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California BBQ
Association (CBBQA)
Q-Fest 2014
East Shore RV, Lake Puddingstone
San Dimas California

< Q-Fest, 2013 Work-Sheet >
CHILI ................ Tim & Diana
CHILI VERDE .......... Andy Allen
BEANS................. Jack Lester
SHEPPARD'S PIE ....... Jack Lester
CORN CASSEROLE ....... Abel Tirre &
GARLIC BREAD.......... Dan & Barbara Cannon
PISTACHIO SALAD ...... Ted & Ardith
DESSERT ITEM.......... Dale & Tammy Ginos
CHEESECAKE ........... Kimberly
COFFEE BAR & PIE ..... Stephen
Franklin |
SAUSAGE GRAVY & ROLLS. Dan & Barbara Cannon
CORN BEEF HASH........ Jack Lester
CHILI VERDE .......... Andy Allen
EGGS, 9 DOZEN ........ Ardith & Ted
BREAKFAST MEATS....... Steve Madaule
BACON................. Steve Madaule
Steve Madaule
BAGELS, LOX, CHEESE... Abel Tirre &
DANISH................ Tim & Diana McDonald
MUFFINS............... Kimberly Moore
STRAWBERRIES ......... Dale & Tammy Ginos
Hayward & Eva Harris |
Linda Burke & Joe Miles |
Joe Miles
Tim Wong and crew |
abill Freiburger, Bill Keys,
Melanie, Linda, & Donna
Pam, Steve, Tammy, & dale
Tim and Diana McDonald contributing a truck
load of wood !!! Thanks Tim & Diana !!!
Breakfast is served !
Breakfast is served !
Dinner, served at 14:00
BEANS & CORNBREAD .... Tim & Diana
SMOKED WHOLE TURKEY .. Dale & Tammy Ginos
CHICKEN WINGS ........ Eva & Hayward
TAMALES .............. Bill Keyes
...... ... Abel Tirre & Anna
GREEN SALAD.............
Kimberly Moore
............... Harry Soo
DIRTY RICE.............. Dan & Barbara Cannon
FRUIT SALAD ............ Ted & Ardith
MACARONI SALAD.......... Jack
Bill Keyes
DINNER ROLLS............ Eva & Hayward
SOUTHWEST SALAD ........ Thom Emery |
CHILI................. Steve Madaule
SPAGHETTI & CHEESE.... Ardith & ted
PRIME RIB ............ ??? |
Awards Ceremony
Award Winners !!!
Dan Cannon awarding to
Ardith and Ted the
Brent Walton Memorial Award !
A heartfelt
“Thanks” from All Hogs go to Heaven after receiving such prestigious
awards at the QFEST. What an honor to be inducted into the Hall of Fame
with such an elite group of individuals. Also receiving the Brent Walton
Memorial Award touched our hearts. We are honored and humbled to receive
this recognition. Thanks to you all. |
Bill, Dan, & Kelly awarding
inducting Steve Madaule
into the California BBQ Hall of Fame, 2013 ! |
Tim Wong receiving Presidents Award
Donna Fong receiving Presidents
Award |
Q-Fest 2014
Submitted by Steve Wilson
California BBQ Association ?February 7, 8, 9?East Shore RV, Lake
Puddingstone ?San Dimas, California
When invited to a barbecue most are excited to head to a party that is
going to serve up some great food hot off the grill, have a few
beverages and a great time with family and friends. CBBQA members and
friends experience great BBQ throughout the year but a special event
that we affectionately call Q-Fest is the opportunity to enjoy great BBQ
and friends outside a competition setting while celebrating team
accomplishments and honoring those that have made exceptional
contributions to and for the CBBQA.
On Friday, February 7th the party began at the East Shore RV Park inside
Frank. G. Bonelli Regional Park in San Dimas, CA. Bill Keyes, (Tropical
Heat) and I were the first ones to arrive and had made plans to also
attend the NHRA Winternational Drag Races just a few miles away from the
Q-Fest site. By the time we returned the party was well underway with
two bonfires blazing and about 50 folks from our BBQuemunity all set up.
Kevin and Debbie O’Grady (Royal Smokin Hot BBQ) had their margarita
machine working and offered all a choice of leaded or unleaded
margaritas. Our host for the 17th consecutive year, Dan Cannon (BBQ By
Dan), announced that dinner would be served. Dale and Tammy Ginos (When
Pigs Fly) had set up tables in their camp to host the Friday night
Dinner buffet. There were many items to choose from while taking a
sample of each resulted in a very full plate. The creativeness of our
members in the kitchen must be commended. A dessert table was set up
with more amazing treats.
After dinner, everyone made their way back to the bonfires. Tim McDonald
(Rusty Barrel BBQ) and family supplied a pickup truck full of firewood
to keep the fire pits burning for the whole weekend. Most folks
attending spent the remainder of the evening socializing, talking,
laughing and enjoying the company of friends.
One of the biggest highlights of Q-Fest is skunk sightings at night.
Stories are told by anyone who has attended a Q-Fest of skunks searching
for scraps throughout the campsites. One story was told about Moe Lyons,
(Left Coast Q) staying up all night while cooking a whole hog. It was
told that he had to climb on top of their table as he watched 33 skunks
or one skunk 33 times invade his campsite.
Soon it was time for some rest and people began to retire to their motor
homes, trailer and tents. My wife and I slept under our canopy. I can be
a light sleeper and was awakened 4 different times throughout the night,
twice by skunks, once by a raccoon and lastly by my wife having to use
the restroom. During her absence I spotted, some sort of cat streak
across my gaze. It was too fast and not enough light to determine
exactly what it was, but it managed to keep the skunks away for the rest
of the night.
Saturday is the big day for Q-Fest. Steve Madaule (All Hogs Go To
Heaven) and John Bracamonte, (Brazen BBQ) did a great job cooking bacon
and eggs for breakfast. In fact they cooked so much bacon, Steve’s pit
erupted with a grease fire hot enough to curl the paint off the top of
his smoker. Breakfast had many highlights with biscuits and gravy
receiving many accolades.
Many day camper people began to arrive Saturday morning. The crowd had
more than doubled. At 2pm it was time to eat again. This meal doesn’t
get the distinction of being called lunch. Oh no, this extravaganza is
called 'early dinner'. With everyone submitting a dish or more, there
were many more choices as compared to Friday night dinner. I decided on
a new strategy for this meal. There was no way one could sample
everything as there was just too many food choices displayed. My
strategy was to go light and save myself for the dinner planned for
later that evening. The food was incredible. Beef loin, pork loin,
chicken, turkey, lasagna, 3 different Mac & Cheeses, salads, desserts
and so much more. There were 5 or six tables set up for the buffet, I
think I made it to the end of the second table when my plate reached
maximum capacity.
Todd Eaves, (O.T.W. BBQ) was sitting across from me eating this huge
chocolate cake which he gave rave reviews. I had to try it. I go over to
the dessert section of the buffet and cut off a small wedge of chocolate
cake. I hear Steph Franklin , (Simply Marvelous BBQ) say 'Oh Steve,
don’t leave without trying Jamie’s raspberry bars'. I had to try them
Soon it was time for the CBBQA 2013 ToY and Roy Awards. Our President,
Steph Franklin along with a few of the 2013 BOD members presented the
Andy Allen (Rooftop BBQ) did a fabulous job in procuring the awards for
the 2013 winners. The ToY and RoY awards were colorful flame trophies.
Clear acrylic flames of varying sizes etched with the team names were
awarded to top finishers in each category. Beautiful plaques also etched
with team names were awarded to the remaining top 10 teams. Medals were
awarded to the top 20 overall.
Rookie of the Year- Son of
Smoke, Zak Galiste
Team of the Year- Left Coast Q, Matt Dalton
1st Place Chicken- Simply Marvelous, Steph Franklin
1st Place Ribs-Left Coast Q, Matt Dalton
1st Place Pork- Steve Madaule, All Hogs Go To heaven
1st Place Brisket-Jason Miranda, Zzyzx BBQ
Hall of Fame Inductee-Steve Madaule, All Hogs Go To heaven
Judge of the Year-Tracy Allen
Brent Walton Award-Ardith and Ted Richardson, All Hogs Go To Heaven
President’s Award- Donna Fong, Butchers Daughter and Tim Wong, Dead Pig
Two President’s Service awards were given
for outstanding service to our organization. Donna Fong was the first
recipient. She is a wonderful compassionate person donating time and
energy working for the betterment of the association. Donna’s influence
and rational thinking were a welcome addition to the 2013 BOD where she
served as Vice President.
The second Presidential Service award was given to Tim Wong. Tim was
probably a major factor in raising money for CBBQA sponsored children’s
charities through his organization of the backyard class, the CBBQA
Competition class and he was instrumental on the website as a global
Also awarded was the Judge of the year award. Tracy Allen was the first
recipient of this award for her dedication in the judging tent as a MCJ
, teacher and mentor and volunteer to the association as coordinator of
business memberships. Tracy was able to accept her award via Skype while
she was at work Saturday.
The CBBQA also welcomed a new member to the Hall of Fame. Steve Madaule
was honored for his years of service to the association and his
commitment to California BBQ. A friend to everyone, a mentor to most and
just a whole lot of fun to be around.
The most touching award was given to Ted and Ardith Richardson. Ted and
Ardith received the Brent Walton Award. I never had the opportunity to
meet Brent, but the stories of this great man and how he lived for BBQ
in California are shared by Ted and Ardith. If you are ever fortunate
enough to be parked near the Richardson’s you need to take the time to
chat with them. Just wonderful people that consistently exemplify the
good in people and what BBQ is all about.
Saturday night dinner included a prime rib smoked by Kevin O’Grady which
was awesome. I also had chili which was excellent.
In closing, a special thank you to Dan Cannon for organizing this event
and for his dedication to assuring Q-Fest is a success. Dan announced he
will again host Q-Fest 2015. He noted that due to management changes at
the RV Park it will be necessary to reserve your spot, commit and pay,
by January 1st, 2015 to guarantee your requested space at Q-Fest 2015.
Submitted by Steve Wilson
California BBQ Association - 2013,
Kim Walton presented to, and
standing with recipients
Ted & Ardith Richardson.
received the inaugural
2013 Brent Walton Memorial Award !
Inscribed as follows:
This award is presented to you
because your peers believe that you
best represent the great qualities
that made Brent who he was.
You have demonstrated excellence in competition,
a devotion to community service, and a tireless
energy for spreading the love of
barbeque to any and all.
We are grateful for your continued
presence in our barbeque family.
California BBQ Association - 2013,
Presented to recipient Donna Fong
and Tim Wong
Inscribed as follows:
In recognition of your efforts in leading
content creation for the CBBQA web site,
spearheading the creation of the BBQ
Sauce review committee, and donating
your time to curriculum development
and delivery for the inaugural
California BBQ Institute
classes. We are grateful for your
dedicated Service.
California BBQ Association Q-Fest 2013
7-8-9-February 2014
East Shore RV, Lake Puddingstone
San Dimas, California
Steve Madaule inducted into the
California BBQ Association Hall of Fame - 2013
- All current Hall of Fame members
- short Steve Madaule
Even though all were not present at the Q-Fest forgive the liberty I took of Photoshop'ing in, so we could have a picture of all "Hall of Fame" members !
I still have to add Steve Madaule and will do so and post asap!

Rookie Team Of the Year
2013 (ROY) is:
Rookie of the Year- Son of
Smoke, Zak Galiste
Congratulations !!! |
Thanks to everybody for coming out,
What a GREAT weekend & Q-Fest for 2014. Thanks to
all that made it out. As I say every year...Thanks again for everybody's support and
All the Potlucks were just
FANTASTIC... Great !!!!.
Everybody turned in such GREAT submissions. I enjoyed EVERYTHING a
bunch. Thanks to all the folks for providing an entrées and
making everything so special !!!
Big thanks go to:
- Rusty Barrel (Tim & Diana McDonald), again, 2014, for bringing a half-cord of
wood both this years and past (we went through it all). Tim &
Without the wood we would all be miserable as the fire was going
from Friday evening through Sunday morning, event the rain could not put
it out !!! Thanks a bunch !!!
Everybody that
brought EVERYTHING... without everybody's participation it would not
work !!!
EVERYBODY did such an excellent job in spreading out all the work
and making it so easy to do this year. As I always say,
"Many hands make little work", and this year, 2014, proved that ESPECIALLY
TRUE!!! Thanks to everybody that contributed something, food,
seminar, setup, strike, whatever... It all did and does help !!!
ESPECIALLY, lets all thank the
McDonalds for bringing that BIG batch of Firewood that cam in so handy
and kept us all warm !!!
Thanks again to
everybody's participation !!!
Next years Q-FEST will be...
February 6-7-8-2015. We have spots B170 - B194. All the same spots are reserved again.
All who showed up this year will be automatically reassigned to their
same spot unless they want another available spot for 2014.
Thanks to everybody for the loyal
and continued support. Without your attendance and participation
this event and tradition could not happen.
Dan Cannon
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09 Feb 2017 12:28