in action. This is what this entire Modesto event was
all about. The BBQ contest was just a secondary activity!
Todd Eves, OTW BBQ Cook-Off site |
BBQbyDan Cook-Off
site |
Gina Hayes working on greens and
presentation |
Dean Hayes helping me put my banner up |
Gina Hayes handing out
membership information for the CBBQA |
Todd, touting the benefits and
capability of Simple Green to be the best overall cleaning product in any
household! |
Inc.™, BBQDan™,
BBQ Whisperer™,
BBQ Bivouac™, CRK Specialty Q™,
Coyote Road Kill™™,™,™,™,™
Registered Trademark (BBQbyDan®
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06 Jan 2015 12:33
