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The CBBQA Q-Fest, 4-5-6-February-2005
East Shore RV Park / Lake Puddingstone
Kent Walton giving a Wine Tasting Seminar |
Kim, Kent, & Brent Walton. Kent
giving a Wine Tasting |
Dr. Don giving his Tamale making
seminar, from scratch |
Todd, Charles Miles, and myself
working on the Sausage making seminar
Pam Gram helping Todd stuff the
Myself and Carl Kaun |
Jim Sheridan making breakfast |
Jim Sheridan making breakfast |
Jim Sheridan making breakfast |
Rick, replacing the alternator on
Brent & Kim's SUV, he is their hero !!!
Folks having breakfast |
Brent Walton making
his Award Winning (Mandalay Bay 1st in "Anything Butt", Beef Ribs
Marcel, Jim, and Grant |
Folks getting a Pot Luck Lunch
Folks getting a Pot Luck Lunch |
Folks getting a Pot Luck Lunch |
Folks getting a Pot Luck Lunch |
Folks getting a Pot Luck Lunch
Grant awarding "Team of the Year"
trophy to Kim and Brent Walton |
Bill Wight, Grant, Ford, and myself.
Grant is presenting Bill and I CBBQA Achievement awards! How nice is
Our board having a meeting, Grant,
Kip, Kim, Brent, Todd |
Todd chilling out, not tripping |
Saturday evening, relaxing after the
big weekend, folks were hanging out at Brent & Kim's campsite
Posted by Carl Kaun:
What a *WONDERFUL* day!
Wonderful weather ( 70s and sunny, no wind to speak of, sparkling clean
Wonderful surroundings (cookers and 'cuers everywhere you looked)
Wonderful people (too many to list, but I'll get to a few)
Wonderful food!
Like always, I spent too much time cooking, and not enough looking and
jawing (both eats and talk). Still it was very nice to run into new
friends and old. Especially nice to see Bill Wight, and meet his brother
Jim from my neck of the woods. And Mark Drabkin, and Bill and Susan
Friday night potluck, I grilled some brined pork chops and stir-fried
some curry veggies. Oh, and I also put out some salmon potato salad.
Verna pulled out a raspberry cheesecake thing. Todd cooked a huge amount
of tri-tip. Pam and Pete did some beans. Other people also did things I
hope they announce, because I don't specifically remember them all at
the moment.
In the tamale seminar, Dr. Don creamed his lard and made some amazingly
light tamales. And Dan and Todd did the sausage thing with Dan's buffalo
chopper and sausage grinder. Good stuff.
Saturday morning was absolutely the most satisfying breakfast I have had
in ages. Jim's breakfast cooking is way up there. There was coffee and
pancakes and bacon and sausage (from the night before??), and eggs to
order, and toast. And then Dan pulled out his sausage gravy, loaded with
sausage, and just absolutely wonderful over some biscuits that were also
there. And who did that chile relleno thing?
Saturday I did a Southwest slaw (with cabbage, carrots, jalapenos,
cilantro, corn kernels, and black beans with a lime juice and canola oil
dressing). I also grilled some thighs with a Mexican seasoning, and some
hot legs, and cooked a whole savory chicken. Grant had prepped a bunch
of thighs during his morning seminar, but got all into his CBBQA thing
and forgot to cook them, I guess. Todd did a bunch of briskets and
butts, Charles and Brent did ribs, and when I got to the table there was
a wonderful variety of salads and slaws, Dan's dirty rice (mmm, very
good), Pete and Pam's beans, meats and desserts. Verna's brownies were
among the desserts.
Brent and Kim won the CBBQA cook of the year award. That's hardly a
surprise considering a record 3 grand championships in a row. What was a
bit of a surprise (only because of how strong Brent and Kim had done)
was that Tom Chilton managed to grab the chicken and pork (I think) cook
of the year awards.
Brent donated some knives and we had an auction benefiting CBBQA. That
was actually a lot of fun! Thanks, Brent.
Oh, yeah, there was a members meeting, too, and some important
announcements, but I'll let someone on the board make those separately.
Muchas gracias to Tom Chilton for the knife sharpening. People kept
dropping knives by a good part of the day. I now have two I can shave
with. Honest!
Muchas gracias also to Dan Cannon for basically organizing the thing,
and for all that Todd did in making it happen, too.
I just realized I left out one of the finest seminars the QFest has had
- Kent Walton gave a very nice wine tasting on Friday night. I know I
enjoyed it a lot.
Posted by Max Mullen:
Hello and thank you
everyone in the CBBQA.
My wife, three boys and I had a nice time at the Q fest. We drove three
hours just to spend the afternoon there to meet the wonderful people
that I had been talking with here on the internet.
My baby was not feeling very well and was a bit cranky so we were unable
to stay long enough to attend the meeting at 3:30. We were able though
to taste some tasty grub! My wife and I talked about the food and the
people all the way home.
It’s funny how cooking an animal over an open flame can make people so
friendly! I had a chance to meet Dan Cannon finally; I met Todd and
Grant and chewed that fat with them a bit. I met many others but could
not catch all the names. I’m looking forward to meeting with all the
members again in the near future if my schedule permits.
The Marines BBQ in May has become a priority for me to be there. My pit
will be done by then and it will be a good place to show her off. I have
a few Former Marine buddies who are anxious to come help serve their
Again thank you very much,
Max Mullen
New member # 720
Posted by Tom Chilton:
I agree with Carl, this
was probably the best Q-Fest I’ve been to. Thanks to Dan Cannon, Todd
Eves, and everybody else who put it together.
A lot of people were asking me about knife sharpening. Here’s an easy to
read guide:
The principles are the same no matter what kind of equipment you use to
I was truly surprised to get the trophies for chicken and pork team of
the year. I thought Brent had it all locked up with his unprecedented
three Grand Championships in a row. When I came home with the trophies,
Phillip was mad that he didn’t go. Congratulations to Brent and Kim on
the Team of the Year.
Tom Chilton
Posted by Kristin Meridith:
Carl and Max,
Thanks for the nice reports on the Q-Fest. I hope some others post
additional details. I couldn't be there because I have to get on a plane
to New York City in a couple of hours to take depositions all next week
and needed yesterday for prep time. Not my favorite thing to be doing
today -- I miss the Super Bowl, I miss the brisket Bent is cooking, I
missed the Q-Fest! But is sure is nice to be able to live it "second
hand" through your postings. I look forward to the article in the
upcoming National BBQ News.
Posted by Rick and Cindy Dennis:
Good Morning All,
I just wanted to thank everyone for one of the most pleasant
weekends we have ever had!
It was such a pleasure to meet Dan Cannon, Grant and Jeni, Brent and
Kim, Carl and Verna, Steve and Vicki, Kip and Monica, Charles and
Charles III, Jim, Pete and Pam and of course ....Todd. A finer
group of people you cannot find!!
I was absolutely floored by the quality of the BBQ. I have not had
food like that ever outside of the Deep South and nothing that high
in quality in years. Watching and listening to everyone as they
went about their cooking gave me a glimpse of the care and passion
that everyone puts into their efforts.
I learned a great deal this past weekend and look forward to seeing
all of you again.
One final note, Cindy spoke with Grant concerning putting together a
cook-our for the troops at Ft. Irwin. We would like to put that
one together, but need some background on what it took to put
together the last cook-our at 29 Palms.
Warmest Regards,
Dave and Cindy Dennis
by Dan Cannon:
years Q-Fest was again a VERY special event with everything going
perfectly !!!
I want to take a few minutes to thank everybody that attended,
participated, contributed, and made this weekends Q-fest possible.
A lot of people may think this happened as a result of hard work and
activities on my part when in fact that is the furthest from the truth.
In fact I probably worked less than most of the very active participants
and attendees. My initial role was to make reservations, keep a
living organizational document, verbally communicate and answer all
inquires reference the event, and try to keep everybody's eye on the goal
of creating an event that everybody would enjoy. Once at the event I
just tried to empower and organize everybody to just do a little bit of the
required tasks that had to be done and viola, it all came together perfectly.
As I am always quoting the old adage, "Many hands make little work".
During the initial Q-Fests of 1998, 1999 2000, and whatever some folks got
burned out and we recognized that the labors had to be distributed and
shared. Since that inspiration and implementation all has gone
very well.
Anyway, I will point out as many of the folks that REALLLLLLY worked
and helped a LOT !!! They would be:
Todd Eves, who did the following so well:
- Secured sponsored Bristol Farms Tritip for our meals
- Worked with East Shore management reference to all physical facilitation
of all attendees
- Secured sponsored Simple Green products for everybody
- Managing the Sausage seminar
- Getting the sausage seasonings, half the butts, and all casings for the sausage and
breakfast sausage gravy
- Cooking all the Tritips for the Friday evening
dinner, using his pit for our communal needs
- And in general helping in
anyway he could whenever called upon.
Without Todd's assistance and help for all the above tasks the Q-Fest
would certainly not be the same. Thanks a bunch TODD!!!
Brent Walton,
for bringing his pit down and helping in the communal
cooking, for helping Kim with the collection all the monies for camping,
parking, tenting, meals, new memberships & renewals, and in general
playing a key part of organizing with Grant all the great CBBQA activities
and member benefits. And especially for spending lots of time doing CBBQA administrative
chores and for generously providing Forshner equipment for a benefit
Kim Walton, for taking on what I think is possibly the most difficult
job! That is managing and collecting all the monies for all the
activities of the weekend and then ensuring all the bills at East Shore
were paid. Thanks Kim for doing that, albeit true, I think Todd, who
originally had that responsibility, transferred it to Kim somehow!
Kent Walton, for putting on a GREAT "Wine Education and Tasting"
seminar just prior to the Friday evening dinner. What an informative
and educational class that was. I gained a lot of information about
wine that I had no knowledge of before. Also, thanks a bunch for the
generous contribution of wines, cheeses, and crackers.
Grant Ford, probably worked the hardest of anybody at the Q-fest!
Grant not only rented an RV for the weekend but he also contributed the following:
- Made up individual, heat laminated, badges for all members on Saturday
- Put on a competition Chicken prep and cooking seminar Saturday morning
- Handled many new member inquires, new member sign-ups, the charity
- Resolved and handled current member problems and issues
- Organized and handled the "Team of the Year" awards ceremony
- Organized and handled the CBBQA Annual General Membership meeting
- Personally ensured both Saturday evening that all the facilitation was
broken down, everything was cleaned up, and put in trash cans and bags
- Sunday morning personally continued to clean up the rest of the camping
and meeting area and carried the trash cans and bags to the depository
- Auctioned off all the contributed Forschner equipment Brent
contributed and announced al the winners of the raffle. Must have
been about 15 winners. And, contributed BBQ'n Fools products for the
Sat all Saturday afternoon diligently handling the administrative issues
of the CBBQA for all the members present to get all the benefits that
members sign up for.
- Needless their is much more he has done but suffice to say, I can't
remember it all and we are all lucky to have a President so diligent and
Jeni Ford, for basically helping her husband, Grant, with ALL
of the above in all capacities. For personally helping Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday in policing and organizing all the tasks, jobs, and
equipment for the Friday evening dinner, Saturday morning breakfast, and
afternoon pot lucks. Not to mention all the Sunday morning policing
and cleanup done in the potluck and meeting area. And, especially
for supporting Grant in all the above the he accomplishes so well for all
of us. Especially since he has a couple of businesses and a
full-time job to fit into all he does for others.
Verna Kaun, for helping to set up the Pot Luck serving area.
That involves cleaning up the tables, setting up the table cloths,
receiving the foods from contributors, and setting it up in a format that
makes everything very accessible and easy for the serving line to function
well. Also, thanks for the contribution to the Pot Lucks,
Barbara loved the Raspberry Cheese Cake entries on Friday and I loved the
Brownies on Saturday.
Pam Gram, for helping to set up the Pot Luck serving area. That
involves cleaning up the tables, setting up the table cloths, receiving
the foods from contributors, and setting it up in a format that make
everything very accessible and easy for the serving line to function well.
Also, thanks for the contribution to the Pot Lucks, especially the Beans
on Friday evening.
AND for offering to "professionally" setup the 1.5"x3" ads for the
National BBQ News for those advertising (with a 3 month commitment of
$150.00) for FREE. Thanks for that great gesture and contribution
Pam !!!
Dr. Don, did so many seminars I can't remember them all! Lets
see, their was Tamale making from scratch on Friday evening, WOK cooking
on Saturday, for helping with the Pot Luck setup, and so many other things
that he helped with I can't mention them all. I am sure Dr. Don will forgive me but
it definitely would not be the same without his pleasantly opinionated and
smiling presence!
Bill Wight, for doing what he always does so well since I have known
him. Bill will push his presence into your space or area and
immediately start helping you do whatever task you are doing. I
personally watched him come into my area and start cleaning up all my
cooking equipment, help Jim Sheridan clean up all his breakfast tools and
equipment, then start helping to set up all the Ezie ups and serving
tables for Friday and Saturday. Then afterwards he started all over again. I am glad
that Bill has not left for Colorado yet and may give us all a reprieve to
his talents and presence.
Jim Sheridan, our main BREAKFAST man !!! If anybody did not get
a chance to sample and taste Jim's breakfast cuisine either Saturday or
Sunday you really missed a true tasting pleasurable experience! Jim
has the best "Chuck Wagon" rig out there. He provided the best
pancakes, bacon, sausage, biscuits, eggs, and coffee. Jim knows how
to "doctor" up the products to make them have magic and award winning
taste qualities, besides for such a nice serving steam table! This
is Jim's second year and I hope he enjoyed himself a bunch and can make it
every year to come.
Charles Miles and Rick Streiff, I have to mention their names as a
team! What a great thing they did for our Friday evening dinner.
They were personally managing and handling foods going in and out of my
cooker (Big Red) for not only their own products but everybody else that
needed a cooker to use for their evening potluck entry or overnight meat
long-haul cook. Also, the most helpful thing they did for me (and
now I feel selfish I asked them to do it) was to slice all the tritip for
the evening dinner, THEN, I asked them to clean up the slicer ???
Hey, since they were there and I was running around getting fires going and
people located I could not resist. Well, the slicer is spotless and
that is a nice thing to come home to. Thanks guys for helping so
much and being such a great team. AND, for doing such a great job on
the pork butts and meats for the pot luck entries!
Rick Streiff, will get a second mention in that
EXTRA-ORDINARY effort he put out for Brent Walton. Brent's
alternator literally went out in the RV park and his vehicle was dead upon
arrival. AND Brent had to go back to Clovis (Fresno) Sunday. Well
Rick, being the motor man he is got under the hood, identified the
problem, arranged through his organization to obtain the part. Then
left East Shore in the afternoon to get the parts while missing the
potluck and most the the afternoon activities. I know Brent was VERY
appreciative as he told me.
Kip Hallberg, the new member of the CBBQA board managed to not only
enjoy the weekend but get his head into some administrative activities
with the other members of the board throughout the afternoon. Not to
mention turning out a great Ribs for Saturday lunch.
EVERYBODY ELSE that I did not mention that cooked all night,
prepared foods from their hearts, made long trips to participate, brought
and setup / disassembled equipment, contributed foods, and just helped
to make the event something special overall. I / We all do appreciate
everybody's efforts and don't take anything for granted. Thank you
to everybody, especially the ones I did not mention above!
special thanks to all the new members (Rick, Cindy, Charles & family, Max
& family, and all the other's)
and participants that attended and gave us the pleasure of your company,
experiences, and Pot Luck entries.
Was pretty much normal other than a diesel pusher was sitting in my spot.
Todd had alerted the RV park to the fact it was their and needed to be
moved. That happened within an hour and all was well.
When we arrived many campers and attendees were already there. Brent
Walton, Todd and Tana Eves, Kip and Monica Hallberg, Rick & Cindy Dennis,
Charles Miles & family, and many others.
Typically the arrival night is a bit hectic. Folks are arriving,
identifying their camping spots and facilities, locating resources, and
looking for specific information as to what should be done next. I
finally got in and settled by down about 17:00. I also have to do
the same thing that everybody else does upon arrival, so finally got free to work with
the seminar folks and help others about 18:00. We roughly had the
following schedule of events Friday night:
- 18:00, Wine Tasting Seminar by Kent Walton
- 19:00, Tritip Dinner with everybody's Pot Luck contributions
- 20:00, Tamale Seminar by Dr. Don
- 21:00, Sausage Making Seminar, by Todd Eves and myself, and lots of
other hands-on volunteers
- Sit around the camp fire and enjoy the great evening.
It was a great evening with lots of good food and good people to visit with.
Folks ended up sitting around the fire till pretty late. I finally
had to sneak off and go get some rest for the next morning.
What a great breakfast AGAIN this year! We are lucky to have Jim
Sheridan attend again. And again put out such a passionate great breakfast.
Jim prepared bacon, sausage, biscuits, eggs to order, potatoes, coffee,
orange juice, plus lots of other fixings. Breakfast does not get any
better than that. Also, Kim & Monica Hallberg contributed their
fantastic breakfast casserole dishes. Having over slept by about an
hour I ended up making the sausage gravy a bit late, however, better late
than never. Todd and I had ground and seasoned 2 pork butts just for
breakfast. And, I cooked 4 rolls of instant biscuits in my Ole
Hickory very quickly. Overall, everything was great.
After breakfast and a brief period of relaxation it was on to preparing a
special request full-pan of Dirty Rice for Todd and Tana and a big brazier
full of Rice for lunch. While, adding and removing participants food
items to and from the Ole Hickory to help heat or cook their entries, and
just chit-chatting with all the attendees and new participants that were
roaming around. What a great day and event.
Again, this year as all previous years, when the time comes to eat
everything always works out perfect. There was very large selection
of meats, sides, and deserts. With the help of the diligent serving
line set-up volunteers everybody had an easy and accessible time filling their
plates. There were all the items mentioned on the work sheet plus
lots of extras. Way too much to eat and as usual there were lots of
left-overs. Thanks to Marcel Fortin we had lots of chairs for
everybody to use. Poor Rick Streiff missed the dinner as he was out
securing a new alternator for Brent's SUV!
Grant and Jeni ran the meeting which started about 16:00. It started
out with drawing tickets and giving prizes for the charitable raffle.
Went on to Team of the Year awards, and ended up in Grant reviewing and
making suggestions for the future of the CBBQA. A positive
meeting which forebodes good things for the future of the CBBQA and the
membership. What a nice surprise that Bill Wight and I were awarded
a plaque for active CBBQA participation throughout the years. I am
sure I speak for Bill also in saying "Thanks a lot".
After the Annual Membership Meeting (16:45) everybody either left for home
or picked up any of their remaining equipment spread throughout the
Potluck and meeting area. All of the RV folks were staying through
for a Sunday departure. Most day-parkers and tenter's were on their
way home.
Most of the last night revelry centered around Brent's Ezup and
consisted of everybody reminiscing over the weekends activities and
discussing whatever other BBQ or food issues that came up. I
predicted since it was so cold Saturday night, indicating the cloud cover
was gone and not holding in the heat, that it would be great weather
Sunday morning. Hmm, guess that theory went out the window! We
had used up our fire wood contribution the previous evening and were using
a propane heater to stay warm with.
Woke up to the great smell of bacon, potatoes, pancakes, sausage, and
eggs, again!!! Thanks, again, Jim for being there so bright and
early in the morning. As on Saturday we had a fantastic breakfast
provided by the tireless efforts and passion of Jim Sheridan.
Unlike the previous two days (Friday & Saturday) this was a cold morning
and it was drizzling. I even had to go get a hat and scarf on.
I just figured we should count our blessings and be thankful we had had
perfect weather all throughout the event. Everybody hung around
eating and chit-chatting for an hour or so enjoying the tail-end of the
great weekend. Finally in an effort to beat out any possible rain
Rick and I started to pack up for an early departure.
One last policing of the area was done by Todd, Jeni, and Grant prior to
most folks packing up and leaving. Most started pulling out around
11:00 with Grant, Jeni, Rick, and Cindy being some of the last to leave.
Thanks again to everybody for a great event and I am already looking
forward to next year already!
Dan Cannon
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09 Feb 2017 12:28