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Imperial Beach California
Contact Gene Goycochea, the promoter and contest
coordinator at 619-429-1234 for information.
"Surf & Turf" 2005 BBQ Contest Results
13 Competition BBQ Teams
12 KCBS Certified BBQ Judges
Grand Champion: |
Sug's Shack
Charles Miles & crew
(looking for a picture of Charles to post?)
Reserve Champion: |
Bad Boys |
Randy Gille & crew
1st -- Pit Stop BBQ
2nd -- Auntie Shoe's Bodacious BBQ
3rd -- Burbank's Bad Boys
1st -- Burbank's Bad Boys
2nd -- Sug's Shack
3rd -- Let There be Smoke
1st -- Famous Shamus BBQ
2nd -- Auntie Shoe's Bodacious BBQ
3rd -- Sug's Shack
1st --
Smoke-A-Licious BBQ Team
2nd -- Acton BBQ Company
3rd -- Burbank's Bad Boys
1st -- Pit Stop BBQ
2nd -- Acton BBQ Company
3rd -- Auntie Shoe's Bodacious BBQ
Email from Gene Goycochea,
contest organizer and promoter:
Hello everyone, I just wanted to
thank all who attended Surf & Turf, the event raised good money for
charity, in addition to what we (the event) raised, CBBQA also
raised money that will be sent to the Charity (Boys & Girls Club )
in the form of a check, the samples booth was run by Jeni and Grant
Ford (always helping) it raised about 650.00 in addition to the over
10,000.00 that was raised by the event. I would like to thank the
teams, judges Eva and Hayward Harris for repping and doing a great
job!!! also we had the assistance in the food venue of a couple of
our great judges who always help when asked.... we also had Christie
Gille of Burbank Bad Boys BBQ who gave up her entire day to assist
in the selling of food for our cause... she and Randy are always
there to make it happen...
Again, thanks to all a small but
wonderful event for our community
Email from Pam Gram (1st
Chicken and Seafood):
We just got home. The contest was a blast. I fixed a tempura shrimp, but
added Bruce's Sweet Potato Pancake Mix to the batter. I then served it
with a smoked green tomatillo and jalapeno sauce and a smoked red pepper
with chipotle sauce. :0
Hi Eva!
THANKS to YOU and HAYWARD! You did a great job Reping as usual! We
really had fun and got to visit with some familiar faces and meet some
great new ones!
I can't speak for Auntie Shoe's, but I would love to do Seafood at a
Thanks to everyone!
Pam Gram/Pete Weaver
The Pit Stop
Email from
Eva Harris (Eva & Hayward were the KCBS Contest Representatives):
Hi Gene & Teams,
It was a great contest, the pay
out was pretty good, nice weather and at one point all the judges
was certified until we had a last minute entry to show up. The 6
judges that was not certified, Hayward spent a lot of time with them
and place 2 at each table they did great.
The Contest had a local TV station to air the contest. The Sea Coast
Inn has a new Manager.
Next Year Surf & Turf will once again have the whole Hotel like old
time, and we had the parking lot and the Teams can stay until
Sunday. It going to be great, so thank Gene for
getting this taken care off, it means you were paying attention to
our complaints.
I would like to thank all the teams for a great contest without you
it wouldn't be a contest.
We need to have a seafood Q'FEST so the Pit Stop & Auntie Shoes
Bodacious can cook for us.
Grant & Jeni worked so very hard
helping out everyone, thank you so very much.
It was great seeing David Klose their helping out once again, thanks
Eva Harris
Email from the Burbank
Badboys (Reserve Champions):
Congrats to Charles, Adrian and Alex of Shug's Shack for Grand
Champion - great team, great BBQ! Thanks to the Harrises for
all your hard work -- Hayward, your jokes on stage were lots of
fun! Thanks Gene, and all the IB volunteers who made us all
feel welcome. Thanks to Grant and Jenny for running the CBBQA
Sample Booth! Thanks to all the other teams for the great
Burbank Bad Boys BBQ
Email from Grant Ford
(President of the CBBQA):
Hello all,
I just got back from the
trade show at the Orange County Fair Grounds,
Yes a big thank you to Eva,
Hayward, and Gene, a wonderful event, lots of fun and good times
again with the CBBQA family and our fellow Barbecuer's. Yes, it
was great to see new and old faces at our historical Surf and
Turf, David Klose being one of them. Thank for helping Gene and
CBBQA, David.
CBBQA other than what Gene
did, raised about $650 for the Boys and Girls Club from the
CBBQA info/sample booth. Gene supplied the majority of the
Shredded Pork and Jose Escoto of Ole Hickory Pits was kind
enough to offer the wonderful brisket and ribs out of the Ole
Hickory he was showing at the event, nice unit. Many of the
teams offered ribs, chicken, brisket and pork to the sample
booth, thanks for your support, the Boys and Girls Club thank
you, too.
I thank God, for Jeni, she
is just wonderful with the people and with supporting me and
CBBQA, give her a hug next time you see her, she really is the
1st Lady of CBBQA.
I just love watching all the
teams smoking and taking such care with the pre-preparation of
the products they present to the Judges. You are all great
competitors and BBQ lovers. When it was announced that Sug's
Shack, that's Charlie's team, had taken Grand Champion, I
recalled one of his first events. Del King introduced Charlie to
me to help him out a little. Well I did help him out, but this
Grand Championship Award, is totally his, I was glad to be a
little part of his history in the making, Congratulations Sug's
I would like to make a point
that Randy Gille has been making his way up the ranks of
the Championship BBQ'ers, Placing in Boulder City and taking
Reserve Champion at Imperial Beach. Once Randy dials in that
Pork Shoulder, look-out all! He and his team Burbank's Bad Boys
and the abyss will be making their mark on BBQ Row.
And Thank You Judges for
your support of Surf and Turf, CBBQA and KCBS, not only to your
help with the contest, but many of you are involved in helping
CBBQA as an organization, and I just want to thank you for that
Grant Ford,
CBBQA President
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06 Jan 2015 12:33
