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2006, KCBS, Team of the Year, PORK
Go to for the official & original listings
Team BBQbyDan placement:
BBQbyDan 155th Overall 476 teams registered and listed
254th Chicken 649 teams registered and listed
74th Ribs 632 teams registered and listed
145th Pork 621 teams registered and listed
All Team Placement: PORK
Buffalo's BBQ 64 BBQ-Brethern 6
Smokers Wild 62 Big Bones BBQ 6
Munchin Hogs at the Hilton 58 Bourbon Street Basters 6
Lotta Bull 57 Brothers & Sons BBQ 6 53 Bub-Ba-Q 6
It Ain't Prime 50 Burnt by the Best 6
Pellet Envy 50 Butts & Suds 6
The Heat Is On 50 Caveman BBQ 6
Twin Oak Smokin Crew 49 Connoisseurs of Fine Swine 6
Bar B Quau 47 Davis Farms 6
Meadow Valley BBQ 47 Divine Smoke 6
Cool Smoke 46 Double E Ranch 6
Wild Bunch Butt Burners 46 Eagle Rib Shack 6
Bill & the Dixie Chicks 44 Fat Guys BBQ Sauce 6
Four Men & a Pig 42 Fish Heads BBQ 6
iQue 42 Four Fools BBQ 6
Ring of Fire 41 Fourth Floor View Barbeque 6
T's Smokin Pit 41 Frank n Swine 6
Otis & the Bird 40 Free Range BBQ 6
Parrothead Smokers 40 Good Times BBQ 6
Big Daddy's Butt Rub 39 Grillers in the Mist 6
Music City Pig Pals 39 Grub Rustlers 6
Pink Flamingo 39 Hang em High 6 38 Hardcore Cooking Team 6 38 Hardwood Gang 6
Swamp Sauce Smokers 38 Hogs n Heat 6
Home on the Range 36 Hogs n Horns 6
Mokan Meatheads 36 Hookin n Cookin 6
Smokin 101 35 Hurry Up & Wait 6
Smokin Clones 35 Jack n Jims BBQ 6
Head Country II 33 Java Q 6
Jerry King 33 Just Que Crazy 6
Smokin Triggers 33 Little Bit of Texas 6
J Mack Cookers 32 Log Hogs 6
Late Night Whiskey Smokers 32 Mitchell 2000 6
Smoky Mountain Smokers 32 Momo BBQ 6
Smoke on Wheels 31 Monty Pigthon & Holy Grills 6
Burnin Down the Hog 30 Motley Que Crew 6
I Smell Smoke 30 No BS BBQ 6
Jack's Old South 30 North Main BBQ 6
Johnny Trigg 30 Omaha's Blowin Smoke 6
QN4U 30 Papa's Pride 6
Ray J's 30 Parker BBQ 6
Denver Cajun BBQ Krewe 29 Party Rescue Barbecue 6
Great Grills O'Fire 29 Piggin & Grinnin 6
Bare Bones BBQ 28 Poppi Q 6
Boys from Tornado Alley 28 Pork of the North 6
Dr Porkenstein 28 Powercat Pyro Crew 6
Light My Fire BBQ 28 Pull Jerk & Yank 6
Mad Hogs & an Englishman 28 Q We Do 6
The Smokedelics 28 Redneck BBQ 6
Broken K BBQ 27 Redneck Rebels 6
EJ's BBQ 27 Regal BBQ 6
Big Creek BBQ 26 Rocking B 6
Midnite Smokers 26 Santa Ynez BBQ 6
Bubba's Tennessee Smokers 25 Show me the Green 6
Buffalo Smokin Bandits 25 Smoke Ridge Boys 6
Gator Grates 25 Smokey Joel & The BBQCrew 6
PDT 25 Smokin Tailgators 6
Jimmy Mac's BBQ & Crew 24 Sticky Fingers BBQ 6
JP Custom Smoke 24 Susie's BBQ 6
Skin n Bones KC 24 Swedish Smoke 6
BBQr's Delight 23 Sweet Louie's 6
Feeding Frenzy 23 Team Q 6
Rib Wurx 23 The BBQ Source 6
TJOS 23 The Real Pits BBQ 6
Kinney's Kountry Kookers 22 Uncle Chuck's 6
Raccoon Flats 22 US Foodservice 6
Lost Nation Smoke Company 21 Yahoo's at the Hoorah 6
Ribs Within 21 Your Butts on Fire 6
Toad Hollar 21 Baby Back BBQ 5
Firefly's BBQ 20 Baltic BBQ Boyz 5
Lunchmeat 20 Crimson Hogs 5
Moonswiners 20 Donnies BBQ 5
Mountain Magic Country BBQ 20 Fat Daddy's BBQ 5
Rubmasters 20 FNG 5
Two Fat Larry's 20 Grillas BBQ Team 5
Ulcer Acres 20 Highway Heat 5
Dizzy Pig BBQ 19 Howling Hog BBQ 5
Pig In Pig Out 19 KCass BBQ 5
Pigs in the Pokie 19 PawPaw Backyard 5
Smokin Guns 19 Pork Shank Redemption 5
BBQ'n Fools 18 5
Boys Night Out 18 Smoke n Ice 5
Dirty Dick & the Legless Wonders18 Smoken Dudes Smokehouse 5
Freestate Smokers 18 Smokin Till the Sun Comes 5
Jiggy Piggy 18 The Pig's Ear 5
Munchee's Smokehouse 18 Windy Acres BBQ 5
Pig Roy 18 Wolf it Down BBQ 5
Smokin Roys 18 A House Divided 4
Texas Rib Rangers 18 All Day Smoke 4
The Staggering Chef 18 All Hogs Go to Heaven 4
Two Fat Bikers BBQ 18 Barbequetioners 4
Up in Smoke 18 Big Daddy Q 4
Woodhouse Grill 18 Big Daddy's BBQ 4
Bibs & Ribs 17 Bite My Butt 4
Dry 2 Da Bone 17 Blindog's Outlaw Gang 4
JR 17 Blue Ridge Mountain BBQ 4
My Banyon Belle BBQ 17 Blues Hog Cookers 4
Smoke & Swill 17 Bluff City BBQ 4
Carcass Cookers 16 Brick Beach BBQ 4
Hoppy's White River Chef 16 Caldwell Cookers 4
Mealtime BBQ 16 Caney Misfits 4
A Boy & His BBQ 15 Checkered Pig 4
Barnwood Barbeque 15 Clark's Meat House 4
Big Mo & the BBQ'n Outlaw 15 Coach's Cooking Team 4
Big Moe's BBQ 15 Cow n Sow 2 Wow 4
Bobby Q 15 Cross Road 88 4
Bum Steers 15 Dixie Bones 4
Dodge County Smokers 15 Ella's BBQ 4
Double D's BBQ 15 Flying Pig Barbecue 4
Fat Boys Killer BBQ 15 Grilling Stones 4
Flying Saucer BBQ 15 Heavenly Barbecue 4
J & B BBQ 15 Holy Smoke It's Adams Rib 4
Monkey's Uncles 15 J & C Cooking Crew 4
Northcoast BBQ Society 15 J & K BBQ 4
Pig Headed 15 Jerry Elliotts BBQ 4
Pig Pak 15 Just Here BBQ 4
Red White & Que 15 Kudzu BBQ 4
Shigs in Pit 15 Mojave Hot Stuff BBQ 4
Smokin Salmons 15 Moonlight BBQ 4
Travis's Farms Cooking Team 15 Mr BBQ 4
Governor's BBQ 14 Muddy River Boys 4
Hot Meat Smokers 14 Out of this World BBQ 4
Jeanie's Got Wood 14 Outhouse BBQ 4
Oink County Cookers 14 Oval Rulers 4
Pig n Out 14 PBR's 4
Pig Pen 14 Phat Brothers BBQ 4
Rabbit Gulch Farm 14 Piggy Wiggy BBQ 4
Smokin Butts 14 Pigs R Us 4
The Anchorman 14 Pit Dog BBQ 4
Blaster BBQ 13 Pork Craft 4
Freda's Redneck BBQ 13 Porkrastinators 4
Neighbors Brewin & Quein 13 Premier Cooking 4
Packer Backer BBQ 13 Ribstars 4
Pork Pullin Plow Boys 13 Ridgeback BBQ 4
Purple Turtle Catering Co 13 River Rat Grillers 4
QSS Smokin 13 Rustlers 4
Sauce Plant BBQ 13 Seabrisket 4
Team Agave 13 Sedalia Master Basters 4
Two Little Pigs 13 Short Bus BBQ Crew 4
Yellow Jacket BBQ 13 Slo Smoked Mo Better 4
All American BBQ 12 Smack Talk BBQ 4
Bad Backs & BBQ 12 Smoke n Spice 4
BBQ by Dan 12 Smoke N'Ice 4
Big Bob Gibsons 12 Smokin Bones 4
Big Green Eggs & Ham 12 Smokin Leprechauns 4
Blazen BBQ 12 Smokin T's 4
Boys of BBQ & Patty 12 Snake Pit BarBQue 4
BS Smokers 12 Sparx BBQ 4
Daddy Jacks BBQ 12 Steve's Services BBQ Division 4
Dusty Roads BBQ 12 STL Butt Rub'n 4
Extreme Pork 12 The Wizards of Que 4
Extreme Roasters 12 Three Amigos 4
Getting Piggy With It 12 Throw Down Cookers 4
Grassland Grillers 12 T'N'T' Dynamite BBQ 4
Hickory Knoll Cookers 12 Turnin n Burnin 4
Jackie & the Butts 12 Two Thorns & a Rose 4
Jumpin Joe's BBQ 12 Village Idiots BBQ 4
Lone Star Smokers 12 Wildfire 4
Lynch BBQ 12 Wood Smoke & Tears 4
Mel's BBQ 12 Yabba Dabba Que 4
Our Couch 12 Allied Manufacturing 3
Pain Is Good Original Juans 12 Amishland Smokers 3
Short Creek BBQ 12 Backwoods Smoked BBQ 3
Skin n Bones Florida 12 Big D's BBQ 3
Smokey T's Pit Crew 12 Blowin Smoke BBQ Team 3
Squeal of Approval 12 Boneyard Smokers 3
Sug's Shack BBQ 12 Brew n Bar-B-Que 3
Swine of the Times 12 Bull & Boar Rollin Smoke 3
Tarheel Smokers 12 Capital Punishment 3
Three Guys with Wood 12 Cookin Commandos 3
Uncle Earnie's Beer Bait & BBQ 12 Dead Animal Stink 3
ZZ Que 12 Dirty Dave's BBQ 3
Big Mo & Aho BBQ'n Outlaw 11 Fire in the Hole 3
BS Pitmeister 11 Flying Warthawgs 3
Doc's Pit BBQ 11 If You've Got Em Smoke Em 3
Great Lakes BBQ & Feed Co 11 JR & Klondike 3
Loose Screws BBQ 11 Lake Quivira Smokers 3
Aurora's Moovers & Shakers 10 Madison Street Smokers 3
Baby Back Ribs 10 Miller's Spring Town Smokers 3
Bavarian BBQ Boys 10 Old Dead Burnt Meat 3
BBQ 101 10 Pit Crew BBQ 3
Belly Brothers 10 Pitside BBQ/Accu Plumbing 3
Big Deal Cookers 10 Pork Patrol 3
Biscuit Shooters 10 Pyro Porkers 3
Bonesmokers 10 Q 3
Bunsen Burners 10 Que Krewe 3
Butch's Smack Your Lips 10 Quiet Riot 3
Courtney's BBQ 10 Shenandoah Q Crew 3
Delta Smoke 10 Sigma Smokers 3
Double Bee BBQ 10 Smokin Amigos 3
Grill n Gamblers 10 Smokin Cracker BBQ 3
Grilling Room 10 Swamp Boys 3
Hill Country BBQ 10 Swine Mutiny 3
Hillbilly Hoggers 10 Tar Baby Q 3
Hoosier Hogs 10 The Master Basters 3
I Like Smoke-n-Lightning 10 The Smokin Hills 3
In Deep Sauce 10 Two Loose Screws BBQ 3
In Deep Suace 10 Waa Zang Hickory Creek 3
Joey Mac's Smoke Stax 10 Where There's Smoke There's BBQ 3
Just Q'n Around 10 3 Eyz BBQ 2
Kentucky Smokin Crew 10 Backwoods BBQ 2
Kick Back Cove Racing BBQ 10 Bastey Boys 2
Let't Kick Some Ash 10 BBQ Guru Cooking Team 2
Love Shack BBQ 10 Belly Up BBQ 2
Lucky's Have BBQ Will Travel 10 Big Boar BBQ 2
Merry Oaks 10 Big Name in Smoking 2
Old School Cookers 10 Big'uns Barbeque 2
Outlaw BBQ 10 Bogeyneck BarBQ 2
Over the Fence BBQ 10 Border Bandits 2
Pequa Pullers 10 Butcher BBQ 2
Philly Pigs BBQ Team 10 Champlain Pit Crew 2
Ponderosa BBQ 10 Chi Town Smokers 2
Ribs & Racks 10 Chick n Pig 2
Ritters BBQ 10 Chicken Coupe BBQ 2
Sgt Pep Combat Ready BBQ 10 Cookshack 2
Skin n Bones Carolina 10 Country Boys Cookin 2
Smoken if You Got Em 10 Daddio of the Patio 2
Sweetheart City Smokers 10 Dan O's BBQ 2
Team Canebreak 10 David Rose 2
The Change Smoker 10 Dewey Cheatham & Howe 2
The Meat Doctores 10 Dizzy Pig BBQ North 2
The Sowpranos 10 Dr John & Harriet's Hog 2
World Porker Tour 10 Dryland BBQ 2
Y We Q 10 Dukes BBQ 2
Bad to the Bone Too 9 Fat Bastard & Lippy B 2
BBQn Contractors 9 Fat Boy's BBQ 2
Big Circle BBQ 9 Firebreathers BBQ 2
Blue Valley BBQ 9 Firetown Smokers 2
Bullfeathers 9 First National Bank 2
City Hogs 9 Full of Flavor 2
Hawgeyes BBQ/Pork Patrol 9 Gandy Q BBQ 2
No Butts No Glory 9 Get Q'd 2 9 Grilla Maniacs 2
Pigs on the Run 9 Heavy J's BBQ 2
Porkcrastinators 9 Hickory Stick BBQ 2
RoadQue Smokers of the S 9 Holy Ghost Smokers 2
Royal Oak 9 Just a Smoken 2
Shawhan Beer, Burbon & BBQ 9 K O Kookers (Mentor Team) 2
Smoke n Spice BBQ 9 Kan - Tex 2
Southern Stiles 9 Kiss the Sky 2
Three P's BBQ 9 KRE Smokers 2
Tuscumbia River Bottom BBQ 9 Lee's Summit Bad Boys 2
We BBQ 9 Lemon's Coin Jukebox Grill 2
Who Let the Hogs Out 9 Orange & Blue Cooking 2
Woodys Smoke Shack 9 Patio Daddio BBQ 2
Asleep at the Grill 8 Pee Wee's BBQ - Canada 2
Backyard Grillers & Shakers 8 Pig in a Poke 2
Bad Bones BBQ Crew 8 Porky's Butt Burners 2
Bandit & the Smokers 8 Reisburner BBBQ 2
BarBQ Pit Crew 8 River City Smokehouse 2
Bare Bonz 8 Rollin Ribs 2
Beg, Borrow & BBQ 8 Rub Me Tender 2
Big Belly BBQ 8 Scotty D's BBQ 2
Big Earls 8 Smitty's Smoke Patrol 2
Big Kahuna BBQ 8 Smoke n My I's 2
Big Q's Grillers 8 Smokey Ropp n Son 2
Big River BBQ 8 Smokin & the Bandits 2
Billy Bob's Blowin Smoke 8 Smokin Fat Boys 2
Blazing BBQ 8 Smokin G's 2
Bob's BBQ 8 Smokin Joel 2
Bone Shakin BBQ 8 Smokin Mother Rucker 2
Butts a Fire 8 Smokin R's 2
Camp Bell BBQ 8 Smokin Steves 2
Cider House BBQ 8 Smokin Ty's BBQ 2
Da Smokers 8 Springtown Smokers 2
Dizzy Pig BBQ Canada 8 Sultons of Smoke 2
Dr Frank n Swine 8 Sweet Peppers 2
Hoochie Cootchie BBQ 8 Taste-Liss Cookers 2
Iron Stomachs 8 Texas Chilly D's 2
KC Jakes 8 The Anchormen 2
Kings Cooking Inc 8 The Bastey Boys 2
Lazy Bones BBQ 8 The BBQ Guru Cooking Team 2
Lazy J's 8 The Pickled Pig 2
Pigs on the Wing 8 The Shack Attack 2
Pitside BBQ 8 Two K's Smokin 2
Pork & Dean's BBQ Team 8 While I Breathe I Smoke 2
Rock Chalk Jayhawk 8 Whiskey River Smokers 2
Rock River BBQ 8 Wild West BBQ 2
Second Line Smokin Krewe 8 Woodchicks BBQ 2
Set It & Forget It 8 Worley's Barbeque 2
Smoke'em Danno 8 Bad Bobs BBQ Inc 1
Smokin in Laws 8 Beaucoup Basters 1
Southern Style 8 Beer Belly BBQ 1
Sweat Hog 8 Big Bubba's Roadhouse BBQ 1
Team Danny 8 Big Rick's BBQ 1
The Church of Swinetology 8 Born to Grill 1
The Swine Herders 8 Bubba Joe's BBQ 1 8 Connoisseur's of Fine Swine 1
Three Beer Guts & a Longhorn 8 Cowboys & Harleys 1
Twist-n-Snout 8 Do You Q 1
Two Sows & a Boar 8 Flaming Hog BBQ 1
Will Deal Catering & BBQ 8 Flower of the Flame 1
Wonderful Walt's Magical BBQ 8 Floyd O's BBQ 1
Wylie Coyote 8 Hillbilly's Judd 1
Down Home BBQ 7 Hog Tide BBQ 1
Jack McDavids Down Home BBQ 7 Ivy Place Saucers 1
QU Smokin Krew 7 Jimmy Harold's Finest 1
Ribs 4 U 7 JT & the BBQ 3 1
Rick's Pit Stop 7 Overland Trail BBQ 1
Roughnecks BBQ 7 Rub It Til It Smokes 1
Smoke n the Rockies 7 Smoke Meisters 1
South Pork 7 Smokedelic 1
Adventure BBQ 6 Smokin Moose BBQ 1
Air Products 6 Smokus Pokus 1
Alabama Power 6 Susquehanna Blue Smoke 1
Apple Baron BBQ 6 The Frying Pan 1
B Man's BBQ 6 The Senator 1
Barbeque Crew 6
Barney Q 6
BBQ Butt Busters 6
BBqbyDan Index of Past BBQ Events & Write-ups >
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06 Jan 2015 12:33
