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| |
A Charitable
Military BBQ Cooking Event
Twentynine Palms Marine Base
Coordinated and managed by
Del King and Grant & Jeni Ford
Supported by BBQ Enthusiasts, many Volunteers, and CBBQA membership
Pictures below taken by Rick Streiff and Dan
The street all the equipment was
parked on |
Sue, Hanna, and David Baral. Rick Streiff's sister,
niece, and brother-in-law helped wherever and however to make the
weekend a great success
My Ole Hickory & Klose Off-Set
Rick pulled the Klose, I pulled the Ole Hickory
A line of warming pits provided by
many BBQ volunteer types |
I am loading up the Klose with
briskets. It can hold twice the amount of the Ole Hickory.
Randy Gille and myself. Randy
also had his son out helping. Randy has a great new pit as well
that he just completed |
Randy and Bentley
Bentley and Kristen Meredith also
kept their Traeger pit pumping meat! |
Del King working with the Ole
Hickory |
Mike Guinaugh and Bill Wight working
on briskets |
Another Ole Hickory filled with
Butts. This is a sales demo unit provided by Robert Mackey
Kent, Brent's brother, loading the
QN4U pit |
Bill Wight and others prepping the
meats |
Streiff doing the "chop-chop" with our Buffalo Chopper on the briskets.
Smokin' John bringing his great
experience to bear helping to setup and configure the food distribution
This stage was put up in just hours
and taken down immediately after the show
The menu of the meal being served.
They left off all the Beef Ribs |
A couple of MP's that came by our
campsite later
Saturday night
A self-perspective article
written by Dan Cannon from the viewpoint of a participant and cooking team
As usual the adrenalin was flowing and all was going well on this trip
out to Twentynine Palms Marine Base. We felt we had everything packed
and ready for a VERY busy weekend of meat cooking and preparation. We
also knew we had a big job of setting up equipment, prepping, cooking,
and preparing the finished meats for serving to the Marines and their
families. The base had projected a 15,000 plate requirement so it was
going to take a lot of planning and people to make this happen. Our team
was just one of many teams, volunteers, participants, and sponsors that
was helping to make this event a success. Del notified us
the day after we got back the base went through 22,000 plates and that
13,000 pounds of meat was cooked!
Del King, Grant, and Jeni Ford were the primary coordinators and
contacts from the Military interface (Del) and CBBQA (Grant) side of things.
And let it be known that Grant and Jeni Ford NEVER stopped for a minute
the whole weekend. They and Del did a fantastic job. Del has
been working on this event well prior to last December that I know of.
That is when he asked if I could attend.
Congratulations on all the hard work and a job so well done to those
mentioned above and to all that attended!
Prior to the event Del indicated he needed more pit
space for the thousands of pounds of meats that had to be cooked so I
chose to take both my trailered BBQ units out. Rick Streiff took the
Klose unit out and I took the Ole Hickory. Rick and I had everything
loaded and enroute by 15:00 Friday. The base is about 160 miles of desert two
lane driving with a lot of dog-leg turns through small and large cities.
And, as usual the traffic lights and traffic we encountered while taking
the back routes through Little Rock, Hesperia, Apple Valley, Yucca
Valley, and Joshua Tree to reach Twentynine Palms had lots of
delays. Anyway, everything worked out great and we arrived at roughly
We got the cooking pits located, got the fires going, and had meat in
both cookers by 20:00. There were already many other pits cooking
product on site as folks had started to arrive by noon. I believe
that all the butts had been put on earlier in the day and that the
briskets were looking for a pit to call home in the evening.
I was assigned to cook briskets which started arriving by the bucket
full. They had been unwrapped and seasoned by many volunteers and were
ready to just put in the pit. However, these happened to be some VERY
large briskets. Where I might normally put 45 full briskets in my Ole
Hickory and twice that in my Klose I ended up doing less in numbers of
brisket but probably the same weight. I estimate that I put 450 pounds
of brisket in the Ole Hickory and 950 in the Klose. If you do the
typical meat serving math on that you can see it will feed a lot of
folks. FYI, the serving math is:
- Divide the weight of meat by 1/2 for trimming and cooking
- Figure each person consumes 1/4 pound of cooked meat
- So, for the briskets we cooked the following might apply:
950 + 450 pounds = 1400 pounds
1400 / 2 = 700 pounds of edible meat
700 / 1/4 pound = 2800 4 ounce portions
The brisket came off the next morning and immediately went down for
processing. That meant that it was run, one pass only, through a Buffalo
Chopper to serve. In the quantities we are talking about automation and
machinery is very helpful to get the job done quickly. I did bring my
Buffalo Chopper and Rick Streiff personally ran all our Briskets through
the unit in a 3-4 hour period. Good job Rick! That is a lot of meat
handling and chopping at 100+ degrees outside temperature. Especially
when the meat is so hot you can't handle it.
Again, there were many folks like us doing the cooking and food
preparation. We were just another small cog in the wheel of the entire
event process. The people that worked hard and diligently both before
and during the event were Del, Grant, and Jeni!
Early the next morning Jim Sheridan did his usual GREAT job on
providing a great sausage, egg, and potato breakfast. In fact it was so
good that I had a second breakfast and felt disabled. There was too much
work and heat to be so bloated. Maybe next time I will learn my lesson.
It was worse than a hang-over!
After breakfast the base Marine Officer orientation staff put on a
PowerPoint presentation of
what the Twentynine Palms Marine does, why it is there, why it does it
job so well, and how our great country benefits so much from the hard
work they do there. Topics covered ranged from the size of the base,
what is accomplished there, why the base is so perfect for what it does,
and how the training provided benefits to not only all our Marines
but also other Military personnel from different services and countries.
That was a great orientation and lasted about an hour.
I mentioned above that we cooked roughly 1400 pounds of Brisket in both
my Ole Hickory and Klose Off-set but did not mention the subsequent
full-load cooking activities. After breakfast and unloading all of the Brisket we did the
- 75 racks of Spare Ribs into the Ole Hickory Took about 5 hours to
cook. Then Rick, Karen, I, Dave & Sue (Rick's sister and Brother-in-law)
removed, sauced, sliced, and presented to the pits used as warmers till
requested and served.
- 80-100 racks of Beef Ribs into the Klose. Took about 4 hours also and
all folks mentioned above did the same thing again.
- 160 lbs of chicken was placed into the Ole Hickory. Two hours later it
was removed, panned, and given to the warming pits.
- After the above 160 lbs of chicken was completed another 160 lbs was
put in the Ole Hickory for another couple of hours.
That it a lot of meat to cook! The last load of chicken went into the
pit about 17:00 Saturday and was removed and panned at 19:00. So, as you can
sense, there was a lot of cooking going on overall till late on
departure date. Del provided what
appeared to be 50 gallon barrels for grease to place in as the pits
rendered the meats. Our barrel was 3/4 full when we left the next
Also, all the folks cooking on many pits were also delivering and
cooking at the same pace we were. So, the latter cooked meats were being
delivered right from the smoking pits to the serving lines and
immediately put on folks plates. What a great product our great Marines
were provided with!
Having done something very similar to this in September of 2003 for just
about as many people, I had an idea what to expect and was not
disappointed. The serving time commenced at roughly 16:00 +/- and
proceeded through till roughly 21:30 - 22:00. Our own Smokin' John Burke
was involved with providing his skill and knowledge in assisting
with the setup and management of the serving lines. Of course there were
MANY volunteers and participants involved in serving and providing the
product to the folks. I am guessing there were roughly 8-10 serving
lines, each manned by 8-12 servers. You can look at the above pictures
and get an idea for yourself.
While the folks were eating and relaxing there were multiple award
ceremonies and entertainment activities going on. There was
equipment for the kids to play on, snow cones dispensers, beer being
sold, and various forms of entertainment happening. The night closed
with the Country singer Dierks Bentley putting on a great show.
Of course there was a lot of clean-up, packing, putting things away, and
whatever that had to immediately be done. However, after doing that
much work the teams and participants also want to hang out and have a
nice beverage while reminiscing how the days successes and events transpired. Many
packed up and left pretty much right away and many stayed over night.
I, Bill Wight, Rick and Karen, Brent and Kim, Pete and Pam, Jimj
Sheridan, and some
others hung around and relaxed till roughly midnight. We watched the
amazing activities of the Marines and civilians disassembling most of
the stage equipment, all the serving tents, tables, and furniture right
after the event was over. This included much clean up and policing of
the area. By the time most left to go to bed at the provided hotel the
place was almost back to normal with few signs of what had transpired.
Of course all the reaming cooking pits were still on site but otherwise it is
amazing how a military installation transforms itself very quickly from
one format to another.
I got up about 06:30 and and was the first to start the morning packing
process as nobody had arrived yet. I slept in my van both nights at the
cooking site. Just shortly afterwards Grant and Jeni, Bill Wight, and a few others arrived to start the packing and
cleanup of our individual work areas and the street overall.
By 08:30 I was packed up ready to leave. Bill Wight had already left.
Grant and Jeni were completing their packing. Rick and Karen arrived about then,
we hooked up the Klose, and were off the base by 09:00 refueling. Rick
and Karen pulled the Klose with his truck. I pulled the Ole
Hickory with my van. I
won't mention the blow-out on the way home as that is another story.
Anyway, the weekend was a great success from my small perspective. I at
least saw lots of Marines eating and GREATLY enjoying BBQ and what else do we have to judge it from. Everyone worked very hard and everybody's
contributions and efforts seemed to have made for a totally successful
dinner for the Marines and their families.
Again, I want to thank the real stars of this event. That is Del
King and Grant and Jeni Ford. They are the folks that made all the
calls soliciting corporate contributions, volunteer cookers and pits,
volunteer meat preparation folks and pullers, and handled all the
politics of trying to coordinate an event on such a large scale via
email and phone. Great job again everybody and I can't believe how
much work so many did. It was an honor to be a small part of
such a great event.
Dan Cannon
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BBQ Whisperer™,
BBQ Bivouac™, CRK Specialty Q™,
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06 Jan 2015 12:33
