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BBQ for the U.S. Marines
1st RECON Battalion
Camp Pendleton
I arrived Saturday at the Camp
Pendleton Marine base and
was a very minor part of making the BBQ lunch happen and especially a minor part
of all the work that was put in by the many volunteers. Thought
I might try and put together a document that would better let everybody
understand what went on that Friday and Saturday, from multiple perspectives.
The following is input from some of the attendees and how they felt about the
event. I will add my own rendition at the
Dan Cannon
Posted by John Richardson to Sun 06/08/2003 7:30 PM
Hi All
I'd like to report another successful CBBQA BBQ for the troops. Many marines
showed up expecting hot dogs and hamburgers. It was jaw-drop time when they
saw four BBQ trailer rigs taking up their entire basketball court and some of
California's best BBQers waiting for them with brisket, pulled pork, tri-tip, sausage
and a whole
pig. Many thank you's are in order,
Gene Goycochea whose persistence made this event possible.
Stephanie, the delightful dynamo of 1st Recon Bn, who bent all the right ears to
bring this event to fruition.
Bill Wight who did everything. Never saw him stop or sit down all day.
Don Grissom who cooked a whole pig in his Good One rig. He was performing as
Solo Bubba this time.
Todd Eves who brought his new hot rod candy-apple red smoker. Besides looking
good, it cooks-up some dynaOmite barbecue.
Dan Cannon who brought Big Red his Ole Hickory mobile rig to handle most of the
side dishes and his famous dirty
Carl Kaun was there and was able to make order out of mayhem. Carl has a special talent to set up the flow of the buffet line.
Dan Drogichen and Ann Hoeppner handled the serving line and all the chores in Gene's rig.
Del Rice, who was the Lead Man at the May 17th 29 Palms event, helped
A special thank you to the young men from the ROTC program. They were informed of this event at the last minute, but showed up and worked tirelessly to
make this event a success.
Thank you to those who sponsored this BBQ, Smart and Final and Head Country.
There were others also, Gene will have to fill you
in. Randall Oliver from Smart and Final proved he can carve a mean pig.
And thank you especially to the Marines of 1st Recon Battalion and their family
members. We were there to welcome you home and thank you for your courage and commitment. Meeting these young people sure makes you proud,
Funny moment of the day: A young boy is in the buffet line and sees the whole pig. He says
"I want the eyes." Todd Eves is walking by and hears him. Todd performs battlefield Lasik surgery on Mr. Pig and plops the eyes on the kid's plate. Todd and
the kid are laughing their
Boston's off while the boy's mom is getting jelly-leg and about faint. Definitely a twisted Norman Rockwell moment.
And thank you to CBBQA for allowing us this opportunity to participate in another
BBQ for the Troops. Let's do it again.
John and Lynda Richardson
Posted by Gene Goycochea to
Mon 06/09/2003 3:30 PM
I have to say that we had an excellent group at Camp Pendleton in Oceanside this past weekend, the cookers arrived before 6:00 pm on Friday, they cooked all
night. We had everything ready early, our other volunteers arrived around 8:00 am on
Saturday. Our helpers and the ROTC guys really pitched in, they shredded, cleaned, served... etc.
We were treated so well by the 1st Recon men and by the brass. They gave us hats as a thanks at their little
At the end, after some of our volunteers left, they came over to get addresses from each of us to have a very special paddle made and engraved to thank us again....
What a rewarding experience for our group....
Glad that we could all be a part of it.........
I need names and addresses for those who were there and did not give this information to the Major......
e-mail me privately....
Bill Wight posts the following on
On 6 and 7 JUN, our BBQ group (5 cooks
and 5 helpers plus 5 ROTC guys) put on a barbecue cookout for the Marines
of the 1st Div, 1st Recon Battalion returning to Camp Pendleton from
Iraq--about 250 Marines plus their families. The event was held in Camp
Margarita. The guys had returned early Friday morning, June 6th. What a
great bunch of guys! I learned that the Recon boys are the 'special
forces' of the Marines. We heard lots of really hairy war stories after
the picnic. The Marines and family members just could not believe that a
bunch of civilians who did not know them would go to all the trouble and
expense of doing this for them. We kept telling them that what we were
doing was nothing compared to what they had done and continue to do for
Near the end of the picnic, we were
invited to go across the parking lot to where a group of Marines were in a
circle. At first, I thought that maybe the guys were going to give us a
ceremonial unit ribbon and pin it to our chests (through the flesh as was
their custom) and I whispered to Gene next to me, that I'd just as soon
forgo that honor. But the circle was not about us, it was a ceremony for a
Marine Air Group pilot, who flew down from his home in San Francisco that
morning to be at the picnic with this group of Recon Marines. The pilot
was a Captain who was assigned to the 1st Recon Battalion as their FAC for
close-in air to ground support. All the Marines in the circle around this
pilot were non-coms and officers, including the Battalion XO, a Lt Col, a
Major and a few Captains. We were not told what was going on but figured
it out pretty quickly. The ceremony started with a Master Sergeant who was
telling stories about all the great things this pilot did to help his unit
and a few funny stories involving the pilot as well. The Master Sergeant
held a fancy wooden paddle with elaborate braiding on it and the
signatures of the Battalion non-coms and officers and an engraved plaque.
The paddle would get passed from one non-com or officer to another and
each would tell a story (some serious, some funny) about what this Marine
FAC did during their four months together in Iraq. There was loud DJ music
going on all through this and some of the speeches were hard to hear. I
think it was the Major who then told of how he tried hard to pull strings
to get a pilot buddy of his as their FAC, but failed and was 'stuck' with
this Captain. He then went on to tell how incredible this pilot was in
helping his unit out of jam after jam. After all the non-coms and officers
had told their tales, the Recon Battalion XO was last with his little
roast and at the end, presented the pilot with the paddle. The pilot
Captain then gave a speech and they all shook hands and the group broke
At the end of the picnic, the
captain's wife who arranged the picnic presented our group with Unit Caps.
Unfortunately, I was around back washing pots when they gave out the Recon
caps and didn't get one. After most of the Marines and their families
drifted off, and we began to get the leftover barbecue (pulled pork,
smoked sausage, brisket, tri-tip and sides) ready for shipment over to the
mess hall for some other Marines to enjoy for dinner, the Major told us
the Recon Battalion would like to give our group the same kind of paddle
they had presented to the FAC pilot. We were floored that they would do
this for us. They asked us if we could come back to Camp Pendleton and
they would cook for us and present us our paddle.
We were honored and told them we'd
be happy to come back for the event. The Captain said they'd have a cap
for me when we returned.
My post of the event on 10-June-2003,
Arrived at Camp Pendleton about 08:00 and entered through the Los Puglas gate geographically located off the 5 freeway between the north and
south entry gates (17 miles apart). Took about 20 minutes to arrive at the BBQ picnic location, area 33 (near
Margaretville and the Subway sandwich shop). All the pit masters, Todd Eves, Don Grissom, and Gene
Goycochea, were busy cooking meats that had been put on the night before.
Turns out that Todd was cooking the tritips and there was no chicken to cook. So, since that is what I was going to cook I had it easy, I had
nothing to cook. Instead I used Big Red for another important function. I heated up my contribution of 3 full pans of Dirty Rice pans (made the
night before) and used the cookers remaining space for keeping the completed
pans of meats and sides warm from the other pits. That pretty much filled my pit up.
Lunch was being served at noon so I assisted as requested by others that were finalizing the preparation of the meats and sides for serving.
About 11:45 I brought the sides and meats to the serving tables where
Dan Drogichen, Ann Hoeppner, and Carl Kaun were setting up the serving line and equipment.
Don Grissom and Gene were taking "Miss Piggy" out of Don's cooker and bringing it to the serving table.
When the serving lines were complete there were two entry points. Each entry point had servers providing pulled pork,
brisket, sausages, BBQ beans, dirty rice, potato salad, rolls, and condiments. It was an
excellent meal and everybody did a great job prepping, cooking, preparing, and serving the troops. All the folks were definitely
excited about the food.
I assisted in keeping the servers pans full of product and trying to keep
the food line cleaned up and moving. The serving window was open from noon through 14:15. Dan
Drogichen, and Ann Hoeppner never left the serving line!
I was on stand-by for work and had work responsibilities to respond to at 19:00 that evening so took the
opportunity to pack up and leave early. I was on the road by 14:30 for home. Got lost on the base for
about 10 minutes, then finally found my way home by 17:30.
I must say that everybody was working extra hard. Bill Wight, Dan
Drogichen, Ann Hoeppner, and the ROTC volunteers never
stopped once in that they had the difficult job of the sides, immediate
clean-up issues, and coordinating the serving. Gene, Todd, I, and
Don Grissom were working at our pits pits keeping them loaded,
cooking correctly, and unloading for preparation and serving.
Overall it was a rewarding and exciting event for me. I must however state up front my efforts were minimal compared to the guys and gals
that helped with the planning, got there the night before, and left after me.
Everybody worked very hard and provided the Marines with a great experience they will remember for a long time.
Dan Cannon
Bill Wight, the ROTC volunteers, and
John Richardson
Dan Drogichen and volunteers on the serving line
Bill Wight, Ann Hoeppner, & Dan
Drogichen, and Carl
Kaun at serving line
Don Grissom & Del King
"Miss Piggy", Don Grissom
stayed up all night cooking her!
The 1st RECON troops enjoying the
lunch environment
The 1st RECON troops enjoying the
lunch environment
The 1st RECON troops in line at for
The 1st RECON troops enjoying the
lunch environment
Gene's BIG RIG BBQ Pit.
Gene loaded his big pit full of Pork butts and Sausages
Todd Eve's new "Out of this World
BBQ" pit.
Isn't it pretty!
Todd cooked the Tritip and Brisket
"Big Red", my (Dan Cannon's)
I used my pit as a heater and warmer for the pulled Brisket, Pulled
Pork, Sausages, Dirty Rice and BBQ
Contributors, and Volunteers
Dan Drogichen & Ann Hoeppner
Dan Drogichen & Ann Hoeppner helped and worked very hard everywhere. Took over Gene's trailer and did
a masterful job with sides, rubbing meat and then help to serve from the
first person to the last!
Bill Wight
Bill Wight picked up the sausage and
pork butt
Thursday from Villa Roma and Unistar Foods .
Arrived Friday and prepped and cooked meats.
Beans, provided and prepared 7 gallons and fixings
Water melon, provided and prepared
Don Grissom
BBQ Pit & fuel.
Don Grissom arrived Friday and prepped and cooked meats.
Whole Hog, stayed up all night cooking "Miss Piggy".
ROTC volunteers
ROTC volunteers arrived Saturday morning and worked
non-stop preparing beans, pulling brisket and pork butt, and
cleanup. Awesome job!
Todd Eves
BBQ Pit & fuel
Todd Eves provided OTH BBQ Rubs and sauces
Arrived Friday night, prepped and cooked brisket, butt, and tritip
Tended the brisket all night.
Carl Kaun
Carl Kaun arrived Saturday, helped everywhere.
Took control of setting up the serving line and worked it start to finish
Gene Goycochea
BBQ Pit & fuel
Gene Goycochea provided:
Pork Butts
Managed and put the event together
Provided sponsorship
Arrived Friday night, prepped and cooked all meats
Worked the serving line
John and Lynda Richardson
John and Lynda Richardson arrived Saturday, helped everywhere
and worked the serving line. Really tireless people, just helped
with all the tasks, including clean-up. Were among the last to
Randall Oliver
Randall Oliver, the Smart & Final representative,
helped non-stop everywhere and provided all Smart & Final
contributions and gave the cooks and helpers S&F aprons.
Del King
Del King arrived Saturday and helped
everywhere and arranged for the ROTC helpers.
Dan Cannon
BBQ Pit & fuel
Arrived Saturday morning
Dirty Rice & fixings
Kept prepared / pulled meats, beans, and dirty rice in pit as a warmer and helped with line supplies
Unistar Foods Inc
Tritip, 80 pounds
Pork Shoulder Butt, 120 pounds
Alvin Yam of Unistar Foods
Inc. donated a bunch of tri-tips and Bostons. Alvin and Unistar
helped us a bunch with the May 17th OBBQFOT event at the 29 Palms Marine
Base by participating with Mike Curry of Yosemite Meat in providing
the Bostons and temporarily storing some of the other donated meats in
their meat locker
Coleman Meat Processors
Brisket, 50 pounds
BBQ Rub,
50 pounds
BBQ Sauce, 4 gallons
Danny & Carey Head, Paul Schatte, Linda Grouth and the entire Head
Country crew were contacted on Monday of last week and put together two
cases of their Head Country Rub & Sauces and got them delivered in
time for the Friday/Saturday cook. They scrambled on Monday to
make the shipping cut-off and nailed it.
Out of
this World BBQ Products,
Todd Eves |
50 pounds
BBQ Rub, 10 pounds
BBQ Sauce, 2 gallons
BBQ Pit & fuel
Roma Sausage |
links, 100 pounds
Thanks Ed Lopes and Jess
Limon of Villa Roma Sausages for once again donating a bunch of their
Sausages. Villa Roma Sausages also helped out with a generous
donation for the May 17th OBBQFOT event at the 29 Palms Marine Base.
& Final |
the following supplies for 600 event attendees!
Coca Cola & Sodas
Farmer John Hot Dogs
Rolls and buns
Potato Salad
Plates, napkins, cutlery, aprons
Foil pans, condiments, table cloths
Marines |
1st Recon Battalion paid for the Whole Hog, Miss Piggy
Inc.™, BBQDan™,
BBQ Whisperer™,
BBQ Bivouac™, CRK Specialty Q™,
Coyote Road Kill™™,™,™,™,™
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06 Jan 2015 12:33