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Apple Valley, California, 10-June-2006

Chief Doug & Marge Brent & Kim Walton
Dan (me) wanting to STAY longer!!! BBQ Joe Miles & Patty
Kevin & Roseanne Graf Noel and Leanne Me (Dan) making Dirty Rice


Got an invitation to go to Todd and Tana’s house for a long over-due Open House Warming! I was excited. I knew it could only be a great time catching up with friends, having a great party, and eating Todd’s fantastic food.

I told Todd I did not have a catering event and would book the date. I also asked if he wanted me to provide a side dish to contribute to the serving line. He asked if I could make some "Dirty Rice" and we were set.

Todd also asked if I might want to come down on Friday night to work with he, Tana, Brent & Kim Walton, and anybody else that might want to arrive early and help with setup and enjoy a nice social evening at the same time. I said great and arrived Friday night about 09:00 pm. Barb dropped me off in the city of Pearblossom, halfway between Todd’s place and mine, and Todd picked me up. That way I could stay overnight, socialize with everybody, and help however I could, while Barb could come out the next day and I could ride back with her.

Since there was going to be more 100-150 folks this was a full blown catering event in terms of food and preparations. Besides, Todd had two BBQ events to deliver to the next day as well! We all helped with the evening prep as best we could and had a great time doing it. Guess so… since we ended up going to bed between 04:00 - 04:30 am!

Todd had some friends arrive early, Mike Gaxiola & Juno from Vista Designs, a friend or two from the Q Motorcycle group, and of Kim, Brent, & I. Together we all got the rental tables, chairs, Ez-up’s, and table cloths setup. It was a bit windy but not too bad. Todd was busy delivering his catered requests, managing us, and getting the final setup around the house complete.  Tana was busy preparing and setting everything up at the house.  What a great house they have!

Brent and Kim pretty much handled a lot of the meat final cooking and slicing, the side preparation, and getting all prepared food into the pit warmer to leave Todd free to be a project manager. Since I only got up at 11:30 (wow was that nice) I had a quick pork sandwich and started making the Dirty Rice while helping as I could. When that every so potent sign (you know, the one that says  "The Buck Stops Here") is NOT sitting in front of me for a change I can sure enjoy some relaxation and non-stressful days. In other words it is not a catering event I am stressing out over and responsible for.

Everybody started arriving about 12:30. We must have ended up with 150+. What a great time and great people. Not to mention all the fantastic food! I finished up with the Dirty Rice about 10 minutes before serving which started at 02:00. Todd, Brent, Kim, and others ensured all the food trays were placed in the steam table neatly. Then all that was required was for Todd to ring the dinner-bell.

We were all quite surprised to see that the line seemed to not end. Roughly 45 minutes later probably 100 + folks had passed through the line. Refills were brought out to replenish the consumed foods. Everybody was very satisfied and taking large plates. It is nice to see people eating a lot and enjoying their dinner. There was plenty and all were satiated. However, on a sad note, we did run out of Dirty Rice and some were disappointed. I must admit, that does not happen often. I made enough for 125+!

The party kept on going as some folks left and new arrived. Some equipment was folded up and stacked early by Mike. What a great time was had by all throughout the day. Finally around 09:00 pm I started to pack for departure. After I left volunteers got the tables an chairs ready for pickup the next day and the Ezie-up's were packed away. Nice to get that done the same night with volunteers to help.

We had a trip across the desert that night and could not stay over as the doggies needed to be tended to so we pulled out around 09:45 and were home by 11:15.

It was a great, house, event, and party. Thanks Todd and Tana for inviting me and letting me be a part of a great event.  I especially enjoyed getting to visit with everybody and seeing all our BBQ friends again.

Dan Cannon



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