25. Where do I buy this barbecue stuff? Some home smoker manufacturers:BBQ Pits by Klose (713) 686- 8720 (800) 487- 7487 Dave Klose Belson Manufacturing Co. in N. Aurora, IL. (630) 897- 0573 Big Green Egg ceramic smokers (404) 321- 4658 Brinkmann Corporation (800) 527- 0717 Char-Broil (800) 241- 8981 Hasty-Bake (800)- 4AN-OVEN JR Enterprises (800) 432- 8187 - Arkansas Lyfe Tyme in Uvalde, TX (210) 278- 7262 Meco (800) 346- 3256 New Braunfels Smoker Co. (800) 232- 3398 Oklahoma Joe's (405) 336- 3080 - Stillwater, OK Pitt's & Spitt's (800) 521- 2947 - Houston Smokaroma, Inc. (800) 331- 5556 Smokemaster (512) 345- 7563 - Austin, TX Southern Pride in Marion, IL. (800) 851- 8180 Weber (800) 999- 3237 Specialty Ovens: Traeger Industries (800) TRAEGER - makes a pellet burning oven Cookshack (800) 423- 0698 - a home-style electric oven using wood chunks for flavor. Stovetop Smoker: C.M. International - Cameron Model - (719) 390- 0505 Sausage Making Supplies: The Sausage Maker, Inc. (716) 875-0302 - Fax Barbecue Accessories: Outdoor Cooking Store, White Bear Lake, Minnesota, (800) 426- 6568 BBQ Pits by Klose sells many barbecue accessories and supplies, including quality
thermometers. They also sell lump charcoal, wood and other items for your barbecue smoker.
Talk to David Klose at (800) 487- 7487 The Barbecue Store - (888) 789- 0650 (toll free) Has many barbecue items for sale. Cunningham Gas Products sells Polder digital meat thermometers at a discount to BBQ List members. Call Greg or Art at (800) 833- 5998. Tell them you are a BBQ List subscriber. Sausage: Aidells Sausage Co. (800) 546- 5795 Usinger's Sausage - (800)-558- 9998- fine German sausages Spices and Barbecue Rubs: Bueno's Chile - Albuquerque. (505) 625- 9507 Chili & Spice Gourmet Foods (412) 343- 2213 Fax (412) 831-2542 Hatch Chili Express - Fresh chiles (505) 267- 3226 Head Country BBQ Rub (405) 762-1227. Hi-Co Western Products (602) 834- 0149 fax (602) 833- 1374 Master Chef PAUL KIRK: championship seasonings (913) 626- 6O29 Mo Hotta-Mo Betta -hot sauces, powders and dried chiles. (800) 462-3220 Web site: N'awlins Cajun & Creole Spices (800) 343- 4609 (504) 566- 0361 Old Southwest Trading Co.- Fresh chiles, powders, ristras Jeff: (505) 836- 0168 fax (505) 836-1682 Pendery's Spice Company-126 year old company.(800) 533-1870 (214) 741-1870 fax (214)
761-1966 Web page: Penzey's Ltd. Large selection of spices. (414) 679- 7207 fax (414) 679- 7878 Southwest Specialty Foods (800) 536- 3131 Spices, Etc.: (800) 827- 6373 Van's Spice Company, Baltimore, Md., (410) 583-1643 Willingham World Champion Bar-Be-Cue - Marinades, rubs and barbecue sauces (Memphis TN) (800) 737- 9426 Hoppin' John's (803) 577- 6404 Custom Grill Covers: Doris Conner (417) 442- 3543 Fax (417) 442- 3112 Wood for barbecuing: Try these two Web sites for firewood Silver Spur Firewood Company -- (817) 559-1326 Southern-Belle Company -- (888) 637-1615 Magazines: "On The Grill" 11063 Topeka Place, Cooper City, Fl 33026 Voice phone (954) 430- 0282 Fax (954)
430-3430 Books: David Spriggs Books by mail. Cooking books and other titles at 60% discount. Pig Out Publications (800) 877- 3119 fax (816) 531- 6113 Kansas City Barbecue Society (800) 963 - KCBS Go to the next section BBQ FAQ Ver 1.0, 2.0 ©1997, 1998 William W. Wight. All rights reserved. |