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1st Tanks
Twentynine Palms Marine Base
< Recent and past Operation BBQ Activities > |
Del King
organized and coordinated another GREAT "BBQ for our Troops" Marine
Del planned everything, obtained and contributed all foods,
and directed the volunteers that contributed their time, equipment, and
to help provide 1,000
Marines and their dependents with a
I am guessing at the below numbers, but am probably
pretty close.
Del bought, brought, and provided all, so he knows best.
Roughly about 250 pounds of Pork Shoulder Butt, over 120 pounds of Chicken,
a whole hog, and over 225 pounds of Beef Brisket, were cooked, and served !!!
Not to mention the BBQ Beans & fixings, Macaroni & Cheese, Potato Salad
provided for all !!!
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BBQbyDan Index of Past BBQ Events & Write-ups >
Tank recovery vehicle
WOW, they let us climb through Abrams
M! tank, then they started it !!!
OMG, that's me in tank !!!
Abrams M1Tank |
Abrams M1Tank and crew
Frank & Del
Sarah, Lionel, & Steve |
Frank, Sarah, and Lionel, |
Frank slicing Brisket at serving line |
Lionel & Sarah Bateman prepped and
cooked this whole hog, then served to Marines
The above was prepping Thursday night.
Del making Macaroni & cheese |
Del King and Sarah Bateman
making Macaroni and cheese
Lionel & Sarah Bateman prepped and
cooked this whole hog |
Ouida & Dan serving Marines
Lionel serving Marines whole Hog |
Sarah, Dan, Lionel, Dan, Thom, Ouida,
Steve, Del, Frank, and Rowdy
The core team.
I stayed overnight after the dinner
was over.
Everybody else left. I did not want to try and cross the desert
while so late & dark, or travel after such a full weekend.
The above Marines were Military Police visitors to my trailer doing
their rounds and checking on me.
We had a good chats, I thanked them for their service, and wished them the best !!!
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BBQbyDan Index of Past BBQ Events & Write-ups >
From Del King:
Let me tell you a little about the
BBQ for 1st Tanks that happened yesterday. When we had planed it the
entire Battalion was going to be there, but due to a change in the
training schedule we were short one and a half (1 1/2) companies. They
were in the field. We set up behind the Battalion in the parking lot for
all the company office commanding officers and staff NCO's. Took a
little while for everyone to clear their cars out. But we got it done.
Got everything ready to start the cooking later that night. We fired up
one pit and baked some potato's and threw on some steak that I provided
for dinner. I made sure the two duties inside the building got some plus
the FRO and her husband. After that we got the pig all rubbed in
injected and put it away. Then we did the brisket and pork butt put them
in bags and back into the ice chest to rest. We put everything on the
pits around midnight and start cooking.
The next morning meat still cooking a Master Sergeant came out asking if
we were the same people that did 4th Tanks in San Diego a few years
back. He said he was there and remembered Gunny. (not me just Gunny). We
he arranged for us to go down to the Tank ramp and for the guys to play
around on and in the Tanks plus the recovery vehicle. When everyone got
back we started to make the side dishes and such just getting everything
ready for the party to start. We had guys opening cans of beans we had
others boiling water and cooking the noddles for the mac and cheese. We
had one pit ready to take the beans when we cooked them open in the pit
so the could get some smoke into them. We used Dan's pit to cook the mac
and cheese after we took off the brisket. Lionel and his wife were
cooking the pig and getting him ready for the Marines. Then we took the
pork off of Steve's pit and he cooked chicken we had for the kids. (just
in case they wouldn't try the brisket and pork). I had to pull all the
pork by myself. Steve pulled the bone the I used a devise you hook up to
a drill to pull the pork. We did it in 20 mins. We started filling up
Cambros and loading trucks getting things ready to head over to the site
we would serve.
Yes it could have been easier if I had let them provide Marines to help
but I have a policy of only asking for a place to set up and Hungry
Troops to feed. We were there to thank these Marines for their Service
they do it 365, 24, 7. We could take 48 hrs out of our life to do for
them. I am not going to have the Marines working for us when we can do
it. Yes it is more work for us it is harder but well worth it in the
end. After the BBQ was served and we had sent cambros full of meat and
sides to the field for the units that could not make the party we went
back to the cooking site after everyone left I cleaned up what little
mess was on the ground (the cooks were really good at keeping the area
clean) and put everything in a pile for the trash to be picked up. Dan
stayed the night again and everyone else left. All in all it came out
great. We fed 500 Marines and family members at the party and sent 3
cambros full of meat out to the units in the field and other places
where they could not attend the party. I had 100 to go container and
everyone was used by members at the party to take some home so that
should tell you how much they liked the food.
From Lionel Bateman III:
Was a wonderful past 36 hours. Was
great to feed the Marines and their families. Still feels awkward for
them thanking us, it's us thanking them. I'm glad to be able to be a pay
off something giving back to those who give so much for us.
Also was able to meet some great people in the southern California BBQ
community. Doesn't matter if it's the east coast or west coast, BBQ
people are the best group of people.
From Sara Trippe Bateman:
Can you tell the desert
is taking its toll on a girl? Its hot and I am tired. Whoever says the
BBQ life is glamorous lied! Reward comes later when these marines and
their families get to eat our labor! #givebacktothosewhogivesomuch —
with Lionel Bateman III at Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Base.
From Dan Cannon:
THANKS Del King !!! It was a great event. I am proud to have been a part of
this, and to contribute something to make everything Del planned so
successful at providing a perfect BBQ dinner for the Marines.
Everybody said it so well above, not too much more to add.
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BBQbyDan Index of Past BBQ Events & Write-ups >
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06 Jan 2015 12:33