To subscribe to the Thead BBQ List, Follow the directions to subscribe to the BBQ List. You have a choice--regular or digest format. You can subscribe by email also: To get the DIGEST version of the BBQ List, send this line in the SUBJECT (not the body) of a message: SUBSCRIBE BBQ-DIGEST email to: bbq-request@listserv.azstarnet.com To get the regular version of the BBQ List, send this line in the SUBJECT (not the body) of a message: SUBSCRIBE BBQ email to: bbq-request@listserv.azstarnet.com
To unsubscribe to the Thead BBQ List Follow the directions to unsubscribe to the BBQ List. You can unsubscribe by email also: If you get one big message two or three times a day, send this line in the SUBJECT (not the body) of a message: UNSUBSCRIBE BBQ-DIGEST email to: bbq-request@listserv.azstarnet.com If you get many, many messages throughout the day, send this line in the SUBJECT (not the body) of a message: UNSUBSCRIBE BBQ email to: bbq-request@listserv.azstarnet.com To change from the regular to digest format or the other way around, you must first unsubscribe to the format you are currently receiving and then subscribe to the format you wish to receive.
Editor-- As with any newsgroup or mailing list, there are certain courtesies to which all subscribers should adhere. ------------------- [What does "Front Porch Rules" mean?] Rodney Leist-- The BBQ List is a loose-structured, tight-knit group of folks from all over the world who have adopted a casual 'front porch get-together' climate for discussions. If you've never participated in a front porch meeting before, here's the way it usually works. Generally, at the start, serious topics are discussed in depth and at length with many varying opinions, pro and con, thrown out for whatever they are worth. For us the topics involve what and how to barbecue (and all that goes with it). As time wears on, jokes and bull sessions are injected and other topics gradually creep into the discussions, displacing the primary topics. Some folks who are not interested in the off topic exchanges, may decide to take care of some other business for a while. Hopefully most of them gradually return. Occasional lulls in the conversation occur. Some folks get busy or stop to ponder, or maybe even sulk, then all of a sudden, the discussion fires back up to a "Del key" numbing pace before once again returning to issues focusing around the primary topic. The cycle continues into the wee hours of the night, again and again and again. Along the way, somehow we manage to talk a lot about barbecue. With any front porch gathering, there's always assorted types of folks from 'very verbal' to 'quiet and reserved', and so it is with the BBQ List. Some posters you like, some you respect, some you tolerate, some you wish would go away and some you hardly even know are there. The single most important thing gluing the front porch session together is that everybody stepping up on the porch is there because they have something in common and want to be there. Listening, learning, participating and tolerating who and what you don't like is what it's all about. These are the things that make the front porch meeting work. So, come on up and grab a chair.
2.5 Digest vs. individual messages The List is set up so subscribers have a choice of how they receive the BBQ List. If someone wants to participate regularly in the discussions, they can subscribe to the regular BBQ List and get individual email messages. If they would rather mainly lurk, and only follow-up occasionally, then the digest will keep their inbox clutter to a minimum. The BBQ List can be a busy place at times, with upwards of a 100 messages or more a day (or 4-5 digests a day). So if you subscribe to the regular List, be prepared for a whole lot of email. As some folks say: "Happiness is a full email inbox." You may change from regular to digest forms of the List easily, (or digest to regular)--see Sections 2.1 and 2.2 above for directions. -------------------2.6 Where can I find the BBQ List recipe archives? You can download the recipes in MasterCook format posted to the BBQ List through 1997 You can download the recipes in MasterCook format posted to the BBQ List after Jan 1,
1998 You can download all the recipes in this FAQ in MasterCook format 2.7 Are there other barbecue mailing lists? Yes. There is another mailing list called the 'Barbecue List' owned by Dave Lineback. It is dedicated to traditional barbecuing and grilling over wood fires. To subscribe, send an email message to:email to: in the body of the message put: subscribe barbecue There is also a digest format available for the Barbecue List. In the body of the message put: subscribe barbecue-digest -------------------2.8 Is there a newsgroup about barbecue? Yes. It is called: 'alt.food.barbecue' It is an open, unmoderated forum for all questions and comments related to barbecue and grilling. There is also an 'alt.food.barbeque' (spelling difference) newsgroup on some news servers that doesn't seem to have any traffic. -------------------2.9 How can I get updates and download different formats of this FAQ? You can download the latest copy of this FAQ in several formats Go to the next section BBQ FAQ Ver 1.0, 2.0 ©1997, 1998 William W. Wight. All rights reserved. |