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2006, KCBS, Team of the Year, Chicken
Go to for the official & original listings
Team BBQbyDan placement: CHICKEN
BBQbyDan 155th Overall 476 teams registered and listed
254th Chicken 649 teams registered and listed
74th Ribs 632 teams registered and listed
145th Pork 621 teams registered and listed
All Team Placement: CHICKEN
Lotta Bull 64 Caveman BBQ 6
Bar B Quau 57 Charchholics 6
Twin Oak Smokin Crew 54 Connoisseurs of Fine Swine 6
Ulcer Acres 54 Crimson Hogs 6
Bill & the Dixie Chicks 49 Doc Cue's Out West BBQ 6 48 Dr Chuckie's BBQ 6
Smokin 101 46 Dryland BBQ 6
A Boy & His BBQ 45 Fat Boy's Barbeque 6
Smoky Mountain Smokers 45 Fowl Smokin Swine 6
Pig Newton 44 Fudge's BBQ 6
Toad Hollar 44 Full Pull BBQ 6
Great Grills O'Fire 43 Got Smoke 6
Smokin Triggers 43 Grillin & Chillin 6
Buffalo's BBQ 42 Grumpy Old Farts BBQ 6
Smokin Clones 42 Horizon Smoker Company 6
Head Country II 40 Hot Smoky & Righteous 6
Kentucky Smokin Crew 40 Hurry Up & Wait 6
South Pork 40 Jack the Ribber 6
TJOS 39 Jamakin Ba Ba Q 6
Parrothead Smokers 38 Jerry Elliotts BBQ 6
Ribs 4 U 38 Joboy BBQ 6
Smokin Guns 38 Johnny Trigg 6
Double Bee BBQ 36 Kinney's Kountry Kookers 6
Jerry King 35 Lakeside Smokers 6
Smokers Wild 35 Lemon's Coin Jukebox Grill 6
Swamp Sauce Smokers 34 Lo n Slo BBQ 6
Tarheel Smokers 34 Long Board BBQ 6
Cookin with Attitude 33 Mister Bobo & the Catt 6
Four Men & a Pig 33 Mr BBQ 6
It Ain't Prime 33 Nelsons Arendt Bad BBQ 6
Jeanie's Got Wood 33 One Slice at a Time 6
Pink Flamingo 31 Out of this World BBQ 6
Boys from Tornado Alley 30 Phat Phil's BBQ 6
BS Pitmeister 30 Pull Jerk & Yank 6
Bunsen Burners 30 Rhoda Bronw's Smokin Fat 6 30 SDC Smokers 6
Cool Smoke 29 Smokein Swine 6
Big Creek BBQ 27 Smokin Cracker BBQ 6
Delta Smoke 27 Smokin Poobahs 6
Lynch BBQ 27 Southern Time Smokers 6
Pig Pak 27 Sparx BBQ 6
The Heat Is On 27 The Big Name in Smoking 6
Fat Bastard & Lippy B 26 The Good, Bad & the Swine 6
Gourmet Grills 26 The Oinks 6
B & B BBQ 25 The Pirate Pig 6
Lunchmeat 25 The Powers of BBQ 6
Pig n Out 25 The Smokin Jersey Shore 6
River City Rub 25 Third Degree Burn 6
Texas Rib Rangers 25 Two Big Slugs n That Guy 6
B Man's BBQ 24 Uncle Chet's 6
Brew n Bar-B-Que 24 Uncle Gilbert's BBQ 6
Governor's BBQ 24 Voo Doo Too 6
Iron Stomachs 24 Wackem Stackem Smoker 6
Mountain Magic Country BBQ 24 We Do BBQ 6
Munchin Hogs at the Hilton 24 Wheel House 6
Wildfire 24 Wireless Plus BBQ Team 6
Blazen BBQ 23 Beaucoup Basters 5
Hoff Daddy's BBQ 23 Belly Brothers 5
Jiggy Piggy 23 Big Boned BBQ 5
Joey Mac's Smoke Stax 23 Bubba Joe's BBQ 5
Mealtime BBQ 23 Dr Frank n Swine 5
Bareknuckles BBQ 22 Fire Fightin Cookin Crew 5
Bibs & Ribs 22 Flying Warthawgs 5
Raccoon Flats 22 Grilling Stones 5
Ric's Righteous Ribs 22 Heavy Smoke 5
All Night Smokers 21 I Smell Smoke 5
Dodge County Smokers 21 Pigs in the Pokie 5
Flower of the Flame 21 Quiet Riot 5
Hoosier Hogs 21 Ring of Fire 5
Let's Kick Some Ash 21 Road Kill BBQ 5
Smokin T's 21 Seabrisket 5
Bubba & Jeff's BBQ 20 Shenandoah Q Crew 5
Regal BBQ 20 Sho Nuff Great Butt 5
Shigs in Pit 20 The 5
Smokin Okies 20 Triple B BBQ 5
Throw Down Cookers 20 Windy Acres BBQ 5
T's Smokin Pit 20 Baltic BBQ Boyz 4
Hog Heads 19 BBQweiser 4
Uncle Randy's BBQ 19 Beef Rubbers 4
Big Daddy's Butt Rub 18 Beef Town Basters 4
Butts & Suds 18 Big Bubba's Roadhouse BBQ 4
Freestate Smokers 18 Bill's Grill 4
Kick Back Cove Racing BBQ 18 Bird's Smokehouse BBQ 4
Lazy Bones BBQ 18 Bogeyneck BarBQ 4
Sedalia Master Basters 18 BS BBQ 4
3 Eyz BBQ 17 Buddy Q 4
BBQ Council 17 Bulldog Inn 4
Dirty Dick & the Legless Wonders 17 Buzzard's Bait BBQ 4
Dr Porkenstein 17 Caney Misfits 4
Music City Pig Pals 17 Collision Course BBQ 4
Pigs on the Run 17 Cork n Pork 4
Smokey Joel & The BBQCrew 17 Crispy Critters 4
Dry 2 Da Bone 16 Dead Meat BBQ 4
Firehouse BBQ 16 Dibs on the Ribs 4
Midwest Scuba Que 16 Divine Smoke 4
Pig In Pig Out 16 Double Eagle Cooking Team 4
Pork & Dean's BBQ Team 16 Doughboy's Dream 4
Ribs Within 16 Dr John & Harriet's Hog 4
Smokin Salmons 16 Everybody Loves Raymond 4
Squeal of Approval 16 Fat Cats 4
The Wizards of Que 16 FNG 4
A-Team 15 Fox's BBQ 4
Big Daddy Q 15 Free Range BBQ 4
Big Pig Inc 15 Grilling Room 4
Billy Jons Barbeque 15 Grumpy's BBQ 4
Christmas City BBQ 15 Half Moon Cookers 4
Daddy's Better Half 15 High Mountain BBQ 4
Dees Wild Barbeque 15 Hog Tide BBQ 4
Early Bird BBQ 15 Home on the Range 4
I Wanna Eat Too 15 Hot Meat Smokers 4
J Mack Cookers 15 J & J's BBQ 4
Lake Quivira Smokers 15 JC's Pit Crew 4
Oink County Cookers 15 Just a Smoken 4
Pennsylvania Porkmeister 15 Kansas Army National Guard 4
Rini's Bar & Grill 15 Let't Kick Some Ash 4
Rock Chalk Jayhawk 15 Low Dough Bque 4
Set It & Forget It 15 Madison Street Smokers 4
Shawhan Beer, Burbon & BBQ 15 Mayberry MOB 4
Smoke Meats Rub 15 Mr Bibs 4
Team Q 15 Nordenia Grillfest 4
The Arizona Kid 15 North Main BBQ 4
Two Little Pigs 15 Oasis BBQ & Cdatering 4
Willy T's Dixie Smokers 15 Outhouse BBQ 4
Yeah Baby BBQ 15 Phat Brothers BBQ 4
Bayou Style BBQ 14 Pigstatic BBQ 4
Big Daddy's BBQ 14 Ponderosa BBQ 4
Big Mo & Aho BBQ'n Outlaw 14 Porky's Butt Burners 4
Bubba's Tennessee Smokers 14 Prairie Hogs 4 14 Q-linary BBQ 4
Dusty Roads BBQ 14 Rutz's Backyard BBQ 4
Extreme Roasters 14 S & S Cookers 4
Flaming Hog BBQ 14 Sauce Plant BBQ 4
JP Custom Smoke 14 Screaming Pig BBQ Team 4
Kings Cooking Inc 14 Sgt Pep Combat Ready BBQ 4
Late Night Whiskey Smokers 14 Slow Corner Cookers 4
Muddy River Boys 14 Smokey Bottom Boys 4
QU Smokin Krew 14 Smokin'it & Lovin'it 4
Two Loose Screws BBQ 14 Son Seekers BBQ 4
Boys of BBQ & Patty 13 Starvin Marvins 4
Four Legs Up BBQ & Catering 13 Sue E Pig 4
Grillas BBQ Team 13 Swamp Boys 4
Pellet Envy 13 Sweetheart City Smokers 4
Pork of the North 13 Swiggin Pig 4
Sparkle Plenty 13 T Roy BBQ 4
Up in Smoke 13 Tail Gater Steak 4
All Hogs Go to Heaven 12 Team Danny 4
Barbecue 2 U 12 The Bastey Boys 4
BBQ Sure Beats Working 12 The Meateorites 4
Blowin Smoke BBQ Team 12 The Sinful Smokers 4
Bottomland BBQ 12 Three Eyz BBQ 4
Brewers Smokin & Chokin 12 Tropical Heat 4
Bushwhackers Cooking Corp 12 Twiztid BBQ 4
Butts & Breasts 12 Uncle Jed's BBQ 4
Classic Rack BBQ Crew 12 Will Deal Catering & BBQ 4
Ella's BBQ 12 Wylie Coyote 4
Fill Er Up BBQ 12 ZZ Que 4
Front Street Smokehouse 12 Bad Backs & BBQ 3
Gator's Git-R-Done BBQ 12 Bad to the Bone Too 3
Habitual Smokers 12 Bare Bones East 3
High on the Hawg 12 BBQ for You 3
Hombre 12 BBQ Guru Cooking Team 3
Jack n Jims BBQ 12 Big Rick's BBQ 3
Lil Smokers BBQ Team 12 Boot Hill BBQ 3
Love Shack BBQ 12 Boss Hogs BBQ 3
Mokan Meatheads 12 Butcher BBQ 3
Moonlight BBQ 12 C & B Boys Q 3
Otis & the Bird 12 Dixie Bones 3
P & C Smoke a Holics 12 Elmer's 3
Pain Is Good Original Juans 12 Fire & Iron 3
Philly Pigs BBQ Team 12 Fire in the Hole 3
Prairie Oak Smokers 12 Firefly's BBQ 3
Purple Turtle Catering Co 12 Flying Saucer BBQ 3
Ray J's 12 Go Big BBQ 3
Redneck BBQ 12 Green Country Ag & Lawn 3
Roastin Road Show 12 Have Smoke Will Travel 3
Smoke & Spice 12 Heavy Duty Smokers 3
Sterling BBQ 12 Heavy J's BBQ 3
Straight Meat BBQ Boys 12 Highway Heat 3
The Smokedelics 12 MDT Smokers 3
Wonderful Walt's Magical BBQ 12 Mel's BBQ 3
Woodhouse Grill 12 Midnite Smokers 3
Carcass Cookers 11 Natural Born Gillers 3
Hill Country BBQ 11 No Adult Supervision 3
Patio Daddio BBQ 11 Old Dead Burnt Meat 3
Whoop De Que 11 Pig Me Cooking Team 3
Asleep at the Grill 10 Pit Crew BBQ 3
Big Dog Barbecue 10 Pony Creek Smokers 3
Blindog's Outlaw Gang 10 Qkwannabees 3
Bub-Ba-Q 10 Rabbit Gulch Farm 3
Checkered Pig 10 Rubba Butta Que 3
Coutney's BBQ 10 3
Cravin BBQ 10 Screamin Nite Hog BBQ 3
Dewey Cheatham & Howe 10 Seeet Heart City Smokers 3
Fat Guys BBQ Sauce 10 Skunk Eye BBQ 3
Fired Up Que 10 Sloppy's Backwoods Smoke 3
Grandy Q 10 Smokin Bones 3
Greasy Fender BBQ 10 Smokus Pokus 3
Grill n Gamblers 10 Spring Creek BBQ 3
Hoss's BBQ 10 Springfield Hillbilly BBQ 3
Jack's Old South 10 Steve's Services BBQ Division 3
Jus Fer Fun 10 Sweet Peppers 3
K O Kookers (Mentor Team) 10 The Pickled Pig 3
KCass BBQ 10 The Smokin Hills 3
KRE Smokers 10 Three Ball BBQ 3
Last Supper 10 Top Hawg (Bass Pro) 3
Lone Star Smokers 10 Treat America BBQ 3
No BS BBQ 10 Uncle Earnie's Beer Bait & BBQ 3
Pennsylvania Posse 10 Village Idiots BBQ 3
Perry Brothers & Sons 10 West Coast BBQ 3
Piglicious BBQ 10 Alabama Power 2
Rollin Smoke 10 Arizona Critter Cookers 2
Smoke n the Rockies 10 Back 40 BBQ 2
Smokey Joe BBQ 10 Bare Bones BBQ 2
Smokin Cracker 10 Bavarian BBQ Boys 2
Sweet Mama 10 Bayside Buttheads 2
Team Top Chick 10 BBQ 101 2
The Smoke'n Cheeseheads 10 BBQ-Brethern 2
Those Meddling Kids 10 Bee Licious 2
Tuscumbia River Bottom BBQ 10 Big Al's Grill Team 2
Wood Shed BBQ 10 Big D's BBQ 2
Woodchicks BBQ 10 Big D's Smoking Pit 2
Backwoods BBQ 9 Big Johns Texas BBQ 2
Big Green Eggs & Ham 9 Big Name in Smoking 2
Biggins BBQ 9 Boneyard Smokers 2
Blues Hog Cookers 9 Brews Brothers BBQ 2
Brush Fire BBQ 9 Buccaneer BBQ 2
BS Smokers 9 Bushwacker BBQ 2
Bullfeathers 9 Bustin Butts 2
Chowhounds BBQ 9 Chatham Artillery BBQ 2
Cook Smoke 9 Chi Town Smokers 2
Culture on the Cobb 9 Church Road Smokers 2
Fat Daddy's BBQ 9 Cookin Dawgs 2
Hawgeyes BBQ/Pork Patrol 9 Coyote Cookers 2
Hickory Flats BBQ 9 Crackerjacks BBQ 2
Hogs n Heat 9 Creecy's Country Cookin 2
L & M BBQ 9 Daddy Jacks BBQ 2
Legion of Doom 9 Dawghouse BBQ 2
Mad Cow BBQ 9 Double Stack BBQ 2
Paragon Hawg Dawgs 9 Fat Boys BBQ 2
Parker BBQ 9 Flying Pig Barbecue 2
Pepper Creek BBQ 9 Freda's Redneck BBQ 2
Popa Grillin & Chillin 9 Get Q'd 2
Roughnecks BBQ 9 Gooney Creek BBQ 2
Smoke n Spice 9 Hillbilly BBQ 2
Smoker's Delight 9 Holy Ghost Smokers 2
Smokin R's 9 If You've Got Em Smoke Em 2
Smokin Tailgators 9 iQue 2
Swamp Water Boys 9 Iron Wheel Cookers 2
The Half Chickens 9 Ivy Place Saucers 2
The Pit Crew BBQ Team 9 Jared Witt 2
All American BBQ 8 Just Wingin It 2
Bar Bones BBQ 8 Kansas City Smokehouse 2
BBDot 8 Keez Creek Super Q 2
BBQ by Dan 8 (254Late Arrivals 2
BBQ'n Fools 8 Lone Wolf 2
Big Green Eggomaniacs 8 Louie Q 2
Blakes BarBQ 8 Ma's Que Crew 2
Bocoe 'n BBQ Boys 8 Motley Que Crew 2
Bone Shakin BBQ 8 Mr C's Smoking & Grilling 2
BP Smokehouse 8 Old Woodshed BBQ 2
Buck Off BBQ 8 Packer Backer BBQ 2
Burnin Bobs Butts N Bones 8 Papa J's 2
Cosmic Cookin 8 Personal Fowl 2
Dan O's BBQ 8 Pok n Da Ribs 2
Doze Guys 8 Pops' Blazin Smokers 2
Feeding Frenzy 8 Porchinators 2
Gandy Q BBQ 8 Pork Me Purple 2
Grillin Gamblers 8 Pork Patrol 2
Hatchie Bottom Smokers 8 Porkfest Storm 2
Hawg O Holics 8 Prime Time BBQ 2
Hickory Knoll Cookers 8 Q 2
Hole in the Wall BBQ 8 Slow Joe's Smokehouse 2
Jayman's BBQ 8 Smoke at the Point 2
Jumpin Joe's BBQ 8 Smoke n Ice 2
Lucky's Have BBQ Will Travel 8 Smoke This BarBQue 2
Meadow Valley BBQ 8 Smokedelic 2
Moonswiners 8 Smokin Leprechauns 2
Mother Ruckers Great Grills 8 Smokin Mad Barbecue 2
Nelly Bells BBQ 8 Smoking Habit 2
No Dak Bar B Que 8 Snake Pit BarBQue 2
North Coast BBQ 8 Southern Boone Barbeque 2
Okie Dokie Smokies 8 Swine Mutiny 2
Old Tavern Barbeque 8 The Anchorman 2
Outlaw Smokers 8 The Anchormen 2
Papa Shaka & Critters 8 The Screaming Pig 2
Pig Roy 8 The Senator 2
Porkcrastinators 8 The Smokin Walzs 2
QN4U 8 (288Three Men & a Grill 2
Rocking B 8 Twin Boar BBQ 2
Sa Smokin 8 Two Fat Bikers BBQ 2
Skin n Bones Carolina 8 War Pigs 2
Smoke & Swill 8 We'll Smoke U BBQ 2
Smoken Dodes Barbecue 8 Wholly Smoked 2
Smoken if You Got Em 8 Wolf it Down BBQ 2
Smokin Bones BBQ 8 Y We Q 2
Southen Style 8 Air Products 1
Southern Stiles 8 Allnighters 1
Southern Style 8 Backyard BBQ'rs 1
Stonebridge 8 Beach Bum BBQ 1
Tater Bug's Wood Fire BBQ 8 Beer Belly BBQ 1
Team Simple Green 8 Beverlys Diamond Grove 1
The Backyrad Burners 8 Big River BBQ 1
The Mearteorites 8 Blue Collar BBQ 1
The Pit Stop BBQ, LLC 8 Bone Shakin Ribs 1
Three Rons Make'n it Right 8 Bootleggers Hillbilly 1
Two Sows & a Boar 8 Capt Lens Grillin Academy 1
Uncle Buck's BBQ 8 Charlie's Chicken 1
Wild Bunch Butt Burners 8 Chick n Pig 1
Yellow Jacket BBQ 8 Coach's Cooking Team 1
All Day Smoke 7 Cow n Sow 2 Wow 1
Blue Ridge Mountain BBQ 7 Hillbilly's Judd 1
Fat Texan BBQ 7 Lost Nation Smoke Company 1
Munchee's Smokehouse 7 Mr Woo's BBQ 1
AKA Cooking Teaqm 6 Rick's Pit Stop 1
All Nighters 6 Rocket City Smokers 1
B & D Cookers 6 Rubmasters 1
Barbequetioners 6 Smokey Ropp n Son 1
Belly Up BBQ 6 STL Butt Rub'n 1
Big Dawgs BBQ 6 Team Agave 1
Big'uns Barbeque 6 The Frying Pan 1
Bluff City BBQ 6 The Shack Attack 1
Bob's BBQ 6 Three Happy Pappy's BBQ Team 1
Brittons BBQ 6 While I Breathe I Smoke 1
Broken K BBQ 6
Carolina Kitchen 6
BBqbyDan Index of Past BBQ Events & Write-ups >
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06 Jan 2015 12:33
