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   An Early history of the founding of the Southern California Barbecue Association (SCBBQA)


Originally written by Dan Cannon for the "From our Prez" column 

published in the February 2000 edition of the Smokin' Times Newsletter. 


At that time the logo of the SCBBQA was:




A History of the Association

Thought I would take a moment to introduce and THANK some of our original and current officers, and document a bit of the history of the SCBBQA.  I will start with the following people that have been a part of our organization since, or near the inception date, 16 January 1999, and how they helped create the SCBBQA.  After all, if it is not documented it might be forgotten or never known by newer members.

- Melanie Jones for spending so much of  her  time handling our books, new and current members (and all that involves), accounting and banking, new and current BBQ events all over California, advertising and sponsors, and the public affairs of the SCBBQA.  Without her enthusiasm and momentum in those areas we would not have had nearly the amount of good BBQ events, activities, comradely, and fun during the year.  Not to mention the amount of BBQ growth in California that I know we can directly attribute to Melanie.  You might be surprised at how many hours a day and how many days a week she lives and breaths SCBBQA and BBQ.  I bet her family knows!

- Gene Goycochea for registering and filing the SCBBQA internet name, permitting us to  have a guest web site on his personal computer equipment, having patience with our request for our website updates and changes, and overall making a very professional and informational web site for the SCBBQA.  Also, Gene took the time, many evenings on the phone with me, to coach and assist me, in learning about organizations, bylaws, and rules of order. 

- Tom Brohamer for spending all the time putting together a Newsletter  from scratch.  This had to be extra challenging and difficult due to the short period of time he was a member before he had the first issue on the streets.  And believe me those 30 day periods between issues come quickly when one has a publishing deadline to meet (I   hope I get this to Tom soon).  Tom joined the SCBBQA the first weekend of June, 1999, just after the Shake, Rattle 'n Smoke Cook-off at Follows Camp (he took 1st in Tri-Tip).    

- Steve Clark for having a kind, warm, and trusting nature along with a passion for  BBQ.  Steve personally conceived of and put in place the foundation and structure for our Q-Fests as  we know them.  Steve organized our first, of several, Q-Fests.  The first occurring on October 16,17 & 18, 1998, followed by our second, February 19, 20 & 21, 1999.  We were very lucky, always had nice weather.  Been having them since about every other month when we are not having BBQ Cook-Offs.  Now Steve can take a moment to relax and instead execute his new responsibilities and duties as Vice President.  Passing  the Q-Fest baton on to others that volunteer, or  are voted into a position, to keep the tradition going and help out in that key area. 

I also wanted to mention the original BBQ enthusiast that decided  to trek out and  meet January  16th, 1999, at Follows Camp, to have lunch, and create the concept and organization now known as the SCBBQA.  The rest is now history, as they say!

Gene Goycochea Out Of This World BBQ
George Baroody Pork Belly Bandits
Gary Tackett Tackett's Portable Cajun
Steve Clark Riverside Prime Cuts
Gary Maines Riverside Prime Cuts
Mike Moore (Texas Mike) Texas Mike's Roadkill
Mike Guinaugh (Little Mike) Texas Mike's Roadkill
Melanie Jones BBQ Event Coordinator
Kathy Murphy Ranch Hands Incorporated
Dan Cannon Coyote Road Kill
Hayward Harris Rare Breed
Eva Harris Rare Breed

I  felt  the  need  to talk about the evolution of the SCBBQA so that somewhere in  print the history of our organization might be documented allowing current and  future members an opportunity to understand a bit of how we originated.  All the members have played a part in growing our organization, so many that it is hard to mention  them all  in this  note.

During the first voting type meeting Melanie Jones was voted in as President. I was voted in as Secretary / Treasurer.  Due to other responsibilities and interest Melanie and I swapped positions on a temporary basis.  A few months later the membership confirmed those positions as permanent for the first year.  Tom Brohamer volunteered to take on the responsibilities of the Newsletter mid summer.  Then was seated by the board as Newsletter Editor during the month of August.

During the 2nd annual election, November 6th, 1999, the membership voted in myself as President, Melanie Jones as Secretary / Treasurer, Tom Brohamer as Newsletter Editor, Steve Clark as Vice President, and Smokin' Joe O'Connell as Vice President.

Dan Cannon, President, SCBBQA  (the day this was originally written).

Folks attending the first meetings

meeting.jpg (52207 bytes) group1.jpg (52639 bytes)
Gene Goycohea, Dan & Barbara Cannon, Melanie Jones, Steve Clark., Gary Tackett Dan & Barbara Cannon., Eva Harris, Kathy Murphy, Melanie Jones, Gary Tackett, Don Iverson's sister, Gene Goycohea, Steve Clark, Don Iverson, Hayward Harris


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