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Posted by Bill Wight at

KCBS 2004 Judging Procedures

2004 rule changes in bolded red

1.  Judging will be done by equal teams (6 persons) that are at least 16 years of age.

2.  Your sample will be judged by all members of a judging team.

3.  Each judge will rate the sample for APPEARANCE, TENDERNESS/TEXTURE and TASTE. The scoring system is from 9 (Excellent), 5(Average), to 2 (Bad). All numbers between two and nine may be used to score an entry. A score of one (1) is a disqualification and requires approval by a Contest Rep. The weighting factors for the point system are as follows:  APPEARANCE-- .5714;  TASTE--2.2858;  TENDERNESS/TEXTURE--1.1428.  The lowest score will be dropped but will be used to break ties.  If still tied, a random numerical search will be done by the computer to determine the winner.

4.  The low score will be thrown out.  Results will be tallied.  If there is a tie in one of the individual categories, it will be broken as follows by the computer:  The judging slips will be compared (counting all five judges) for the highest cumulative scores in TASTE, then TENDERNESS, then APPEARANCE.  If still tied, then the low score which was thrown out will be compared and the higher of the low scores will break the tie.  If still tied, then a computer generated coin toss will be used.

5.  Total points per entry will determine the Champion within each classification of meat.

6.  Cumulative points for all four (4) KCBS classifications will determine the Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion.  Other categories are permitted, but DO NOT COUNT TOWARDS Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion with the exception of the following contests:  Dodge City, KS;  BarbeQlossal;  Lamb-B-Que;  North Kansas City, MO;  Tyron, NC;  Kearney, MO or at the election of these organizers.

Instructions for submitting samples for Judging.

A.  Judging will start at 12:00 p.m. Saturday afternoon.  (This could vary at any contest.  See their instructions). 

B.  Judging will be done on a meat-by-meat basis in the following order.  (This could vary at any contest.  See their instructions).

Chicken 12:00
Pork Ribs (loin or spare) 12:30
Pork (shoulder / butt / picnic) 1:00
Brisket (beef) 1:30

C.  Turn in your sample on time, between five (5) minutes before to five (5) minutes after the posted time with no exception.

D.  Each contestant MUST submit at least six (6) separated identifiable portions of meat in a container.  Remember, APPEARANCE is one of the judging criteria.

E.  If you cover your meat with sauce, it will be judged that way.  If you submit it dry (no sauce), it will be judged that way.

F.  Garnish is limited to chopped, sliced, shredded or whole leaves of fresh green lettuce (no kale, endive, or red tipped lettuce) and/or common curly parsley, flat leaf parsley or cilantro