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  Chefs in training were helping our team do the prep work and clean up.  There services were invaluable




U.S. Marine Major General Angela Salinas saying hi to Del King &  Gunny (the marine mascot bulldog presented to Del by Marines in years past !



U.S. Marine Major General Angela Salinas, her assistant, and VA organizer folks, stopped by to say thanks for our participation and chit-chat with the CBBQA volunteers


The CBBQA team that made all the Turkey, Chicken, Tritip, and BBQ meat prep, BBQ, and presentation to the Veterans happen !!!  Bill Keyes, 2nd from left, was the CBBQA organizer that put it all together this year as well as last year.

Arrival, the night before, and how everything went perfectly,
thanks to all the efforts by everybody involved in its organization.

I (Dan Cannon) was the first to arrive and find our event location on Saturday afternoon around 15:00.  The VA Medical campus is very large with lots of roads and buildings.  It took me roughly 20 minutes after arrival to finally find  an event organizer who placed me and told us how we would be set up that evening and where the different food facilities were located.  I positioned myself for easy departure, set up my rig, and waited for everybody to arrive.  Since I was staying overnight (sleeping in my cooking trailer) I was hoping there would be a bunch of other folks staying overnight as well.
Andy Soto was the first to arrive with his BBQ trailer, then followed by Bill, Tom, Matt, Dave & Little Danger,, and a few other folks.  I am so sorry I am so bad with names so don't remember the last names and hope I did not leave other out !!!  Anyway, we all setup, stayed warm with a heater, and had munchies (pizza & sliced soft salami with cheese wiz and triskets) !  Finally at midnight I told Andy and the others I had to go to get some sleep and went inside.
I got up around 07:00 am and saw that most of the others had arrived.  Andy and Bill took the bull by the horns and started the setup, meat prep, and distribution to the various BBQ units that everybody was getting started and ready to receive the meats to cook.
The day went perfectly.  Everybody worked hard, the Chef's in training showed up to help with prep along with other volunteers, and we managed to get two to three cycles of meat on and off all the cooking equipment.
Sean, the event CBBQA interface to our group (especially to Bill Keyes) was a great help and used his truck to move all the meats to and from all the required locations.  He and Bill worked all year long to ensure all event requirements were in place and ensured all went perfectly (which it did).
I wrapped up, got my truck and trailer packed up, and pulled out by 15:00, home by 16:00, and had a fantastic time.  Everybody  treated us great  and it could not have been better organized.  I have already committed to participating next year and will look forward to another great time and event as the event draws closer !!!

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