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Twentynine Palms Marine Base
< Recent and past Operation BBQ Activities > |
Many volunteers and many corporate
& private individuals
contributed their money, time,
resources, and sweat to help provide 14,000
Marines and their dependents with a
Tony McDowell, Kelly Coe (base contacts) and Randy Gille
& Del King
worked diligently planning and managing the event for months ahead of
Over 5,000 pounds of Pork Shoulder Butt, over 2,500 pounds of Chicken,
and over 2,000 pounds of Cajon Sausages were prepped, cooked, and served !!!
Rick Streiff and I took the pictures below. I posted
many of Rick's below!
Rick took a very large amount of pictures encompassing all aspects of
the event as an entirety.
Rick's entire
picture library can be viewed at:
BBQbyDan Index of Past Military BBQ Events & Write-ups >
BBQbyDan Index of Past BBQ Events & Write-ups >
BBQbyDan convoy going across the
desert enroute from 29 Palms
Yes, that is fresh snow on the mountains in the background. It
rained, hailed, and sleeted on us going across the desert!
Randy Gille's BBQ rig, manned by Randy
and Del |
Randy Gille's BBQ rig, manned by Randy
and Del, Being used as a warmer
Papa Smokehouse (John & Sharon Scott)
The Pit Stop (Pete Weaver & Pam Gram)
The Pit Stop (Pete Weaver & Pam Gram) |
BBQbyDan 3 trailers/Ole Hickories
parked side by side for easy access |
Randy seasoning chicken
in the "Bird Cage"
Seasoning chicken
in the "Bird Cage" |
Prepping chicken
in the "Bird Cage" |
A load of Pork Shoulder Butts ready to
pull |

The "Bean Brigade" doctoring and
prepping Chili Beans |
The "Bean Brigade" doctoring and
prepping Chili Beans
Shredding Pork in the "Bird Cage" |
Del feeding the volunteers Breakfast |
Volunteers busy prepping food |
Volunteers busy making everything
happen correctly |
Dan Cannon
Pam Gram
Pete Weaver
Volunteers busy prepping food
Pete, Pam, & Rick Streiff
Randy Gille,
Lisa &
Command Sergeant Major Mark
Sue & Dave Baral, Rick & Karen Streiff
Herk Streiff |
TJ, Richard, ?
Out of this BBQ, Todd Eves team
Andy & ?
Master of Disaster
Simple Green representative
?, Brian Kreisler, & Dale Ginos |
Randy, Dan (me), Lisa |
Brent Walton, QN4U BBQ House
Clovis California
Karen Streiff & Sue Baral |
Command Sergeant Major Mark
& Lisa Christianson
BBQbyDan team members
Tony McDowell giving orientation
Andy standing in background |
Command Sergeant Major Mark,
Lisa, & Dan
Team BBQbyDan |
Del, receiving an award from
the Base Commanding General, as Mark puts it, a "Marines Toothpick" |
Del King & Dan Cannon (me).
Notice Del is exhibiting his newly received Marine Toothpick!
Gunny King, Del's doggie |
Todd Eves and me |
Gosh, wish I was better with names |
Todd Eves, Lisa, me, Brent Walton |
Randy & Todd
Randy, Rick, Lisa, &
Sergeant Major
Mark Christianson
Kim Walton, Dan Cannon (me), Lisa
John Scott, Papa's Smokehouse
The pretty all yellow vending rig! |
TJ, Todd, & Richard
Team Out of this World BBQ |
Volunteer row
Volunteer row |
Team BBQbyDan |
Volunteer row |
Team BBQbyDan,
not all, The Streiff/Baral family & Brent & Kim are out working
and guarding the fort!
Volunteers prepping meats in the "Bird
Cage" |
Kim Walton & Todd Eves |
Randy taking a well deserved break! |
Some members of Team BBQbyDan relaxing
Saturday evening after all the work is done... and celebrating the great
successes of the weekend !!!
Ann & Dan,
long-time volunteers for these events
Serving Line
Serving Line
Serving Line
Serving Line
Serving Line
Serving Line
Serving Line
Serving Line
Serving Line
Marines & families on their way to
Marines & families on their way to
Marines & families on their way to
eat! |
MP's eating BBQ! |
MP's eating BBQ! |
Marines & families eating BBQ! |
Marines & families on their way to
eat! |
Venue sports field filling up,
announcements, and Band arrive later
This field will be filled with Marines
& Families eating and listening to the band later in the evening, the
band started at 22:00
Marines & families on their way to
eat! |
Marines & families eating on venue
Marines & families eating on venue
Commanding Base General Clardy addressing
Marines & families
BBQbyDan Index of Past Military BBQ Events & Write-ups >
BBQbyDan Index of Past BBQ Events & Write-ups >
Rick's entire
picture library can be viewed at:
From Brent Walton:
We Salute You-2010
PRIDE, HONOR and whole lotta fun!
The amazing loyal and dedicated BBQing community has done it once again.
Now think about this, you are asked to cook for the Marines, the Marine
Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twenty-nine Palms, Ca. What an honor
to be able to cook for such an extraordinary group of American Soldiers.
"Oh yeah did I mention that there are 14,000 Marines we need to cook
"That's a lot of food Uncle Ed". Just the logistics to put this together
is quite an accomplishment. Thanks to Tony McDowell, Randy Gille and
"the Godfather" of all military cooking Del King it was all pulled off
without a hitch, Failure not an option.
In California we have been doing these kind of cooks for about nine
years I believe and no matter the weather or the numbers The members of
the CBBQA (California Barbeque Association) and now the Arizonians have
joined forces to get it done! I really feel proud to be a part of this
We met up with Dan Cannon (BBQ by Dan) Thursday night to catch up on old
times. Friday I had the honor of towing one of Dan's beautiful Ole
Hickory Pits down to the Twenty-nine Palms event and if you know Dan,
you know what an honor it is to tow his pit. I was successful at this
endeavor! We caravanned with Dan, Rick & Karen Streiff and Kim & I with
pits in tow. Then in Victorville we joined up with Todd Eves (OTW BBQ)
and his group and added three more pits and a commissary trailer "by God
we had us a convoy". It was a beautiful sight, all of us crossing the
desert with all the BBQ hardware.
We arrived Friday afternoon, set up began immediately as we needed to
start cooking by 7:00pm to keep our anticipated schedule and be ready to
serve the people at 4:00pm to 8:00pm Saturday evening. Tony, Randy and
Del already had the pork butts being processed and readied for the pits.
Like I said this is quite a task just getting all the stuff together and
at the sight on time. Having cold storage and power, all the meats,
plates, napkins, beans and such you can see what I mean all the
co-ordination with the base to pull off an event like this. I forgot to
mention there is also a concert along with this feeding frenzy; they
always have a big name act for the Marines. Millions of little details
and a thousand people to depend on to carry through can be trying at
times; I know I've been there.
Well, it came together as planned and we served a bunch great BBQ to the
finest fighting force in the world. As much work it is at the time it is
soon forgotten when a Marine comes up to you and thanks you for such a
great meal and how it reminds them of home, how grateful they are for us
doing this for them. I tell you there is no finer feeling in the world,
it is really moving!
Another amazing thing to me that happened was the Commanding General
"General Clardy" came to personally thank each and everyone of us for
participating in this endeavor and gave us each his personal coin, which
is quite an honor, to receive for his appreciation for our dedication to
his troops. I have shown everyone my coin and it's in my pocket right
now. I thought "now that showed a lot of class and respect for what we
do". Like I said before cooking for the military is the best and it is a
priority for me because no prize is greater than the satisfaction and
good feelings it gives me to be able to give thanks back to them. I
heard once that only 2 people will die for you, one for your soul -
Jesus and one for your freedom --The American soldier! It is true and I
will never forget it!
Thank You every one who participated, thanks for letting Kim and I be a
part of your amazing BBQ community. We truly admire your dedication to
this and all the other charitable works you perform.
From Tony McDowell:
Subject: Salute 10 THANK YOU
Fellow BBQ’ers
I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you
for making salute 10 an absolute success. It is not easy to cater an
event there is a lot of work and time consuming. However to cater, cook
and serve for 14,000 people is a monumental task that we accomplished
together. Prepping and cooking 5,000lbs of pork, 2,500 lbs of Chicken
and 2,000lbs of Louisiana hot sausage it a short period of time was a
uphill battle from the beginning that we accomplished together. You all
out did your selves; you chipped in where needed and when you saw
something had to be done you didn’t wait to be asked you did it. It was
a pleasure working with all of you and meeting your families and
friends. It could not have been a success without you.
I would especially like to thank Randy Gille for the hours of hard work
and dedication he put in throughout the year helping plan this event.
And for all the items he donated which are too numerous to mention in
this E Mail. “BBQ for our Troops” headed up by Del King a nonprofit
organization which donated the meat & charcoal and Del’s help
coordinating this event. Kelley Coe (Base event coordinator) who worked
endlessly throughout the year with us planning, listening and
coordinating to make this a success. Dan Cannon for being there and
answering my millions of questions throughout the year. Bob Crosier,
Robert & Dean from MCCS warehouse & John Murdock (Outdoor adventure)
when we needed something they were right there
I know our service members and their families are also grateful, as I
travel all around the base all I hear is how good the food was and they
couldn’t believe the size of the portions. I also did hear a few of them
mention that there was entertainment by two singers later in the
I don’t know about you, however, I was honored to have Commanding
General Clardy and Ms. Catlin (Head MCCS) to think enough of us to take
time from their busy schedule and walk through the pit area and
individually thank each of us for being there and present us with a
small token of their appreciation.
Dan Cannon and Rick Streiff have posted some pictures of this event
for your viewing pleasure.
If any of you have seen a large fire extinguisher please let me know the
Kelley has asked me to ask you there are 3 missing and she needs them
for her next event in June.
God Bless each and every one of you and your families
Happy BBQ'ing & looking forward to seeing you next year
Tony McDowell
CBBQA local Rep
From Dan Cannon, a comment:
THANKS Tony McDowell, Kelly Coe, Randy Gille, Del King !!! It was a great
event. Team BBQbyDan are proud to have been able to contribute to
make everybody so successful at pulling off a perfect event. Hey,
that is exactly what I said in 2006 & 7 !!! But it is true.
I really want to point out we were just a very, very, small
part of this very big thing. Many cookers, pits, helpers/prepper's,
volunteers, servers, and organizers made this happen. Many hands
make little work. Every single person and volunteer did an equally
great and fantastic job. Without every single persons
participation this could not happen.
We arrived to great weather, great company, and a great environment. All the amenities were in place, grease dumps,
electricity, refreshments,
and good friends to work hard with.
As an fyi, I heard from Randy Gille and Tony McDowell, there was 5000lbs
of Pork Shoulder butts, 2,500 lbs of Chicken, and 2,000lbs of Louisiana
Sausages delivered to Twentynine Palms Marine Base for our group to
process and cook. That made a bit of activity
on our parts as well! ESPECIALLY RANDY !!! I know Randy went
above and way beyond on ensuring the meal was the best. Adding
additional items at his own expense. Especially his big
effort to make beans happen as a side. Not to mention planning for
months on how to ensure all facilitation was in place properly (by
personal inspections of the food and trips to the facilities) with no
last minutes problems or hiccups! Thanks a bunch for that effort
RANDY !!! But as always it was a lot of effort but just as
much enjoyment. Especially getting together with old friends and
meeting new friends. Especially nice to visit after it was all
over with!
The volunteer helpers did an exceptional job of prepping ALL the meats.
That included removing from packages and prepping/seasoning all the
butt, beans, and chicken.
As usual the "Young
Marines" did an outstanding job of helping everybody and being
where needed. And very
professionally at that.
After the event many of the folks finally got a chance to relax, listen
to the band, chit-chat, reflect on how the event went as a whole,
and enjoy each others company till about midnight sitting around the
cook site.
I hung out till about midnight relaxing after the day. Most were
up by 09:00, and pulling out an hour later or so.
Another great event for our troops and country. Thanks Tony
McDowell, Kelley Coe, Randy Gille, and Del Gilbert, AND all the volunteers, and others that
contributed and made it so special.
Dan Cannon
BBQbyDan Index of Past Military BBQ Events & Write-ups >
BBQbyDan Index of Past BBQ Events & Write-ups >
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06 Jan 2015 12:33
