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    Collapsible Windproof  Chafing Dishes,  Wind Guards, Chafing Dish Skirts, Chafer Safety Barrier, Induction and Butane Cooker Guards.  

































EAST SHORE RV PARK, 6-7-8, February, 2015
Puddingstone Lake
1440 Camper View Road, San Dimas, Southern California


Q-FEST, February 6-7-8, 2015, EVENT DESCRIPTION
(pricing and worksheet information at:
< Q-Fest, 2015, Worksheet > )

Q-Fests are overnight events where CBBQA members, families, and friends, get together, bring  BBQ grills and smokers, meats, side dishes, and have ourselves a weekend of barbecue and fun.


We all chip in to pay for the food and RV / Vehicle parking spots to cover all costs.  CBBQA members and families bring potluck contributions and CBBQA guests are charged a fee to cover the cost of food and parking.


We often  have a tri-tip dinner on Friday evening and one or more seminars on a topic related to meats and barbecue.    Members typically bring a cooker/smoker/BBQ pit and cook or prepare their potluck entry.  Typically each CBBQA family attending brings a meat and side dish large enough for 8-10 people.  The Event Coordinator publishes and manages the meat and side dishes so we do not get all the same foods.


The idea of a Q-Fest is to meet  and camp-out with our friends, make new ones, share information,  help to introduce barbecue to the world, contribute food and eat until we cannot stand up.


For Q-Fests to be possible many people must volunteer to pitch in and help. Q-Fest tasks and responsibilities cannot be all put on the shoulders of the coordinator or just a few people.  Those bringing  meat and side entries to the potluck need to prepare, cook, smoke, slice, and present in foil pans their submitted  products.  Many will bring their portable BBQ smokers (WSM's, Kettles, whatever...) to cook and get the meat ready for serving.   One or two folks might bring a large community smoking pit which can be of great assistance.  However, that is never guaranteed and everybody needs to be prepared to cook and present their own products!    Everyone attending a Q-Fest should be prepared to help out with the work of setup, cooking, preparing, serving table setup, clean-up, etc.


From the Q-Fest Guidelines:

The CBBQA Q-Fest coordinator will reserve and pay for the groups adjacently located spaces directly to  the RV park.  The members will then reserve through the CBBQA coordinator their required space(s).  Payments will then be paid to a designated CBBQA monies coordinator (either the treasurer or an assigned collection member).  
At RV parks, an RV site shall be purchased from the CBBQA coordinator for a minimum of two nights at a flat fee. If a member or guest who reserved an RV site is unable to attend, they will be responsible for the fee unless the site is occupied by someone else or the CBBQA is not charged for the site by the RV park. Members staying in tents shall pay a flat fee  per tent for camping one or two nights. Tent campers do not need to make reservations for tent camping and no penalty shall be assessed for a no-show. CBBQA members and guests arriving on Saturday, will pay as listed in the
< Q-Fest, 2015, Worksheet >.  Current pricing is listed in the worksheet.

CBBQA Members and guests camping in an RV or tent do not pay a parking fee for the first vehicle. Guests of CBBQA members shall pay to attend the Q-Fest, pricing listed in worksheet. CBBQA members and their immediate families do not pay a food fee. Immediate families are defined as those living within the CBBQA member's house.


CBBQA members shall be given a CBBQA name tag signifying that they have paid the parking fee. Guests will be given a name tag signifying that they have paid the parking and food fee. No one should be served dinner who does not have a CBBQA name tag. 

 < Q-Fest, 2015, Worksheet >

< Q-Fest, 2014, Work-Sheet (for a reminder of last years spots & submissions) >
< Q-Fest, 2014, Pictures >
< Q-Fest, 2013, Pictures >
< Q-Fest, 2012, Pictures >
< Q-Fest, 2011, Pictures >
< Q-Fest, 2010, Pictures >
< Q-Fest, 2009, Pictures >
< Q-Fest, 2008, Pictures >
< Q-Fest, 2007, Pictures >
< Q-Fest, 2006, Pictures >

< Q-Fest, 2005, Pictures >
< Q-Fest, 2004, Pictures >
< Q-Fest, 2003, Pictures >

& the very 1st Q-Fest here in Southern California...
 < Q-Fest, 1998, Pictures >


 BBQbyDan®,  BBQbyDan Inc.,  BBQDan,  BBQ Whisperer,  BBQ Bivouac,  CRK Specialty Q,  Coyote Road Kill
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Revised: 06 Jan 2015 12:33 .