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| |
Q-Fest, East Shore
RV Park, 6-7-8-February-2004
First there are the
pictures, then below that the member's email renditions
Smokin' John & Flaming Linda
Burke |
Claudia Cortez, Linda & John
Burke |
Ken & Claudia Cortez
Pam Gram & Pete Weaver, BBQ
Team "The Pit Stop" |
Bill Wight & Monica Hallberg |
Kip Hallberg |
Don Grissom, Derek Muller, &
Bill Wight |
Dan Cannon & Todd Eves messing
around with breakfast gravy
Todd, Mark, and Hayward |
Slicing the Tritip for Friday
nights dinner
Pork sliced in strips prior to
grinding |
Pork after grinding |
Todd preparing & washing the
medium sized hog casings
Me, mixing my seasnoning blend
into the just ground butt |
Preparing to put the washed
casing on the horn, blades removed |
Todd and Pam stuffing the
casing |
Todd giving lessons on how to
hold & stuff casings |
Todd doing his magic with
twisting & linking the stuffed casings
Brent Walton |
Brent Walton's CHAIRS! |
Jan & Jim Sheridan's Famous
Breakfast Rig
Jim Sheridan taking orders for
breakfast at the grill
Jim cooking up some bacon,
literally in minutes |
Breakfast being served |
Tom Chilton and Philip doing
the Cornbread making seminar
Rick, Dan, and Jim's campsite
setup |
People never quit coming for
breakfast |
Barb Cannon, Rene Tackett, &
Gary Maines
The Potluck line |
The Potluck line |
The Potluck line |
The Potluck line |
The Fire Pit where it all
happened late at night
Smokin' John & Flaming Linda
Burke |
Bentley Meredith relaxing
after the big Potluck Dinner |
Pam Gram & Pete Weaver,
BBQ Team "The Pit Stop" |
The following is email sent to the CBBQA group reference to the Q-Fest we just had this last
weekend. I will insert the messages in their basic order of
reception: |
The Q-Fest was great!
Sorry you couldn't make it. The weather was perfect again.
There was a ton of great food, some new faces, old friends,
and a good time was had by all who attended. Dan Cannon and
Bill Wight deserve our thanks and praise. Raymond won the
team of the year award. Grant did a good job MC'ing the
awards ceremony.
Tom Chilton
Eva Harris <>
HI Dan, Bill,
Just wanted to thank you for the best qfest ever held. I would like to
thank our new members Jim & Jan for the outstanding breakfast. They have
truly the best breakfast set up on their smoker, it was like being in a
breakfast cafe. Order your eggs the way you want then, French
toast, pan cakes you name it.
For the members that didn't come you missed it, great weather, we had
about 85 guest on sat.
Tom's corn bread class was outstanding, Dan class was outstanding.
Hayward was very out-going this weekend when he wasn't working, he had a
great time didn't want to leave today.
Eva Harris
Well said, Eva, It was a
great qfest! Lots of members helping here and helping there.
Kaye and Jake W. become
members this weekend I hope that they will join us more in the
future. They were the couple that help Jeni and I at the first
29 Palms event, more good folks joining CBBQA.
Great Food, Great Friends
and a Great Time!
Grant, just enjoy
fool'n around!
Thomas Chilton
I wrote up some impressions I had of the Q-Fest. For the second year
in a row, the weather was perfect in San Dimas for the Southern California
The festivities got underway Friday night with the Bristol Farms-supplied
tri-tip dinner and Dan Cannon and Todd Eves giving a presentation on how
to make sausage. Todd brought a professional-grade Butcher Boy
grinder/stuffer, which allowed him to make sausage at the rate of sev0eral
feet per second (at least it seemed that fast). Several types of sausage
were made, including: breakfast, Italian, and habanera. What wasn't tasted
after the class was served the next day at the potluck.
Saturday got underway with a breakfast extravaganza supplied by Dan Cannon
and Jim & Jan Sheridan (with a custom built rig that included full sized
griddle, grill, smoker, steam tables, burners - it was really a
professional kitchen on wheels). Biscuits and sausage gravy, pancakes,
French toast, breakfast casserole, eggs cooked to order, bacon, sausage -
let's just say that nobody left the breakfast hungry.
After relaxing a bit after breakfast, the first Saturday class got
underway. Rick Stidham from Coleman Processors talked to us about the
history of the beef industry, mad cow disease and the safeguards in place
to safeguard against it, grading of beef, and answered questions about all
different topics related to beef processing.
Next, people either went back to cooking or attended the Cornbread Class,
where we made maple syrup cornbread, 7-up cornbread, spoon bread, hush
puppies, and Southern style cornbread. The participants in this class had
a lot to contribute to our knowledge of cornbread, and people enjoyed
themselves working together to make the different types of cornbread.
There was a lot of relaxing, socializing, visiting, and cooking going on
throughout the day. At this Q-fest, several teams and individuals brought
their cookers along: Dueling Bubbas (Don Grissom) had their Good-One
trailer, Coyote Road Kill (Dan Cannon) had the Ole Hickory, Out of This
World Products (Todd Ewes) had his Southern Yankee, Bentley Meredith had
his Traeger, Tom Chilton had his FE-100, Dan Drogichen brought his highly
customized WSM, and there were probably more I didn't get around to see.
The highlight of the Q-Fest was the Saturday afternoon feast. It's
impossible to describe how good the food was. There were several types of
ribs, including Don Grissom's wild boar ribs. There was pulled pork, there
was brisket, tri-tip, sausage, chicken; there was a table of different
salads, a table of desserts, and side dishes galore. Even taking a tiny
bit of each offering, there wasn't room on the plate to sample each thing.
After more relaxing and socializing, the Team of the Year awards were
presented. Everybody Loves Raymond was the team of the year.
Overall, this was one of the best Q-Fests we've had. The weather was
perfect, the people were friendly, the food was great, the atmosphere was
relaxed, and there were many first-time attendees there. We can truly say:
A good time was had by all who attended.
Don Grissom
Henry J.,
You missed a good one, the weather and the organization of the Q-Fest
couldn't have been better. Dan Cannon and all those that assisted did a
grand job.
As to the ToY stuff, Tom Brohamer will be 'da man for the full results and
write-up. I'm unaware of the details other than Raymond and Pam won the
Overall. Was jammed up cleaning up the rig when the announcements were
As to the Wild Boar ribs. Again will have to plead ignorance. They served
not only the best ever Q-Fest or contest breakfast but the best breakfast
I've had anywhere (including restaurants) in years and I over did it. End
result I skipped the Pot Luck and never tasted the Boar. They looked
pretty. Heard some folks say they were O.K.. Ended up cooking 30 racks.
Dan Cannon []
I just want to second what everybody has said about the weekend and and
add a few things:
- First off there was far too much work for any one person to do to make
this possible for everybody. And as the old adage goes "Many hands make
little work", that was truly the case here. Many people contributed their
time and efforts and made this event VERY successful and I want to thank
them all. As in:
- Todd Eves for hauling his equipment out (BBQ pit, Sausage
grinder/stuffer) and for contributing at no cost the seasonings for the
sausage seminar links and breakfast sausage. It took two trips from Todd's
house both upon arrival and departure to get two trailers and all the
equipment to and from the park to his home. Also, for running around town
using his own time and gas to pick up the Bristol Farms contributed tritip
for both the Friday night dinner and Saturday lunch.
- Without Todd Eves' help on the sausage making seminar it would have been
a lot tougher for me. His equipment, exceptional skills (from years of
being a butcher), and seasonings made everything GREAT. His new "Breakfast
Sausage" seasoning is what really added to the sausage gravy as well.
- Bill Wight for doing all the bill collecting, keeping track of the
monies, and managing the peoples arrival reference to spot placement &
management, and finally he and Todd for managing which spots to turn-in so
we would not be charged.
- Our new members, Jim and Jan Sheridan of "Country Inn Catering",
760-788-4951, Ramona CA, who provided us with one of the best, most
tasteful, and most professionally presented, breakfast spread and layouts
I have ever experienced. Both Saturday and Sunday mornings. They really
just took on all the responsibilities of the breakfast tasks altogether
and did an exceptional job. They TRULY took breakfast to "another level".
Another task I could mark off my list and not worry about.
- Tom and Phillip Chilton for cooking all the breakfast biscuits. And,
especially for bringing all the fixings, color write-ups, provisions, and
equipment to provide a Corn Bread Making seminar that was fantastic. Got
to try my first Hush Puppies, they were great!
Rick Stidman of Coleman's Meat Processing for taking the time to prepare a
presentation and for taking his families personal time to appear and talk
to our group. Rick has sponsored all the OBBQFOT events and has
unselfishly given a lot of meat products for our Military BBQ events and
the troops just returning from combat environments.
- Pam Gram and Pete Weaver for helping to prepare the serving tables and
area and being there to help in all areas where some more hands and
management helped a lot to get everything setup for each of the upcoming
- Especially Grant & Jeni Ford for always throwing themselves in 100% to
get the Potluck serving setup and work tasks accomplished. They really
took hold of the serving area and helped to set up the chafers, receive
the entries, and manage the whole area of food distribution.
- With the efforts of Grant, Jeni, Pam, and Pete I was able to mark that
area of responsibility off my list altogether, not worry about it, and go
on to other concerns. Like getting the RV park bill paid and all the
parking and cooking spots coordinated. Thanks to Todd and his powers of
persuasion we were able to coordinate the cancellation of spots with East
Shore quite successfully.
- Grant & Jeni Ford for handling the after-dinner Awards meeting and "Team
of the Year" awards.
- And especially to everybody that helped move equipment, put up and take
down Ez-Ups, setup / cleanup, and generally help set up and move all the
food, equipment, and hardware to provide the facilitation required to make
everything happen.
Many other members came up and offered to help anywhere they could and it
made life a lot easier on everybody. Thanks to everybody that did that! I
REALLLLLY appreciated it! I am sure I should have mentioned more names but
can't think of them at this moment. In any case I want to thank everybody
that helped and contributed to the success of this event.
The weather was the BEST, no wind, sunny, warm (t-shirt type), great view
of park, lake, and snow on the mountains. All the RV'ers stayed through
still Sunday and we had a great time Saturday evening till late
celebrating the successes of the weekend.
Again, thanks to all that attended, contributed, helped, and made it a
great experience for everybody.
In a subsequent message I
add the following:
Don't want to forget to also thank all the folks that took the time and
expense to bring their pits (trailered, small & large).
Sometimes we end up with so much food that it is hard to find a place to
cook it all and if it were not for the available pit space these units
provide we would not be able to handle all the food. Thanks to the
following folks for bringing their pits and cooking public and extra foods
on your units as it turned up:
Tom Chilton, a Fast-Eddy
Don Grissom, a Good-One
Bentley Meredith, a Traeger
Todd Eves, an Austin National
Rick Streiff, an Ole Hickory
Jim & Jan Sheridan, Breakfast/Grill/Smoking home built
Dan Drogichen, WSM
As well as a big thanks for all the effort and hard work put in by
everybody for all the potluck entries cooked and prepared and all the hard
work it took to make them in an outside environment with an RV,
standalone, or whatever type of a cooking or preparation device that was
brought for the weekend.
I put down all I can remember or think I saw. Sorry if I missed somebody.
Every attendee (too many to mention) put in an effort and produced a
product and result. Without the individual distinctive efforts put in by
each and every attendee in one form or another these events would not
It can take 4 months to plan and reserve resources for these events.
Anybody want to offer to organize and handle the next? Be nice to be
thinking of when and where another Q-Fest could be held to supplement
cook-off event activities.
Guess volunteers and the new board and take on that issue.
Dan C.
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09 Feb 2017 12:28